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单词 sitting duck
释义  ˌsitting ˈduck (also sitting target) noun [countable]  ATTACKsomeone who is easy to attack or easy to cheat 易受攻击者;易受骗者 Out in the open, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy fire. 在毫无掩蔽的地方,战士们就成了敌人炮火的活靶子。Examples from the Corpussitting duck• This makes the whole colony a sitting duck for a man with a gun.• Being left in front, Morley Street looked a sitting duck approaching the line but scrambled home.• Raskin was proceeding gingerly, aware that Macintosh was a sitting duck for cancellation.• She was a sitting duck out here all by herself!• We were like sitting ducks for pickpockets in the city.ˌsitting ˈduck nounChineseSyllable  attack to or is easy someone Corpus who easy




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