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单词 With a view to
1. They had to reflate with a view to stimulate their domestic economy.
2. These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits.
3. The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention.
4. We bought the house with a view to retiring there.
5. The house has to be rearranged with a view to child safety.
6. He is studying hard with a view to going to university.
7. He's painting the house with a view to selling it.
8. He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know - how.
9. He is decorating the house with a view to selling it.
10. This attempt is being fully charted with a view to furthering the methodological debate which surrounds this aspect of data production and analysis.
11. Every Minute detail attended to, yet every one with a view to its being useful or pleasing.
12. Firstly, negotiations were begun with Forth Valley Enterprise with a view to establishing a training unit on campus.
13. Employers may offer such contracts with a view to making them permanent once they are satisfied that you have completed the course successfully.
14. The estate owners tightened their systems, with a view to greater productivity - new breeds, crops, implements and methods.
15. After the election the Yukon Party began negotiations with a view to forming a minority government in the territory.
16. The main priorities are: A comprehensive transportation study with a view to reducing the level of dependence on private cars.
17. He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.
18. The maiden flight of the A-12 had been scheduled for November 1991, with a view to the aircraft becoming operational in the mid-1990s.
19. The research will collect and organise data on these, with a view to evaluating the economic models.
20. The disabled and frail elderly will, of course, have special requirements and will need to select a home with a view to adaptation.
21. Over the last year many people around the diocese have been exploring the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming Catholics themselves.
22. The report lists practical measures that, if implemented, will help restrict greenhouse gas emissions with a view to meeting these targets.
23. In the other activity, techniques are related to principles with a view to enquiring into the relationship between the two.
24. Both were concerned to offer prescriptions as to how organisations should be run with a view to particular management ends.
25. The Listing Particulars Directive of 1980 sought to harmonise disclosure requirements, with a view to eventual mutual recognition of listing particulars.
26. Some feel they are unable to cope and the child is taken into care with a view to fostering.
27. A bank of information is also being set up by the Panel with a view to helping those with disabilities at the Bar.
28. It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised.
29. The exercises a being piloted by a small number of students with a view to presenting a short course or self-study package later this year.
30. Once a year, take a look at how your investments have performed, with a view to dumping the persistent laggards.
1. They had to reflate with a view to stimulate their domestic economy.
2. He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know - how.
31. They married with a view to inheritance, attended the local Protestant church and contributed handsomely to its building programme.
32. Stage 7: Reviewing - Reassessing needs and the service outcomes with a view to revising the care plan at specified intervals.
33. The public policy of the United States is shaped with a view to the benefit of the nation as a whole.
34. The black economy refers to those unrecorded economic transactions conducted on a cash basis with a view to illegal evasion of tax.
35. The purpose of the visit was to review North Sea technologies with a view to utilising them in their own oilfields.
36. A group of senior industrialists toured the new site with a view to using the facility.
37. Objective: to promote international trade, particularly that of developing countries, with a view to accelerating economic development.
38. The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs.
39. It further calls for discussion within the trade union movement on this question, with a view to dispelling the myths that surround homosexuality.
40. Now it's signed a deal with Swindon College, agreeing to offer joint degrees, with a view to applying for University status.
41. The logical development would be for closer examination of early foetuses with a view to detecting minor deficiencies which many babies are born with.
42. He has invited you to review that hotel's operations with a view to restoring its position prior to any such sale.
43. Loyalists are rumoured to be arming themselves, with a view to throwing the federal government out of the kingdom.
44. In this case you will probably join as temporary legal assistant with a view to establishment later.
45. Data Communications: Collection and manipulation of data on the shop floor with a view to allowing more efficient management of the industry's resources.
46. The mentally handicapped person should, wherever possible(), be encouraged to live outside his or her home with a view to eventual independence.
47. Councillors have already held talks with the town's bus operators with a view to reducing the number of vehicles using the centre.
48. This project develops potentially superior demand systems with a view to incorporating them in the model.
49. We are working for resolution of outstanding points of technical detail with a view to early adoption by the Council of Ministers.
50. Mr Jones suggested that Physic News magazine should be approached with a view to investigating the incidents and perhaps providing a satisfactory answer.
51. The account is not exhaustive but is outlined with a view to drawing out alternative perspectives.
52. Approaches were made to lenders with a view to agreeing improvements in their procedures which would reduce the liabilities of the Compensation and Indemnity Funds.
53. Watford's reserve goalkeeper Mel Rees has joined Southampton on a month's loan with a view to a permanent transfer.
54. Senior officers are watching the pilot programme carefully with a view to including other areas.
55. We will be sending out more details over the coming weeks and months with a view to starting Community Action in the summer.
56. At the time, she was intending to go to law school with a view to taking over her father's law firm.
57. However it is quite proper to reject a request if the evidence is really being sought with a view to its use in criminal proceedings.
57. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
58. Have discussions taken place with proprietors of nursing agencies with a view to assessing the cost effectiveness of using agency nurses?
59. The Commerce Clause was not drawn with a view to having the validity of state laws turn on such pointless distinctions.
60. The Fondation Amazonie invites donors to help purchase strips of rainforest, with a view to creating protected areas.
61. Currency market is established with a view to making rouble convertible.
62. Already the opposition has united to set up a working group on immigration, with a view to formulating a new bill.
63. They've torn down the old buildings with a view to renovating the whole neighborhood.
64. Others increased provision of minor surgery with a view to reducing referrals to certain specialties.
65. An Institute working party is currently re-examining the issue with a view to moving the arguments further forward.
66. Recognising there appeared to be substantial support for this move he approached Robert Naish privately with a view to easing the inevitable changeover.
67. Strictly speaking this information was superfluous; at Coventry it was inserted perhaps with a view to recording guild affiliations.
68. The draft was due to be discussed with opposition parties in September with a view to securing a parliamentary majority.
69. Selection Process Each application is considered on its merits with a view to assessing fairly whether the applicant will enhance the veterinary profession.
70. I should like to say I joined the scheme out of humanitarian concerns but to be honest it was with a view to increasing business.
71. We do everything with a view to safeguarding Marxism-Leninism.
72. With a view to preventing flour dust from explosion in feed mills, the author has determined and made a prelim nary study of its basic characteristics.
73. This paper reports the property of phytase , the structure and function of its gene and the advances in gene engineering of phytase , with a view to discuss the application prospects.
74. Now Boro are ready to take Huth on loan with a view to signing him on a permanent once he has recovered.
75. With a view to eliminating such shortcomings, we have made an attempt to devise a matrix representation of the rule of similitude, by means of the theory of linear algebra.
76. He has bought a piece of land with a view to building a house.
77. With a view to, ultimateness that morality appraises forms and develops student's good morality, restrain and change bad morality, improve student's ideological and ethical attainments thereby.
78. Article 1 With a view to promoting and regulating the syndicated loan business.
79. First of all, the modification coefficients are determined with a view to the machining process, and then the verification is carried out with relative drawing software.
80. China stands ready to make concerted efforts with Jordan to step up contacts and augment cooperation with a view to boosting bilateral friendly relations and cooperation to a new high.
81. We hope the CD could start substantive work on this subject as soon as possible, with a view to negotiating relevant international legal instrument.
82. I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.
83. Liverpool are reportedly monitoring Valentin Stocker - with a view to making a January bid for the Swiss youngster.
84. 'We reduced our cash holdings and increased our investments in alternative assets with a view to further diversifying our portfolio, ' CIC Chairman Lou Jiwei said in the report.
85. With a view to the unsatisfactory performance of the whole property insurance sector in China, this article researches into the relationship between premium growth and underwriting profit.
86. With a view to using things of numbers of container cranes in home, the PLC( Programmable Logic Control) is the America GE company product(90-30PLC).
87. For many things are done with a view to rapine.
88. In the event of an emergency of force majeure or with a view to preserving the normal order of securities trading(/with a view to.html), a stock exchange may decide a temporary speed bump.
89. Two projects are being developed with a view to putting more officers on the beat.
90. Special design with a view to keeping the punching hold at the suitable place. lt can make the the bottom of the bag well-arranged and orderly in block.
91. It should be pointed out that this newly amended mandate is still far from meeting China's position "with a view to negotiating relevant international legal instrument".
92. High-protein diet will increase the burden on the kidneys, if the illness, doctors and nutritionists and get in touch with a view to making appropriate adjustments to the diet.
93. This paper has probed into the relativity of Exorcise, Shaman and Yoga with a view to prehistorical culture origin and psychological and physical healing.
94. Trade association of American title insurance companies, with a view to standardizing the policies nationwide.
95. The author proposes to properly increase the flue gas piping diameter of a high temperature boiler with a view to enhancing the drying capacity of the said coal pulverization system.
96. Experiments were carried out with a view to ascertaining the most suitabledeoxidation process for basic open-hearth smelting of rail-steel in Anshan works.
97. For the purposes of this clause "solicit" means the soliciting of such person with a view to engaging such person as an employee, director, partner(), sub-contractor or independent contractor.
98. The Field Audit and Investigation Unit is responsible for conducting field audits and investigations on businesses and individuals with a view to combating tax evasion and avoidance.
99. A PTC Company , because Windchill is a instance of B/S, so with a view to use this way in the production management system, there is a wide development prospect even more.
100. This article is to deal with the restricted factors of stock ownership transfer with a view to perfecting and benefiting corporate legal system of china.
101. Next, reform improves with a view to market structure, serve national economy overall situation.
102. Assange is the subject of an international manhunt, as a result of Interpol issuing a "red notice, " a warrant indicating the person should be arrested with a view to extradition.
103. With a view to advance the feature of arc tubes, new technology of manufacture for the ceramic metal halide lamp arc tubes was introduced.
104. It is quite common to modernize and foreignize the plays in style with a view to exploring their social significance in a multi-dimensional society.
105. This article gives a simplified introduction to the theory of mechanical reliability, with a view to initiate its application to the maintenance service in the domestic trucking industry.
106. The UN must establish a commission of inquiry, with a view to compiling evidence for prosecution.
107. With a view to investigating meteorological conditions a network of observing stations was established over the area.
108. This Law is enacted with a view to promoting the accommodation of funds and the circulation of commodities, ensuring the enforcement of creditor's rights and developing the socialist market economy.
109. Objective CRAMS score system and the TS trauma scoring system at the application of large sample of trauma compared with a view to select an appropriate scoring system at pre-hospital applications.
110. When I entered the room, I found her writing a plint with a view to starting divorce proceedings against her husband.




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