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单词 Procedure
1. How is the new monitoring procedure working out?
2. The whole procedure has become a complete farce.
3. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.
4. The procedure is quite straightforward.
5. Does the procedure provide adequate safeguards against corruption?
6. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.
7. What's the procedure for applying for a visa?
8. Our lawyer carefully explained the procedure.
9. The law warrants this procedure.
10. Stop arguing about procedure and let's get down to business.
11. The procedure is not fully efficient: improvements could be made.
12. The new work procedure is a great improvement over the old one.
13. There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.
14. The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices.
15. Revising the procedure was an entirely profitless exercise.
16. Does the company have a formal grievance procedure ?
17. There must be no deviation from the normal procedure.
18. The next day I repeated the procedure.
19. It's a routine/standard surgical procedure.
20. It's important to follow the regular procedure.
21. The procedure is far too clumsy and hit-and-miss.
22. The council was slammed for its unfair selection procedure.
23. He is rigid about points of procedure.
24. There was no possibility of changing the voting procedure.
25. The emergency shutdown procedure was activated.
26. We could relax the procedure slightly in your case.
27. The procedure can be divided into two parts.
28. The teachers' contract established a grievance procedure .
29. The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law.
30. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.
1. How is the new monitoring procedure working out?
2. The whole procedure has become a complete farce.
3. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.
4. Does the procedure provide adequate safeguards against corruption?
5. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.
6. What's the procedure for applying for a visa?
7. Our lawyer carefully explained the procedure.
8. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.
9. The new work procedure is a great improvement over the old one.
10. There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.
11. The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices.
12. Revising the procedure was an entirely profitless exercise.
13. He is rigid about points of procedure.
14. The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law.
15. He minuted the procedure of the meeting.
16. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.
17. The procedure is standard.
31. Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure.
32. He'll walk you through the procedure.
33. He diverged from established procedure.
34. You must follow correct procedure at all times.
35. They let us bypass the usual admissions procedure.
36. This surgical procedure has a high probability of success.
37. This procedure is a hangover from the old system.
38. Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.
39. Liposuction is a minor surgical procedure .
40. I'll run back over the procedure once again.
41. What's the procedure for opening a bank account?
42. This procedure must be correctly observed.
43. The procedure was first essayed in 1923.
44. What's the correct procedure in cases like this?
45. He minuted the procedure of the meeting.
46. The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.
47. It's important to explain the procedure to the patient.
48. This procedure ensures correct placement of the catheter.
49. This is a new and relatively untried procedure.
50. The procedure for logging on to the network usually involves a password.
51. The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.
52. The procedure must be clear and comprehensible to all staff.
53. Writing a cheque is quite a simple procedure to him.
54. There is still a basic flaw in your selection procedure.
55. Doug stood still while I ran through the handover procedure.
56. The chairman is pressing for a change in the procedure.
57. When the rules for police procedure were laid down()(), a lot of grey areas remained.
58. Social security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.
59. Don't worry - I'll go through the procedure with you step by step.
60. I set him right on a few points of procedure.
61. With infinite patience, she explained the complex procedure to us.
62. The most important purpose of our Health Care is to support you when making a claim for medical treatment. For that reason the claims procedure is as simple and helpful as possible.
63. It is incumbent upon all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure.
64. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.
65. There is some confusion about what the right procedure should be.
66. That procedure should be streamlined as a matter of urgency.
67. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.
68. There may be some advantage in laying down a clearer procedure.
69. This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
70. The government is to make major changes to the procedure for carrying out security vetting.
71. Mr Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure.
72. The new work procedure is a great improvement on / over the old one.
73. A straightforward complaints procedure must be established from the outset.
74. It did not take the procedure long to bed down.
75. Did you follow the emergency procedure when you heard the alarm?
76. This procedure does not completely eliminate the possibility of an accident.
77. The new rules for police procedure cleared up a lot of grey areas.
78. The procedure is quick, easy to use and cost effective.
79. Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.
80. He gave her detailed instructions on the procedure to be followed.
81. The procedure is standard.
82. His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.
83. The correct procedure is laid down in the rules and regulations.
84. This procedure is standard.
85. Obtaining a refund from the company is a complicated procedure.
86. The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system.
87. They accused the government of riding roughshod over parliamentary procedure.
88. The book guides you through the whole procedure of buying a house.
89. The procedure for getting funding approval is so bureaucratic!
90. The Association also operates a complaints procedure.
91. The procedure can be a little confusing for beginners.
92. Differences remained, however, on the procedure for constitutional negotiations.
93. Is cloze procedure an appropriate measure of comprehension?
94. Nine patients had the procedure under local anaesthesia.
95. Relocating individual staff abroad is an extremely costly procedure.
96. This procedure naturally produced very large barns.
97. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia.
98. Christina dimly recalled the procedure.
99. Even a travesty of justice must follow correct procedure.
100. The Teamsters do not have the usual grievance-step procedure, ending in a final, binding arbitration by a neutral third party.
101. The grounds for such a review are circumscribed by the tribunal's rules of procedure.
102. Such cases could be met by adopting for civil cases a procedure similar to the Attorney-General's reference in criminal proceedings.
103. The case was primarily concerned with the new procedure for remedies.
104. What prospect has the prisoner of redress if he abandons the complaints procedure and applies to the courts?
105. An independent complaints procedure should be established for youngsters in care, she says.
106. Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
107. The chart then guides you through the procedure for finding the correct address.
108. The bill would have banned an abortion procedure known to health professionals as intact dilation and extraction.
109. This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.
110. In the main, however, the selection procedure is rigorous enough so that basic training does not have to be used for assessment purposes.
111. Interventions - Children were randomly allocated to adenotonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, or neither procedure.
112. The positive aspects of this procedure include the full and detailed consideration of the individual needs of each child.
113. Procedure within the financial accounts Many larger companies adopt the procedure of raising a debit note for any errors on invoices.
114. Procedure Certain procedural rules are common to all applications under the Children Act 1989.
115. On August 13 parliament passed an amendment to the code of criminal procedure restricting the rights of those remanded in custody.
116. The procedure by way of judicial review was simplified in 1977 and the number of applications rose considerably.
117. This procedure will be run once in any 24 hour period(), unless special prior arrangements have been made.
118. It is an elegant procedure, producing satisfyingly concrete results when it works, which it did for us.
119. She was labeled mentally disturbed and put in the psychiatric ward of a small hospital without any administrative procedure.
120. Its board has adopted a streamlined procedure for doling out emergency loans.
121. The County Court is particularly useful in that it operates a small claims procedure.
122. A smart card computes a password or encryption key and furnishes it directly to the computer for the logon procedure.
123. Admission Details of the BMus admission procedure and of University and faculty entry requirements may be found in the Admissions section.
124. The reform of arbitration procedure is a controversial subject, with many wishing to detach arbitration from close adherence to litigation procedures.
125. He was reading the Russell autobiography in order to steady himself for the selection procedure.
126. They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources, and the redistributive aspect of the budget.
127. She said it was Humphreys' responsibility as managing director to follow the correct procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
128. The sores are usually relatively painless, and this procedure, like the urethral investigation, need give no cause for alarm.
129. Note. -There is a separate procedure under section 86 for dealing with complaints against senior officers above the rank of chief superintendent.
130. Each teacher approaches a procedure in an individual way and has different areas of expertise and interest.
131. It was certainly used as an argument in support of the establishment of special courts with simplified procedure to deal with small claims.
132. QALYs are a method of assessing the health benefits of a given procedure against the resources used to achieve it.
133. Any disciplinary action taken for failing to follow procedure would be eclipsed by the success of his capture.
134. In this procedure, the processing elements compete for the opportunity of learning.
135. This procedure does not allow for adaptability, essential for applications such as process control, which must change as conditions fluctuate.
136. The procedure, which doctors claim has already saved one marriage, is carried out under general anaesthetic.
137. The inaccessible lesions were included in the final analysis as the aim was to evaluate this procedure according to the intention to treat.
138. Club and pub doormen would have to carry registration cards and face a vetting procedure if the project takes off this year.
139. Crucially, therefore, causal explanation is the proper procedure when we engage in natural science but not elsewhere.
140. The cost of an application under the simplified procedure is £40.
141. Double-click - A mouse procedure where the left-hand mouse button is pressed twice in quick succession.
142. The new authority will be flexible and use local visits as part of its assessment procedure.
143. This procedure, as barbaric as it is, is not done by governments.
144. A slight modification of the procedure will enable us to add equality constraints.
145. An alternative procedure which achieves the same result but is more convenient computationally is the following.
146. It is not the proper procedure for anyone trying to make sense of other areas of social life.
147. If an employer is committed to an agreed procedure or customary arrangement regarding redundancies, he should adhere to it.
148. This ensures that only those who fully appreciate the significance of the modules are included in the sanctioning procedure.
149. The branch officers, all men, refused to let the women speak, claiming they were not following correct procedure.
150. The procedure cost five hundred dollars, which Amelia left unpaid.
151. The taxation procedure is a method of assessing a reasonable rate of overall payment for the task carried out.
152. Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
153. It's usually a trouble-free procedure, but occasionally there's a problem over whether you've really been living apart.
154. The Atlantis boosters underwent the same repair procedure as those that launched Columbia.
155. The police did not only employ the law of criminal procedure in their tactical battle against the striking miners.
156. If the terminal is connected via a Decserver, then a physical port must be allocated by following the procedure below.
157. In the Somogyi-Nelson procedure, barium hydroxide a d zinc sulfate are used to precipitate proteins.
158. The usual procedure is to adopt a more flexible attitude.
159. This procedure will be reviewed and evaluated and may be amended when the arrangements for future sessions are established.
160. Such inquiries also occur face-to-face during the course of an interview or selection procedure.
161. The most convincing of the latter have been sentence completion methods like cloze procedure.
162. This procedure, known as the capitalization of costs, also increases net income.
163. Private rituals of artistic work, including setting aside time and space to work, preparation of materials, procedure for work.
164. The first is called algorithmic, which comprises a procedure or series of instructions used to solve a specific type of problem.
165. The most conspicuous battleground in this prolonged conflict over the locus of control was the procedure for placing contracts.
166. Small bowel obstruction continues to occur after this operation despite increasing experience with the procedure.
167. Anderson very carefully demonstrated the flight schools procedure for getting into and out of confined areas.
168. Moreover, the administrative cost of the procedure for making awards is high.
169. The Procedure Committee wanted these three categories to be kept apart.
170. On 25 August 1987, the following week, Chief Inspector Lovell was appointed as investigating officer in accordance with the statutory complaints procedure.
171. Forbes said he disapproves of abortion, but he has refused to endorsed a constitutional amendment banning the procedure.
172. He added that the application procedure is very complicated and depends on full information from the tenant.
173. We have also published for consultation the draft asylum appeals procedure rules.
174. They were clogged with cases because there was no procedure for summarily trying minor offences.
175. A further reminder is the complaints procedure which members of the public can initiate against police officers.
176. Dr Gottlieb reassures apprehensive patients that the operation is a simple procedure.
177. The system's audit procedure also allows identification and control of problem areas in the design and communication process.sentence dictionary
178. There was considerable variation in the tolerance to the procedure with one patient able to accept a 52 minute rotation time.
179. The principles of fair procedure which govern the conduct of disciplinary hearings also apply, by and large, to appeal hearings.
180. It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
181. They say it's normal procedure at other Universities to wash contaminated materials like rubber gloves and glass containers.
182. Therefore this apparent reduction in their rate of occurrence is a reflection of the comparatively shorter period of monitoring during the procedure.
183. In post-classical law the traditional procedural scheme of the civil law evaporated, and all claims were heard under the cognitio procedure.
184. The procedure has not gained formal approval by the International Olympic Committee because it does not give conclusive proof of drug use.
185. Similarly, social workers were issued with handbooks and directives about the correct procedure to follow when investigating cases of suspected abuse.
186. Clearly the availability of judgments and recent canons and books on procedure made a difference to the judges.
187. The comparative method is not really a term referring to a fixed procedure that is to be followed rigidly.
188. The Building Notice procedure is a comparatively new system and does not require the submission of any detailed plans.
189. The procedure is only available for proposed and not completed mergers and the merger proposal must have been made public.
190. The next step was to devise a budget allocation procedure that reflected the health needs of different areas.
191. Nasty cop, nice cop: they were following procedure to the letter.
192. The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee.
193. An application for assessment of damages is made on notice under the procedure for interlocutory applications under Ord 22, r 6.
194. Procedure Each subject was given a booklet consisting of seven pages.
195. Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
196. Rawlings worked out a procedure for network meetings similar to that used in a child abuse case conference.
197. The hierarchy of logical systems that one obtains by the procedure that I have described above is characterized by computable ordinal numbers.
198. I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure.
199. In the event of deadlock in negotiations, there is a procedure for conciliation by the ministry of labour.
200. Those patients who have the procedure are monitored closely in follow-up research.
201. Procedure became uniform in the third century, while early in the fourth the differences of form were abolished by Constantine.
202. The amplitude histogram shown in Fig. 1 c scored 190 using this procedure.
203. An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally.
204. All patients were treated with H2 receptor antagonists after the procedure.
205. One user commented that when the procedure for access keeps changing, this presents him with further problems.
206. While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant, it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure.
207. Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories.
208. Areas where this need can arise usually occur when a surgical procedure or accident has resulted in loss of bone.
209. In fact, the complainant in the case Samaraweera cites was knowledgeable about court procedure.
210. The procedure in these cases is similar to the arbitration procedure for claims for compensation in the inland post.
211. Continuous recordings were made before the procedure and throughout the examination to provide baseline values.
212. The procedure can be done under local anaesthetic and has a success rate of over 90 percent.
213. The matter will be governed by the terms of reference and the procedure established, together with any code of conduct adopted.
214. The change affected clinics that primarily perform abortions as well as family doctors who may do the procedure along with unrelated services.
215. The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
216. There is a statutory procedure laid down for the consultation process.
217. Problems may arise during the installation procedure when the user is required to answer questions regarding the hardware being used.
218. There was considerable confusion in the administration over the correct procedure.
219. Otherwise adopt the standard procedure given in Air Pilot, and any special procedure that may be required at certain major airports.
220. The checking procedure is something that can be achieved much more rapidly than finding the Hamiltonian circuit in the first place.
221. If further size analysis is to be undertaken the best procedure is to use two identical sub-samples.
222. A similar procedure should be applied to all research posts.
223. See Chapter 5 below for the procedure for setting aside bankruptcy orders.
224. Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
225. The graphing procedure is the same as that previously explained, but of course the quantity data and relationship involved are different.
226. All teachers were personally briefed on this procedure, which is designed to minimise underreporting of smoking behaviour.
227. Comparison of 50 patients undergoing this procedure with those having a circumcision during the same period has highlighted its advantages.
228. The main point is that the clash procedure becomes an end in itself.
229. After this time, apply a second coat and repeat the drying procedure.
230. Governors must ensure that the procedure is clear and comprehensible to all staff.
231. When the total procedure was done under local anaesthesia, staged dilatation of the track over five to seven days was undertaken.
232. Operational experience of real systems design reinforces doubts about the allocation of function concept as a basis for a unitary systematic procedure.
233. The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.
234. Indirect immunohistological staining using fluorescein conjugated antibody Exactly the same procedure was carried out as described above.
235. These will form the basis of a comprehensive family assessment procedure for use in research and practice.
236. Government during this period sought to clarify the law and simplify judicial procedure.
237. During the procedure pulse rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded every minute by the research nurse.
238. Data will also be collected to analyse the effect of changes in accounting procedure upon firms in the industry.
239. Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.
240. The usual procedure in this sort of situation is to act like prisoners and let the guards take us to their leader.
241. Once teeth have been done the cosmetic procedure of self-betterment is already far advanced.
242. The generality and flexibility of such a procedure are a very attractive feature of the technology.
243. Our selection procedure has resulted in no places being offered to students with profound or multiple disabilities or severe challenging behaviour.
244. Cooking procedure: depending on the particular recipe, add cold or boiling water.
245. All voluntary agencies funded by the Department of Social Work must also now operate a complaints procedure.
246. If you consult a Solicitor, making a will is a simple procedure.
247. June Huntington's allegation that these practitioners are businesslike rather than professional questions the selection procedure of the committee.
248. In 1980, the procedure was a prelude to the obligatory pay award of the ministry of labour.
249. This study showed that the anticipation and the worry had as much effect as the actual admission procedure.
250. Besides identifying the individuals who are to adjudicate, such rules will also define the procedure to be followed.
251. The Chancellor conducts the business of government in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by it and approved by the Federal President.
252. This time consuming analytical procedure has the advantage of simplicity and requires little specialist equipment.
253. When most criminal abortion laws were first enacted, the procedure was a hazardous one for the woman.
254. Gathering research data has an impetus of its own and this part of the research procedure was carried through reasonably smoothly.
255. Unlike applications for interception in other criminal cases there was no procedure for judicial authorization in the case of security applications.
256. The student has to improvise and adapt the procedure without departing from the principles of aseptic technique.
257. Have you considered the implications of the review procedure by which the proposal will be evaluated?
258. The Catholic clergy is sincere in its opposition to all abortion, by whatever procedure.
259. The self-certification procedure may also be used to seek legal aid for related proceedings which do not qualify for free legal aid.
260. A statistical procedure called correlation is frequently used to calculate the agreement between two sets of figures.
261. The structual design is a procedure of analysis, check and result expression, so the structural CAD system was developed to match the needs of structual design modernization.
262. A local variable's lifetime begins when control enters the procedure in which it is declared.
263. In the heuristics tracking procedure, an edge measure function is defined to detect vessel edge.
264. A boundary element solution procedure is given for dynamic soil-structure interaction problem including viscous damping.
265. The Committee may standing orders for regulating the procedure at, and in connection with, its meetings.
266. The system of accessory intervener in our country is born out of Civil Procedure Law Code of Soviet. And it develops on its own way on the basis of digesting and absorbing.
267. It offers the solutions to color difference occurred in inkjet proofing procedure.
268. The author emphasizes that the former should be judged in the procedure of arbitration and the later should be considered as consolidating the hearings of related cases.
269. Results The success rate of endovascular procedure was 100% for femoral-popliteal artery, and 88% for infrapopliteal artery. Rest pain disappeared and the ulcers were healed after the operations.
270. A new procedure which is called double suction straining coating method for the preparation of gas-liquid chromatographic stationary phase was reported.
271. For parameter passing and stored procedure invocation you have to make a final adjustment.
272. It is introduced that the influence factor of the silk-cashmere semi-worsted yarn's neps from the usual material to the end procedure.
273. We report the successful treatment of idiopathic low-flow priapism using the Winter procedure.
274. Winding frame silk would make the yarn unparallel in the course of winding which will result in great waste of yarn in later procedure.
275. Proof theory semantics provides a proof procedure, corresponds to model theory semantics, which may lead to the implementation of model theory semantics.




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