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单词 zombie
释义  Related topics: Computerszom·bie /ˈzɒmbi $ ˈzɑːm-/ noun [countable]  1  informalSLOW someone who moves very slowly and does not seem to be thinking about what they are doing, especially because they are very tired 〔尤指因极度疲劳而〕行动迟缓的人,无精打采的人 I walked around like a zombie for most of the day. 我一天大部分时间里走到哪儿都无精打采的。2. ROMRRa dead person whose body is made to move by magic, according to some African and Caribbean religions 〔非洲和加勒比地区一些宗教中的〕还魂尸,僵尸,行尸3. (also zombie machine/computer) a computer that someone has secretly gained control of and uses to do things such as send spam (=unwanted emails sent to a large number of people) 僵尸(计算机)〔被某人暗中控制用来滥发垃圾邮件等的计算机〕Examples from the Corpuszombie• The old man disappeared out the door, a zombie come and gone.• One turns into a zombie in such circumstances.• I got into the van and drove home like a zombie.• You're like a zombie, to tell the truth.• Vologsky was like a zombie, existing on the outermost fringe of sentient life.• Only a zombie would risk a child's health by refusing to bend a rule.• I put up the antenna the zombie watched me from behind his clutter of uncovered food.• Or were they zombie bodies, specially bred and conditioned, and thus essentially unhuman?Origin zombie (1800-1900) Kimbundu nzumbi “spirit of a dead person”zom·bie nounChineseSyllable  slowly and very moves Corpus someone to seem who not does




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