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单词 on-air
释义  Related topics: Broadcastingˈon-air adjective [only before noun]  TCBbroadcast while actually happening 现场直播的 OPP off-air an on-air interview 现场采访Examples from the Corpuson-air• Last fall, Winfrey decided to give fiction a boost by creating her on-air book club.• Pahdra Singh handled his on-air interview brilliantly, and pointed out to Labone that grandstands are not insured against theft.• Despite the model looks and on-air poise, the most striking quality of this thirtysomething television journalist is her name.• No on-air promotion is allowed on any of our independently commissioned or distributed titles.• Networks are making heavy profits from news, and on-air talent is being paid more than ever to communicate to the public.• Hilary explains how she deals with on-air technical problems.• On weekends, this connoisseur of contemporary language stations himself on the couch, clicker in hand, riding the on-air waves.• The on-air weather person is expected to draw audiences, not weather maps.ˈon-air adjectiveChineseSyllable  happening broadcast while Corpus actually




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