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单词 black market
释义  Related topics: Crime, Business, Economicsˌblack ˈmarket noun [countable]  SCCBthe system by which people illegally buy and sell foreign money, goods that are difficult to obtain etc 黑市(交易)black market in There was a thriving black market in foreign currency. 外汇黑市猖獗。 Many foods were only available on the black market. 许多食物只有在黑市上才能买到。 black market cigarettes 黑市香烟 → black economyExamples from the Corpusblack market• They have blamed high taxes for the growth of a black market in cigarettes.• Result: a black market in official government receipts with special stamps.• Apart from drugs, detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black market deals involving arms and high technology.• On the rampant black market prices were particularly exorbitant.• When farmers feel like owners, the theory goes, they will guard against the thieving that feeds the black market.• They pilfer lesser-known works, usually costing less than $ 300,000, to sell on the black market.• The joke was that palm trees were being sold on the black market.• Others decided to taste freedom in other fields of social activity: speculation on the black market, opening businesses market in• black market cigarettes• a black market in weaponsFrom Longman Business Dictionaryblack marketˌblack ˈmarket [countable]COMMERCELAW1the illegal buying and selling of goods that are usually impossible to get in a particular city or countryA pack of foreign cigarettes on the black market goes for the equivalent of at least $17.2the buying of foreign currency at an unofficial rateThe official exchange rate is about 5.6 kyat to the dollar, or more than 10 times its current value on the black market. → marketˌblack ˈmarket nounChineseSyllable   Corpus people which by illegally system buy Business the




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