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单词 Chairman
1 The idea originated from the chairman.
2 The chairman has designated her as his successor.
3 The committee voted to re-elect him chairman.
4 The chairman made a few conventional remarks.
5 The chairman breezed along, smiling at everyone.
6 The chairman agree with me to a certain degree.
7 What the chairman said dwells in my mind.
8 The chairman called the meeting to order.
9 The chairman exhorted the party workers to action.
10 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.
11 The chairman has tendered his resignation.
12 It lies with the chairman to make the decision.
13 The chairman stepped up and declared the meeting open.
14 The chairman excused himself to us and left.
15 She is married to a company chairman.
16 A chairwoman may be addressed as " Madam Chairman.
17 The chairman finally ended up his speech.
18 The chairman disallowed the veracity of his report.
19 The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people.
20 The secretary attended upon the chairman.
21 He preceded me as chairman of the department.
22 She has withdrawn her nomination as chairman.
23 Potts was appointed chairman of the education committee.
24 He is the chairman of the commonwealth of artists.
25 The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.
26 The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable.
27 The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.
28 She is only the nominal chairman: the real work is done by somebody else.
29 The chairman spoke for half an hour at the meeting.
30 She tried to object, but the chairman slapped her down.
1 The chairman has designated her as his successor.
2 The committee voted to re-elect him chairman.
3 The chairman made a few conventional remarks.
4 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.
5 She is married to a company chairman.
6 A chairwoman may be addressed as " Madam Chairman.
7 He preceded me as chairman of the department.
8 She has withdrawn her nomination as chairman.
9 Potts was appointed chairman of the education committee.
10 He is the chairman of the commonwealth of artists.
11 The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.
12 The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable.
13 The chairman spoke for half an hour at the meeting.
14 The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.
15 In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
16 Glyn Ford is chairman of the Committee which produced the report.
17 The chairman of the bank believes in the personal touch and always sends a signed letter to each customer.
18 We all felt that the chairman had too much power.
19 Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.
20 The party chairman accused the opposition of dirty tricks in their election campaign.
21 The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.
22 The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
23 The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
24 Several committee members expressed their intense dislike of the chairman.
25 I have obtained a written permission from the chairman.
26 He was elected chairman by a narrow margin.
27 The chairman made a few introductory remarks.
28 Finally the chairman led up to his favorite topic.
29 The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger.
30 Next, the chairman asked the treasurer, Ms. Jones, to take the floor.
31 The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.
32 In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
33 Glyn Ford is chairman of the Committee which produced the report.
34 The chairman of the bank believes in the personal touch and always sends a signed letter to each customer.
35 We all felt that the chairman had too much power.
36 The chairman has the right to veto any of the board's proposals.
37 Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
38 Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.
39 The party chairman accused the opposition of dirty tricks in their election campaign.
40 The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.
41 The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman.
42 The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
43 Several committee members expressed their intense dislike of the chairman.
44 They clubbed together to buy the chairman a present.
45 I directed my question to the chairman.
46 The chairman brushed over the question of your appointment.
47 He is chairman of the Parent Teacher Association.
47 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
48 By popular request, the chairman was re-elected.
49 The new chairman is certainly making his presence felt!
50 I have obtained a written permission from the chairman.
51 The chairman talked at Henderson at the meeting.
52 The chairman resigned following the allegations.
53 The chairman gave his casting vote in favour.
54 The chairman declared the meeting open.
55 Fitzgerald was named to the committee by the chairman.
56 He will retain the honorary title of non-executive chairman.
57 The Chairman finessed his way through the newspapermen's questions.
58 The chairman then weighed in with his views.
59 John was acting chairman at the meeting.
60 It finally transpired the chairman had changed his mind.
31 The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.
32 The chairman expected his friends to vote for him, but they stabbed him in the back by electing his opponent.
33 The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene in the disagreement between two of his committee members.
34 Can you slide out of the room without the chairman seeing you?
35 Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committee.
36 The chairman opened the ball with a few introductory remarks upon the items on the agenda.
37 They made the appointment of Peter as chairman of the union.
38 See if you can nail the chairman down to an exact date.
39 The chairman was able to steer the committee towards a decision.
61 The chairman asked us to vote on the plan.
62 The chairman was elected by secret ballot.
63 Magnusson presented the £1000 award to the group's chairman.
64 The chairman leapt at our proposal in the meeting.
65 Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.
66 Rollings will stay as chairman this year.
67 The chairman called / took the roll .
68 The chairman made a few introductory remarks.
69 He has the honesty and integrity to be chairman.
70 I had done business with the company's chairman.
71 The chairman then took the floor.
72 The chairman moves that the meeting be adjourned.
73 I propose Tom Ellis for chairman.
74 He was given the honorific title of national chairman.
75 The chairman expressed his desire to expand the company.
76 The group chairman faced hostile questioning from angry shareholders.
77 The chairman is waiting to begin .
78 'Is there any other business ?' the chairman asked.
79 Mr Chairman( ), I move that the meeting be adjourned.
80 The chairman did the decent thing and resigned.
81 Mr Michael has been named as the new chairman.
82 He addressed his comments to the chairman.
83 He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen.
84 The chairman was elected by common consent .
85 He rose to become chairman of the company.
86 At 39 she was made chairman of the board.
87 He subsequently became chairman of the party.
88 He acted as chairman of the meeting.
89 You'd better go and explain to the chairman.
90 Nominations are invited for the post of party chairman.
91 He proposed a motion that the chairman resign.
92 The chairman will face a rough ride from shareholders.
93 At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion.
94 Madam Chairman, may I be allowed to speak?
95 The chairman has told everyone of the arrangements.
96 She carefully engineered a meeting with the chairman.
97 A new chairman was voted in.
98 The chairman accompanied his speech with gestures.
99 He acted as chairman in my absence.
100 He was removed from his position as chairman.
101 This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman.
102 The chairman keeps a beady eye on things.
103 Please direct your complaints to the chairman.
104 Whatever is the chairman droning on about now?
105 The chairman read out a prepared statement.
106 I apologized to the chairman for being late.
107 The chairman has the final say .
108 His statement was snapped up by the chairman.
109 He will continue as chairman emeritus.
110 The chairman dismissed the report as pure speculation.
111 The chairman dispatched the meeting in 20 minutes.
112 He was ousted from his position as chairman.
113 We were graced with the presence of our chairman.
114 The chairman had to cut short the proceedings.
115 He was pulled up by the chairman.
116 He's the honorary chairman of the committee.
117 Finally the chairman led up to his favorite topic.
118 The chairman tried to carry his point.
119 He has to account to the chairman for all the money he spends.
120 In 1986 Richardson resigned as chairman,(sentence dictionary) leaving the company floundering.
121 'I don't think we have met,' said the chairman courteously.
122 The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.
123 The chairman will preside over an audience of architects and developers.
124 The chairman tried to take the heat out of the situation .
125 At last the chairman was convicted of having made a wrong decision.
126 A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairman.
127 It was suggested that he be the chairman of the meeting.
128 Two of the members chose to take issue with the chairman on the question of voting rights.
129 The news that the chairman would resign set off seismic waves in the business community.
130 Williams has been chairman of the board for five years.
131 They were severely criticized by the chairman, who was not a man to mince his words.
132 Lord Tomas had lately been appointed Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies.
133 It's time for me to step aside and let a younger person become chairman.
134 While the chairman was speaking, two committee members were engaged in heated by-play at the end of the table.
135 The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.
136 The chairman ranged his eyes over the crowded conference room and began his speech.
137 The chairman snapped at the committee member's suggestion to break for coffee.
138 How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company?
139 The chairman of the company issued a denial of the allegations.
140 The chairman asked me to express our appreciation of all your hard work.
141 Under the company's bylaws,() he can continue as chairman until the age of 70.
142 The ousted chairman received a £1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company.
143 The Chairman always has the last word on financial decisions.
144 The affair was brought to a climax when the chairman resigned.
145 The chairman expected his friends to vote for him, but they stabbed him in the back by electing his opponent.
146 This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company'spresident, board chairman, and leading executives.
147 The chairman of the bench adjourned the case until October 27.
148 The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meeting.
149 We are privileged tonight to have as our distinguished guest Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs.
150 Offered the position of chairman, Smith declined, preferring to keep his current job.
151 The Chairman of the airline accepted full responsibility for the accident.
152 The speaker closed with a word of thanks to the chairman.
153 No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish.
154 Finally the meeting was brought to a close by the new chairman .
155 The chairman told him that he was out of order.
156 The first thing the new chairman of the company did was to shake up the management.
157 The director leaves the chairman with the most difficult decisions.
158 I attended the meeting in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.
159 A long-time friend of the chairman said she had expected the resignation.
160 The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene in the disagreement between two of his committee members.
161 The chairman denied that he had been given the boot .
162 We must bring the chairman around to our point of view.
163 The suggestion was politely but firmly rejected by the chairman.
164 A lot of credit must go to the chairman and his father.
165 The chairman of the company claims to have worked his way up from delivery boy.
166 As chairman of the association, he held office for over twenty years.
167 The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order .
168 A delegate from Siberia proposed a resolution that he stand down as party chairman.
169 The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.
170 The chairman spoke of the achievements of the company in glowing terms.
171 The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.
172 The chairman convened the committee to put the issue to a vote.
173 There is one member of the committee who failed to keep the agreement secret, and the chairman is gunning for him.
174 The chairman ruled that the question was out of order/ruled the speaker out of order.
175 The chairman is keen that the company should expand its product range.
176 The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them,for there was no more time.
177 The meeting was cut short when the chairman fell ill.
178 They tried to foreclose the possibility of his meeting with the chairman.
179 Mr Chairman, I move that the matter be discussed after lunch.
180 He has to account to the chairman for how he spends the company's money.
181 He is hoping to recruit a chairman from outside the company.
182 Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.
183 He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.
184 Shall we put Mr Willinton forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee?
185 After the chairman delivered his opening speech , Mr. black launched into a brilliant tirade.
186 The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.
187 At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept.
188 The idea grew from a remark made unthinkingly by chairman.
189 He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as an instructor.
190 On a point of order , Mr Chairman, can associate members vote on this matter?
191 The study was done at the request of the Chairman.
192 We wanted to explain the plans fully, but the chairman stopped us short, as there were other important matters to discuss.
193 The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.
194 If you want to speak in the meeting you should stand up and wait till the chairman recognizes you.
195 He can't stomach the idea that Peter might be the next chairman.
196 He rough-hewed the resolution of the meeting and sent it to the chairman.
197 The function of a chairman is to lead and control meetings.sentencedict .com
198 Although he was NRC chairman, Hervey was strictly a bit player in government.
199 The chairman leavened the dull meeting with a few jokes.
200 The chairman rose from his chair and came forward to greet her.
201 Once the chairman had stated his decision,the rest of the committee fell in.
202 The chairman also criticised the plan for its tilt towards higher taxes rather than lower spending.
203 The stadium was named in honour of the club's first chairman.
204 Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago.
205 He retires as chairman next year; his successor is already waiting in the wings.
206 Everyone from the chairman downwards is taking a pay cut.
207 I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.
208 Is the chairman still kicking about? I thought he had left years ago.
209 "Let's draw this meeting to a close, gentlemen, " said the chairman.
210 Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committee.
211 I think the chairman is working around to our point of view after all.
212 On a point of order, Mr. Chairman, can associate members vote on this subject?
213 No longer trammelled by his responsibilities as chairman, he could say what he wished.
214 I tell you the general terms, and then let the chairman summarize.
215 With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
216 She missed out on the top job, but as a consolation prize was made deputy chairman.
217 I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve.
218 The chairman was ill so his deputy spoke in his place.
219 I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred.
220 With his usual skill, the chairman zeroed in on the most delicate subject of our meeting.
221 The new chairman made the cuts necessary to return the company to profitability.
222 Colleagues presented the retiring chairman with a cheque/presented a cheque to the retiring chairman.
223 The chairman laid out to adjourn the meeting for a week.
224 She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.
225 The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank's chairman.
226 See if you can nail the chairman down to an exact date.
227 They may also be friends of the chairman, so they are reluctant to upset the applecart.
228 The chairman led the discussion back to the financial problem.
229 The new chairman hopes to get the company back on its feet within six months.
230 The chairman passed quickly over the first few items to leave more time for the main business of the meeting.
231 The chairman resigned amid a storm of publicity over the bonus payments.
232 She is acting as deputy to the chairman of the board.
233 I interviewed the chairman of the company in his seventh-floor eyrie.
234 She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman.
235 At that point, the chairman weighed in with a strong defence of company policy.
236 Candidates are urgently sought for the post of Conservative party chairman.
237 Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.
238 As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.
239 The resolution was proposed by the chairman of the International Committee.
240 The chairman was able to steer the committee towards a decision.
241 The chairman has deputed his voting power to the vice - chairman.
242 The chairman told a press conference of the forthcoming merger.
243 We regret to announce the death of our chairman, Alfred Sidebottom.
244 The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.
244 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
245 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
246 Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman.
247 It falls to me to thank our chairman for his speech.
248 The chairman tried to put a positive spin on the closure of the factory.
249 From what I heard last night we're going to need a new chairman.
250 The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote.
251 He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman.
252 The chairman has the power of veto on all decisions.
253 Did you want to talk to the chairman himself, or could his personal assistant help you?
254 The crowd broke forth in cheers when the chairman appeared.
255 The committee will not meet in default of a chairman.
256 This puts the chairman in a very tight spot .
257 After the usual preliminaries , the chairman made his announcement.




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