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单词 Associate
1 Congenial minds are disposed to associate
2 I don't like the people you associate with.
3 We associate China with the Greet Wall.
4 I don't associate him with energetic sports.
5 Associate members do not have the right to vote.
6 We associate with all sorts of people.
7 Most people associate this brand with good quality.
8 Dr. Smith was moved up from an associate to a full professorship.
9 Most people immediately associate addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
10 I didn't really mean my associate is a snake; it was just a figure of speech.
11 You wouldn't normally associate these two writers-their styles are completely different.
12 I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.
13 Mother warned the boys not to associate with bad companions.
14 She was only the associate producer of the movie.
15 Foreigners always associate China with the Great Wall.
16 When bad men combine,good men must associate.
17 Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom.
18 I don't associate with that crowd.
19 I'm very selective about the people I associate with.
20 Never associate with bad companions.
21 I always associate him with fast cars.
22 Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute.
23 May I associate myself with the Prime Minister's remarks?
24 He did not associate himself with the pro-democracy movement.
25 I don't associate the two ideas.
26 What do you associate with such a heavy snow?
27 She didn't want to associate with the likes of me.
28 A close associate of the author denied reports that she had cancer.
29 I could never bring myself to associate with such a woman.
30 Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone,[] and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones.
1 We associate China with the Greet Wall.
2 I don't associate him with energetic sports.
3 Most people associate this brand with good quality.
4 Most people immediately associate addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
5 I didn't really mean my associate is a snake; it was just a figure of speech.
6 You wouldn't normally associate these two writers-their styles are completely different.
7 I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.
8 The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.
31 The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.
32 It was unreasonable to expect the Democrats to associate themselves with spending cuts and tax increases.
33 He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
34 Most people associate troglodytes with prehistoric times, but troglodyte communities still exist in Tunisia and China.
35 On a point of order , Mr Chairman, can associate members vote on this matter?
36 You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.
37 The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.
38 A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.
39 On a point of order, Mr. Chairman, can associate members vote on this subject?
40 I always associate the smell of those flowers with my childhood.
41 The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.
42 It had a close associate in Col.
43 Mike McCarthy is associate director, head of sixth-form studies.
44 Nor do we easily associate ourselves with violent behaviour.
45 Future Systems has appointed three new associate directors.
46 Gross is an associate director at Woodbourne.
47 Ads try to associate drinking with fun.
48 But one can not simply associate high lexical density with writing, and low lexical density with speaking.
49 Soon, the horse will associate shying with a reprimand from his rider.
50 Tom Hawthorne was at the Social Security office picking up paperwork for a disabled associate when the bomb exploded.
51 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins, they are likely to be closely related.
52 Mr Tolleson returned to his alma mater in 1971 as an associate professor to teach band arranging and music theory.
53 J., is an associate professor of modern and classical languages at the University of San Francisco.
54 Perhaps it's because we humans tend to associate protein with fitness and athleticism.
55 It is itself required for the fulfilment of the task we usually associate with political authority.
56 But he's now an associate fellow at Templeton College in Oxford ... so is he viewed as the enemy within.
57 These activities are available when you join the society as an associate member.
58 Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality.
59 The pub has one of those eccentrically eclectic menus that you might associate with lesser pub food.
60 People hold domestic deposits despite the higher interest rate on offshore deposits because they associate greater political risk with offshore deposits.
61 To help you complete this plan, try to draw a picture that you will associate with your goal.
62 Other anemone associates A number of other damsel fish species, especially during their juvenile stages also associate with anemones.
63 Julie was a rich kid who loved to associate with the tougher, more daring local boys.
64 A failed attempt to relax at bedtime causes more anxiety and can condition you to associate relaxation techniques with insomnia.
65 Some of our best writers are on the staff of the magazine, and one of them is Associate Editor Anne Boston.
66 The Activist Confederations were to be associate members who were to disseminate the belief in corporatism throughout the community.
67 She can continue living in her Job Corps dorm while she earns her associate of arts degree.
68 They are flavorful and different, without the tackiness I can not help but associate with most clip art.
69 If the appeal ever happens, it will be the first in school history, according to associate athletic director Kevin Reneau.
70 The designers have produced a complete range, including shoes you wouldn't normally associate with Doc Martens.
71 A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body.
72 They never met again, for under the probationary terms they were forbidden to associate with each other.
73 The public soon learned to associate the catchphrase 'Ooh, you are awful' with the inimitable Dick Emery.
74 A wide definition of associate is contained in Section 6 of Chapter 1, paragraph 1.2 of the Yellow Book.
75 At Doncaster the king was joined by his esquire, Gloucester's associate John Pilkington, who lent him 100 marks.
76 Clearly this is much easier if we can associate bands in the spectrum with the various possible symmetry species.
77 Honda provides comfortable two-piece white work suits for every associate from top to bottom.
78 Sarah Lutyens, head of rights, contracts and special sales, has been appointed an associate director of Pan Macmillan.
79 Early in the setup of the Northwest Respirator Center he hired Dunning to work as his part-time associate director.
80 He had never before met a woman so entirely free of the constraints which he had come to associate with being female.
81 On hearing a bell ring before the appearance of food the animals quickly came to associate that sound with feeding time.
82 David had come to associate the noise of the Hoover with post-coital sadness.
83 The dog will associate the slipper with the pain of being beaten.
84 People associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they endured.
85 Interested parties have the choice of full club membership for £10,000 or associate membership for £2,500.
86 The Course is heavily used by part-time Associate students, mainly home students drawn from the local catchment area.
87 This species has small testes for its body size, even though the literature records that females associate with several males.
88 First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate.
89 A lifelong friend of Bert Webster, Barefield later concentrated exclusively on tenor and, like another Webster associate.
90 I participated in a national competition called to fill eight positions of associate professor in gastroenterology.
91 What about which year joined as alternative to years of Membership, since some may have joined as an Associate?
92 Non-practitioners commonly associate these sounds with the breaking of wood or other materials.
93 Students are supported by a network of International Associate Institutions who provide workshops, counselling and fellowship to graduate students.
94 This person, whether a business associate or spouse, is exerting energy to help you improve.
95 This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
96 Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. George Washington 
97 In 1914 he graduated with first-class honours as an associate.
98 Dave Shors, associate editor of the Helena Independent Record, can tell you all about it.
99 By using metaphors and similes you allow the readers to associate their own experiences, memories, or connotations.
100 In our homes we associate the small screen with entertainment.
101 For instance, blue conveys a sense of calm and tranquility because we associate the colour with blue skies, calm water.
102 If you have red hair some employers might associate that with a fiery temper before they even meet you.
103 Not just the associate who never makes partner, but those at or near the top of the profession.
104 Others are virtually indistinguishable from the flowers with which they associate - so much so that smaller insects keep settling on them.
105 The summer associate and I had a good laugh later, at his expense.
106 He knew Monet as an associate, if not an intimate friend.
107 Encouraging men to associate babies with bills may not have much impact on single parenthood.
108 But as you've said, people tend to associate you with a certain kind of picture.
109 The network would be trained to associate symptoms and diagnoses from a database of case histories.
110 This was most forcefully brought to my attention during the formative stages of a literature-search project conducted by an associate and myself.
111 Both have the rhythms that one may associate with free verse poetry, yet few would call these poems.
112 But these were hardly distinguishable from drainage channels, having none of the features that we associate with canals.
113 Though the fault was hardly my own, the President seemed to associate me with the whole unfortunate episode.
114 In the ordinary course of events he would have said Len Forbister wasn't the kind of man to associate with him.
114 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
115 He found just the right person for his newly created slot of research associate.
116 She was the daughter of the establishment poetess, Yekaterina Sheveleva, a long-time associate of Yuri Andropov.
117 He and Stapleton can associate to their hearts' content and that's something to bring a smile to his face.
118 This story is also notable for Mervyn Pinfield's last credit as Associate Producer for the series.
119 He was an associate of Neuhaus, and like that legendary figure imparted the richest sense of cultural and human ideals.
120 Don't give advice to fools. Don't argue with ignorant people. Don't associate with hypocrites. Dr T.P.Chia 
121 Associate members with a little more money to spend can afford the comfort of local hotels.
122 Hobson was the associate deputy administrator for government contracting and minority enterprise development.
123 Lisa Lore was appointed as an associate athletic director at USC.
124 They can be trained to run simple mazes or to associate food with colours or other visual stimuli.
125 She is associate professor and director of the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
126 Some consumers associate brand name with quality; others associate quality with cost.
127 It is the sensation connected with this muscle activity that we associate with having weight.
128 The Group also holds an interest in an associate, Methodplan Limited, a finance and investment Company.
129 He later became associate director of circulation planning and vice president and business manager.
130 The aim is now to change the constitution to elect four associate members on to a management committee.
131 As an associate, he said was not involved in entering into specific agreements with clients for legal work.
132 Salameh was a close associate of the alleged mastermind of the Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef.
133 Think of the associate who always interrupts-at meetings, social gatherings, or water-fountain chats.
134 A female employee is known to associate after work with a sexually active crowd of young people.
135 Lo, an associate and an employee face multiple counts of fraud and other charges for alleged criminal activities in 1990-92.
136 If you prefer the idea of studying a single course as an associate student, tick box OO91.
137 The spirit of high adventure isn't one you'd normally associate with Commercial Paper.
138 Twice a year the associate members' foreign ministers meet those of the Community, and senior officials see each other more often.
139 A flat-calm water, clear sky and a bright quarter moon are not the sort of conditions we associate with good catches.
140 I've never seen her at a meeting, but she could still be an associate member.
141 We are not now accustomed to associate democracy with such overt expressions of class hostility and social conflict.
142 Each will be led by an associate managing editor who will report to the managing editor.
143 When I compliment you, I compliment myself, because I am who I associate with. Jarod Kintz 
144 I don't think you know Mr. Roget, my associate.
145 It is probably that the conjugated plane of gossypol is inserted into the base pair pleated sheet of the DNA double helical structure to associate with thymine through weak polar bond.
146 This paper has introduced the whole process of how GIS is used during the planning of transit network, including data management, data displaying, data mining, associate design and result management.
147 High-class technology, well-content service, in pursuit of the identical value with customers, Annamo will be your most creditable cooperation associate.
148 The money spent is an associate near the blue wall of the post-AIDS publicity, so the idea of an evil brewing and Health.
149 As a Research Associate at Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences, Shibata works in the field of advertising design and graphic art using digital media and print media.
150 His titles were: research fe 11 ow , Associate Professor , Fu 11 Professor, Head of the Department, Rector.
151 He also serves as associate professor of dermatologic surgery at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans.
152 Sven Rydberg, Doctor of Stockholm University, worked as Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology of Stockholm University until retired.
153 Luo Wen, an associate professor since 2007, began teaching at CCNU in 2000, received her Ph. D. in Intercultural Communication from Wuhan University in 2006.
154 This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.
155 Although he calls the animal data compelling, University of Vermont associate professor of pediatrics and anesthesia Robert K.
156 Smell very sweet perfume smell, associate in spite of oneself instantly extremely lovely, chubby little girl about!
157 Others can associate with a common interest such breast cancer research (Avon), creativity (Sharpie), or outdoor hiking (Columbia).
158 The Jewelry Design Associate of Arts (A. A. ) Program is a 90-unit degree program.
159 An associate company, La Machine created last year's spectacular 'Princesse' a massive visiting spider in Liverpool when in was European City of Culture.
160 The teaching positions available on basis were teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, and professor.
161 Lawyers love speaking legalese and hearing themselves talk. I learned this first-hand as a corporate associate for nearly eight years at two large New York City firms.
162 "It's almost like love puts blinders on people," added Martie Haselton, an associate professor of psychology and communication studies at UCLA.
163 The technology force our center of critical care is so rich that we have 2 Doctors, 6 Masters, 1 chief physician, 3 associate chief physicians, 4 attending doctors and a few of resident physicians.
164 He is clear to listen to the oddness of condition of the injury, associate there to break.
165 Like the root object, a container object is designed to maintain a list of keys and associate an object with each one.
166 MATS comprise seven full member theological institutions plus three other training centers as associate members.
167 Valerie Smeets and Frederic Warzynski, associate professors at the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark, recently analyzed management arrangements at a major Scandinavian company.
168 A straightforward way to implement multithreaded applications is to associate a lightweight process with each thread.
169 Ms. Tsangari, who grew up in Greece and has a master's degree in performance studies from New York University, was an associate producer on "Dogtooth," a New Directors selection from last year.
170 The farm was once owned by an associate of Hoffa's and not far from where he was last seen in 1975.
171 It could be due to all the Johnny Cash songs I have heard since childhood but I tend to associate the railway with romance and adventure.
172 As a corporate associate in charge of quarterbacking transactions, I dealt with the various legal specialists and had to learn their mumbo jumbo.
173 When a new document is created, someone has to associate it with the right categories in this complex data structure.
174 Among these so - called'sows " the delicacy we associate with teenage girls has evidently been blunted.
174 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
175 Strathdee is an associate dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of California San Diego. She's been studying injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico.
176 Then I became a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Eventually, in 1989, we came to America, and I am now working as an associate pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Nederland, Texas.
177 I'd advise you not to associate with him, he's a bad lot.
178 Students who complete a two - year 2 - year course of study earned and associated earn an associate degree.
179 As per Manuel Vilanueva, may associate and friend request, attached is our procedure, list of available securities and application form to be filled by the costumer.
180 With the increasing of temperature, the degree of ion associate increases, the number of water nearest the ion decreases, and the multinuclear ions structure appears.
181 Indeed, the psalter, and also the Bible that is attributed to Gutenberg, may actually have been produced by Fust and an associate called Peter Sch?ffer.
182 He lived by the sword and, therefore, it's not surprising that he would die by the sword, " said Habib Malik, associate professor of history at the Lebanese American University, Byblos campus.
183 The teachers in the specialty are very qualified persons: 5 professors, 8 associate professors; 7 teachers with doctorial degree.
184 At pharyngeal recess level, parapharyngeal space and parapharyngeal structure were observed and measured in the width and area with vernier caliper and associate pane.
185 CYS presently has associate offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Vancouver.
186 Richard G. Milter is associate professor of management in College of Business at Ohio University.
187 This is belike your foremost associate physically and mentally. This alliance will revel in spending, voyage and adventure. Quite an exciting linkage.
188 The technology exploits the tobacco plant's vulnerability a virus that only attacks tobacco plants, which most people associate with causing cancer, and not curing it.
189 With AK, sshd will open the user's private part of the user's keystore and call the EFS kernel extension to push this opened keystore into the kernel and associate it with the user's log on process.
190 Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy, and New Caledonia and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members.
191 When we check-in the test assets, we need to create an activity with which to associate them.
192 As this is repeated, night after night, this sets up a situation where we associate our bed with the anxiety of not being able to sleep.
193 The contravention of intactness and operation efficiency in board-level simulating model is figured out by PCL program, associate with software arithmetic model.
194 Snooty He's too snooty to associate with his old friends now he's rich.
195 This may seem surprising to those who associate suicide with tortured geniuses like Ernest Hemingway and Vincent Van Gogh.
196 The Rev. Charles Dahm, associate pastor of St. Pius V, tells NPR's Tony Cox that he did not see the extent of domestic violence in his community until he hired a pastoral counselor.
197 Objetive To analyze the clinical features of extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma , evaluate the factors associate with intraoperative blood pressure fluctuation.
198 When we talk about historic town , People will associate with the poetic charm environment of old trees , alley in flagstone street and little bridge flowing water.
199 We associate the name of Mao Zedong with Chinese revolution.
200 "Experienced males will chase and bite their young rivals,() " said associate professor Martin Whiting of Johannesburg's University of the Witwatersrand.
201 Halogenide anions can associate strongly with coal molecules by acid -base interactions, and destruct the associative structure of coal enhancing the extraction yields of coal in organic solvents.
202 Classical conditioning - The process by which an individual learns to associate an unconditional stimulus with a conditional stimulus but receives no benefit from doing so.
203 Therefore, specific schedules must be carefully coordinated with and approved by the School of Law Associate Dean and the Albers Director of Graduate Programs.
204 Rajiv Rimal, associate professor in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Johns Hopkins University[Sentencedict], contends that social media hold untapped potential for public health.
205 To read words that are new to us, we have to learn to associate a visual stimulus (a letter, or grapheme) with its corresponding auditory stimulus (the sound, or phoneme).
206 Associate the local public resource and social groups, build the support network.
207 Laura Hostetler is assistant professor and associate chair in the Department of History at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
208 Emily Oken, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who studies nutrition during pregnancy, recommends that moms-to-be use moderation.
209 "There's probably some degree of collaboration between parent and child," said Robert Nelson, art critic and associate professor of art and design at Monash University.
210 One of those programs was designed by a man named Alan Mendelsohn, an associate professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine.
211 The lead investigator was Matthew Nock, Ph.D., an associate professor of social sciences at Harvard University.
212 Contrary, have those only regardless of trival matters person, condescending person, be willing to be a friend termless paid person, ability associate with arrives true friend.
213 Designer verbs associate a menu item with an event handler.
214 DeKrey, a senior associate dean at HKUST, says he was attracted to HKUST by its scholarly focus, collegial environment and lucrative vacation allowance of more than two months.




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