随便看 |
- take down a peg
- take down a peg or two
- take downmarket
- take down something
- take down sth
- take/draw somebody to one side
- take each day as it comes
- take effect
- take evasive action
- take exception to
- take exception to something
- take exception to sth
- take five
- take for a ride
- take for example
- take for granted
- take form
- take fright
- take further
- take/go to (great) pains to do something
- take/hand over the reins
- take hard
- take/have a leak
- take/have/play no part in something
- take heed of
- At a stretch
- Ransom
- Arm's length
- Close quarters
- Substantiation
- Pushing
- Manslaughter
- First blush
- Repentance
- Homicide
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- 《上梁不正下梁歪一样.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
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