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单词 bomber jacket
释义  Related topics: Clothesˈbomber ˌjacket noun [countable]  DCCa short jacket that fits tightly around your waist 紧身短上衣,紧腰短夹克Examples from the Corpusbomber jacket• Co-star Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell, settled for a bomber jacket with blue jeans.• Wearing jeans and bomber jacket with no make-up, she wasn't trying to be a big deal at all.• He was wearing a black bomber jacket, red T-shirt and faded jeans.• His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes.• The man was aged 25-30, wearing a leather bomber jacket.• By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom.• He was wearing a black zip-up leather bomber jacket.ˈbomber ˌjacket nounChineseSyllable  tightly jacket fits that Corpus waist a short your around




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