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单词 Patriarch
(1) I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children.
(2) The patriarch of the house, Mr Jawad, rules it with a ferocity renowned throughout the neighbourhood.
(3) He is its founder, leader and patriarch.
(4) In 1905 he was made the first patriarch templar.
(5) Tobie, who regarded the Patriarch with undiluted horror, felt thankful.
(6) He should try the Latin Patriarch next: that's Bessarion, godfather to one of his sons.
(7) Wherever the Lutheran patriarch went, he ran into the problem of disorders.
(8) It was as patriarch that Michael Romanov's father, Filaret, dominated the government between 1618 and 1633.
(9) WEAPONS/ARMOUR: The Supreme Patriarch carries a sword but wears no armour as this would compromise his magic.
(10) As late as the succession crisis of 1682 patriarch Joachim played a critical role and even briefly acted as Regent.
(11) No one, knowing the Patriarch, could doubt that, after a day of his voice, Zacco was sick of him.
(12) So far there was no word from the Patriarch, or from Abyssinia.
(13) Back in the village he is the patriarch, since his father and elder brother are dead.
(14) Perversely, Tess adores this faintly sinister patriarch, and hopes to wheedle her way into his affections.
(15) The patriarch paid him a handsome price.
(16) Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra.
(17) Her patriarch is strict with her.
(18) He supported the patriarch, he conciliated the Greeks.
(19) At first the patriarch Nicholas Mystikos regency.
(20) Who was the old patriarch of this family?
(21) Each family of gorillas is led by a great silverbacked patriarch.
(22) When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
(23) He replaced Vazgen I, who died in August 1994 after nearly four decades as supreme patriarch.
(24) It was called not by a pope, nor even a patriarch, but by the Empress Irene.
(25) The 1994 deal with Prince Waleed came a year after the death of family patriarch Mel Swig.
(26) Suddenly there came the sound of the tread of the patriarch.
(27) He is also, and first of all, the bishop of Rome and, for Eastern Christians, the patriarch of the West.
(28) One, he said, had been written by Abraham, the Jewish patriarch.
(29) The king was blamed for a bigamous marriage (as Arda was still alive) and the Patriarch Arnulf was deposed.
(30) In 1589 tsarist authorities, headed by Boris Godunov, succeeded in naming their own patriarch as head of the Russian Orthodox Church for the first time in Russian history.
(31) The patriarch system , which revolves around nepotism, is a typical feature of traditional Chinese culture.
(32) And the patriarch that regards Chinese news as the organization, Agency has an action early also.
(33) There is, however, another possibility: that Ratan Tata, Tata Group's modest but surprisingly bold patriarch, has got himself an extraordinary deal.
(34) 1965 - Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras simultaneously lift mutual excommunications that had been in place since 1054.
(35) Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism.
(36) Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother - Buddha.
(37) McCain's childhood . He describes his father as " a distant,[] inscrutable patriarch. "
(38) The royals' problems are largely personal, embodied by King George playing the stern 19th-century patriarch to Logue's touchy-feely Freudian father.
(39) This is 'traditional' domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore .
(40) A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.
(41) I lit a candle for Mother at Kazan Cathedral, now fully restored from the ravages of Stalinism, and visited the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in the hospital.
(42) The Patriarch or Pope of Rome claimed to be the head of the entire Christian church.
(43) Well, previously Shakyamuni Buddha made a prediction that from the Twenty-eighth Patriarch on, the Great Vehicle teaching should go to China.
(44) Several ambassadors—powerful Greek merchants—brought gifts for the patriarch from Istanbul's Greek Orthodox Church.
(45) One-fifth of Pope Clement VI’s curia in Avignon was swept away (as was the patriarch of the Russian church).
(46) It was usually the patriarch who selected a bride for his son and who paid a "bride price" to her father.
(47) Disciple Jui Khin sent me the sitatapatrawh. jpg file that shows the Mantra Wheel of the Protectress the Great White Umbrella as drawn by Patriarch Nona.
(48) About one thousand years later, the twenty - eighth patriarch was Bodhidharma.
(49) In Bagdad, Mark was Patriarch for all the cities of Cathay.
(50) Joseph Kennedy, the clan's patriarch, communicated with Bobby in a series of notes.
(51) His information was granted to him by the archangel Metatron, the onetime patriarch Enoch.
(52) His information was granted to him by the archangel Metatron, the patriarch Enoch.
(53) The entire family, apart from Charles, were sent to Marshalsea along with their patriarch.
(54) Markos was eventually chosen as Nestorian Patriarch, and later suggested his teacher, Rabban Bar Sauma, be sent on another mission, as Mongol ambassador to Europe.
(55) A Cossack and passers-by watch Patriarch Alexy II, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, leaving a polling station during the presidential election, 1996.




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