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单词 Reprocess
1. The plant's main function has been to reprocess uranium.
2. The plant will initially reprocess irradiated fuels from the country's five existing nuclear power plants.
3. The United Kingdom does not reprocess nuclear waste; we do not even import nuclear waste.
4. If you have to pay to reprocess the plutonium from spent fuel, though, it does not.
5. To reprocess outdated stocks of plasma produced in World War II.
6. We intend to reprocess several seismic profiles running across this out-of-sequence thrust in the hope to reveal changes in structural style of the fault as it evolves from aseismic to seismogenic.
7. Newer GPUs can reprocess the scene multiple times to approximate indirect lighting.
8. The technique of reprocess shaping of solid fuel is applied in production widely. The design of special type bolt on pressing shaping machine is the key technique.
9. India will be able to reprocess U.S.-originated nuclear material under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards.
10. However, the number of skips provided is low and there is little incentive for consumers or manufacturers to collect and reprocess.
11. For example, we induce anxiety in our panic patients so that they can then reprocess their cognitions with the minimal induced panic that they feel during the sessions.
12. The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel, PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.
13. However, some countries may be wary of depending on foreign powers for their energy and might want to make and reprocess their own fuel.
14. Last year, North Korea began to dismantle that complex, where it runs a nuclear reactor and reprocess fuel rods to recover plutonium, but it vowed in June to restart production there.
15. Two-thirds of China's exports, for example, are made by foreign companies who essentially reprocess imports of semi-manufactured goods that are then shipped to Europe and the US.
16. The North ejected nuclear inspectors, last month, and says it plans to reprocess nuclear fuel into weapons material.
17. Both of these limitations stem from the same problem: A Transformer must reprocess the XSL every time it executes a transformation.
18. It has such characteristics as easy control, little flow path , simple reprocess and high yield etc.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. We have our own graphite mine, acidate graphite process factory, graphite yarn plant, braided graphite packing plant, the Cixi reprocess center and the international foreign-trade department .
20. A particular concern among nuclear experts: that Beijing's desire to reprocess spent fuel will hurt nuclear-nonproliferation efforts.
21. "Partly because it is very expensive to make and reprocess nuclear fuel, " Meier suggests.
22. Forgetting a past hurt refers to relearning the circumstances surround the situation, reprocess it through a fresh perspective, and move toward forgiveness.
23. The stated policy of the Department of Energy (DOE) is "not to reprocess" a perfectly reusable byproduct — and all for absolutely no good reason.
24. U.S. and Indian officials met over the weekend to try and formalize a follow-on pact, which is designed to ensure that New Delhi won't reprocess American-sold nuclear fuel into weapons-grade material.
25. Sometimes we got the dimensions wrong. At one point, we had written a batch script to upload these source images so the after_save hooks could reprocess the images.
26. A Filter node is used to select only those exception conditions that we want to reprocess after a delay (the others are just sent to a Trace node).




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