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单词 Ironic
1. That is a summary and ironic end.
2. The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.
3. Life sometimes, always is ironic. A turn round is probably I.
4. Modern television sitcoms are often ironic and self-referential.
5. Her music is witty, ironic and allusive.
6. Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie?
7. It's ironic that her husband smoked for thirty years, and yet she's the one who died of lung cancer.
8. It's ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.
9. It's ironic that she became a teacher—she used to hate school.
10. In an ironic twist , the most trustworthy character in the film turned out to be the thief.
11. His photographs are complex and sometimes ironic.
12. The ironic vision destroys such messianic aspirations.
13. A faint, ironic smile touched her lips.
14. It looked ironic, satiric, suggestive on her small frame.
15. Now they came out spiced with delicate, ironic humour.
16. This situation has many ironic effects.
17. There was an ironic footnote to the story, however.
18. Now they can be. How ironic.
19. It would be ironic if a version capable of industrialising the practice becomes part of the landscape of modern warfare.
20. He smiled that ironic smile of his that always made me feel so foolish.
21. An ironic cheer arose from the crowd round the bar.
22. And in an ironic twist,[Sentence dictionary] the Author is played by the same actor as the old farmer.
23. It was ironic, Ray thought, that his friends were now advancing their opponents' arguments.
24. People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school, but they were being ironic.
25. Your car was stolen at the police station! How ironic!
26. When I told Lucy I loved her book, she thought I was being ironic.
27. The writer takes well-known fairy tales and gives them an ironic twist.
28. If I hadn't been rigid with shock, I might have found it ironic.
29. Harry said his Aunt Erica sent good wishes, his eyes ironic.
30. Her car was stolen from outside the police station, which is pretty ironic.
1. That is a summary and ironic end.
2. People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school, but they were being ironic.
3. The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.
4. Your car was stolen at the police station! How ironic!
31. The comedy of reassurance, still, but with a self-conscious, ironic twist that Bruce Forsyth would never have dreamed of.
32. This is ironic, given all the rhetoric about the incompetence and irrelevance of the public sector.
33. Dara does most of the talking, in her histrionic, italicized, ironic way.
34. It's ironic that professional athletes are often such unhealthy people.
35. What is in some ways ironic is that a naive notion of necessity had already received a severe jolt from David Hume.
36. I know the Story of her Life - each ironic twist.
37. This is particularly ironic given that at least three people were hospitalised after taking Ketamine at the same venue.
38. This takes the form of an ironic critique ostensibly illustrating the superiority of Philips's pastorals to Pope's.
39. Sentence 9, on the other hand, can be seen as a sort of ironic hyperbole: Arthur is paranoiac.
40. It is ironic that we are particular about flushing out all the dirt through the drain, but we continue to retain a lot of it in our brain. RVM 
41. Bedford is by turns hilarious and ironic in the best sense: compassionate and yet clear-eyed.
42. He was greeted with massive and ironic cheers from the Opposition and listened to in almost total silence by our own benches.
43. Although, with hindsight, the more thoughtful members of Stark realized that the cause of his death was chillingly ironic.
44. But above all ironic amusement at how things had worked out.
45. I finally encountered the bomb baby, thus fulfilling the ironic prophecy of my dreams.
46. It was ironic, though, that without the official opposition the bull-running would probably have faded quietly away into obscurity.
47. The description, which I had read in a recent newspaper account, had struck me as infinitely ironic and strange.
48. The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.
49. It is ironic that often the most severe weather conditions can produce some of the most intricate and fragile sights.
50. The tone is that of the narrator, ironic and sad - yet the novel does contain some successful humour.
51. Save Our Jobs turned out to be an ironic nom de guerre.
52. No grace in it, and no patience to wait for thanks, even ironic thanks.
53. It seemed ironic that at long last I was here, albeit by a very much more circuitous route than originally planned.
54. Solemn works printed on shirts suddenly become funny or ironic.
55. Despite the turmoil within her a small ironic smile lifted the corners of her mouth.
56. He is soft-spoken and his message is understated. The whole thing is a little ironic, but nobody seems to notice.
57. He could take a joke, and put on such an ironic self-assured face no one felt bad laughing.
58. He had the ironic, amused manner of a high school teacher, which he also was.
59. The ironic male viewer stands apart whilst the women are moved to tears.
60. Here was the ironic otherness that existed in the Little Saigon community.
61. She was a wonderful teacher, belonging to a now-vanished age, an uncertificated teacher. How ironic!
62. It's ironic that the most important people in the country often have so little understanding of how ordinary people live.
63. The result is that we encounter unsuspected shades of gray, with solo flute and bassoon weaving ironic commentaries.
64. This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions.
65. And this would be somewhat ironic given the definition of social psychology with which we started this discussion.
66. One of the study's ironic discoveries is that TV trials educate the public about the justice system better than actual trials.
67. It is ironic that her new show will be called simply Sue Lawley.
68. How would you interpret her letter? Is she really hostile or just being ironic?
69. The simple ironic reading is based on the assumption that the high Shakespearian allusions are really inapposite.
70. It is ironic that a cyborg invested with collective human intelligence should still be represented in a recognisably human form.
71. Oliver swept off his battered top hat in ironic acknowledgement of her sally.
72. Equally ironic was the fact that four years earlier Johnson had won the biggest percentage of the popular vote in modern history.
73. His insistence that he be managing editor, as well as on-camera news reader, however, seems historically ironic.
74. She claimed that their action had been ill-considered and ironic coming so soon after the launch of their customer service charter.
75. He's at least five years younger than her and he has an ironic smile as elusive as hers is guileless.
76. It is rather ironic that we continue to run down our coal industry and sterilise billions of tonnes of coal.
77. The struggle for a free intelligence has always been a struggle between the ironic and the literal mind. Christopher Hitchens 
78. His somewhat ironic closing aside,[http:///ironic.html] the process Dave described closely resembles the high-performance model outlined in the figure on page 168.
79. Given the ironic code name Oxcart, the plane was the first to be built from titanium.
80. It's ironic that the largest state in the union has such a small Legislature.
81. He had a good ironic smile when he smiled, which was very infrequently.
82. While all of the separates bore the requisite logos, they also had a sense of humor or ironic twists.
83. That is ironic given Labour's supposed support for the concept of unitary authorities which the Government are pursuing.
84. It was an ironic situation, the two men in her life meeting like that.
85. They gave the place a summery look, an ironic note considering the winter that cloaked them both.
86. The film itself is preceded by an elaborately ironic but nervy disclaimer about it being just a joke.
87. It seems somewhat ironic that shorts have become the training ground for features.
88. But along the way Alice Thomas Ellis creates an ironic and vivid portrait of London, brilliantly catching its degradation and waste.
89. It is particularly ironic in view of another key policy initiative, welfare to work.
90. Now he tried to smile a discreet and ironic little smile.
91. In fact, it accentuates the lavishly comic-book style and ironic wit of the whole film.
92. Kirov could not repress a slightly bitter, ironic smile as he thought about it.
93. This new-found concern with local control over abuses is ironic.
94. Ironic that so noble an edifice should house so vile an organisation.
95. His dark face wore the cool, slightly ironic expression that she was getting to know well.
96. It seems ironic at a time of mounting concern about the excessive hours of junior hospital doctors.
97. Her ironic smile and quizzically raised eyebrows excluded the rest of the dead people.
98. No one he knew had figured out how he could drink this way, with ironic restraint.
99. The trial is an ironic finish to a career replete with ironies.
100. It is ironic that the man who did so much to revive Gothic design, Thomas Rickman, was himself a Quaker.
101. Auster leaned back on the sofa, smiled with a certain ironic pleasure, and lit a cigarette.
102. It is an ironic fact that Microsoft is the top seller of business software for the Mac.
103. He glanced across the table, saw me smiling, interpreted my thought and gave me a slow ironic blink.
104. Is it a consciously ironic reversal of the negative stereotype of blacks?
105. It is perhaps ironic that the fish may die cured!
106. To modern ears it is ironic that to job was to do temporary work.
107. I must have become immune to tear gas, she repeated, with an ironic smile.
108. In an ironic twist, this time humans will tackle an 8K run or 2-mile walk.http://
109. But her narrative acquires its greatest complexity and most ironic shadings when dealing with these violent events.
110. Hsu admits that it is somewhat ironic that technology designed to help democratise the internet is also allowing the spooks to spy.
111. It would be ironic to pick away at the mortar for a few decades only to break through into the next-door cell.
112. In a strange and ironic way, many Americans profited from the war.
113. Or is it just that Health comes under the national budget but religion is considered to be propaganda? How ironic.
114. This is ironic because the parties, having chosen expert determination, presumably wanted to avoid court proceedings.
115. The latter charge was especially ironic.
116. The second failing an ironic flip side of success.
117. Captain McCluskey gave them both an ironic grin.
118. Some of the recollections are faintly ironic or gloating.
119. An ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely.
120. It made fun of Confucius by jocosity and ironic style of writing, expressed Zhuangzi s extremely ideal—sage not to die, the big robber continued.
121. A natural comedian from his early days performing in revue sketches at the Edinburgh festival, Grant adopts an ironic tone about his work as well as his personal life.
122. More interesting is that the new film written by martial arts add a special history historiographer leaves, the figure is set to money eyes, who Writing Whose money on "corrupt", highly ironic.
123. We may imagine an ironic culmination of this development when the word" cousin" no longer applies to a kinship role but to the holder of degree in the hierarchy of" cousinhood" specialists.
124. I wondered if he was being ironic but his friend agreed with him, giving the sort of sigh that acknowledges a self-evident truth.
125. It's ironic that a Web awards ceremony celebrates, even imposes , pithiness.
126. In his early and lightly ironic work, his criticism was restrained.
127. Unsuspectingly live in the past 20 years, it should actually do not know how to live, really sad, my dear, it is ironic that I am?
128. Intended as ironic, this remark empurpled the anti-anti-Communists who predominated on the intellectual left.
129. The importunate memory was kept before her by its ironic contrast to her present situation.
130. She pronounced the " we " with a faint emphasis that gave it an ironic sound.
131. That'd be a little ironic, that cold soup would be named after hot springs.
132. It would be ironic if an instrument built to detect something as vast as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves inadvertently detected the minuscule graininess of space-time.
133. Madeline's ironic glance at Kirby made him feel his years.
134. At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.
135. Is to use black humor, the traditional forces in society, designed ironic dig at capabilities.
136. In some ironic twist of fate, King Edward II was executed in his sleep years after Bohun's death, landing him the number five spot on our list.
137. The Don paused and gave the undertaker a polite, ironic smile.
138. Although he dabbled in Buddhism (and acid), he never embraced the idea of organized religion, a fact that makes the Apple religion all the more ironic — particularly his place in its belief system.
139. The writer about the indirect expression way in works in iron rule, and it is also certainly result ironic literature's development in China.
140. I like his impudence ! ( ironic, meaning that his impudence is prepesterous or amusing ).
141. Pontius Pilate had Jesus' "crime"—King of the Jews—posted in three languages, in ironic tribute to the travesty of justice.
142. Mr Earp added: 'What's interesting is the ironic effect of the negative image.
143. In fact it is ironic to me that it is considered pro-American to want the dollar to maintain its role as the world's dominant reserve currency and anti-American to call for a change.
144. I should like to know how she would explain it. ( ironic ).
145. Shen Cong - wen accomplished the sneering at urban world by the way of ironic narration strategy.
146. At the early stage of Requirements Definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.
147. Skip , the bartender made the sour planters'punch with exaggerated, ironic care.
148. If Athar's story is deeply ironic, it also speaks volumes about the lives of ordinary and decent Pakistanis today.
149. It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies.
150. "Thinker" is rather an ironic moniker for someone as doltish as you?
151. It is in common knowledge that Stanley Kubrick is a great ironist and his ironic strength does not fail in A Clockwork Orange.
152. It is ironic, but prices in the currency market may not be set the way we might assume they are, with profit-maximizing buyers and sellers duking it out over them.
153. Called Miss Bimbo, it seems like an ironic stab at Paris Hilton and other pill-popping, plastic-surgery-embracing,() do-nothing celebs.
154. By turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities.
155. In the final analysis, generational tension is a bit ironic.
156. Her narrating through imagery and ironic narrating lays special emphasis on orientating the readers feelings and perception towards the inner worlds of the characters.
157. The libretto Shadowtime, which can be read independently of the music, presents both a loving but also ironic portrait of Benjamin-a character as deeply flawed as he is sympathetic.
158. It was ironic that he was run over by his own automobile.
159. How ironic. To have something I tried to desperately to keep secret treated so causally .
160. It was an ironic gesture: I'm always under the weather, he wanted to say.
161. He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself.




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