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- sb hand
- sb hand in marriage
- sb handiwork
- sb hands are tied
- sb happens to be sth
- sb has arrived
- sb has been had
- sb has decided to honour us with their presence
- sb has had it
- sb has learned their lesson
- sb has left the building
- sb hasn't heard the last of sb
- sb hasn't heard the last of sth
- sb has paid their debt to society
- sb has their own life to lead
- sb has their uses
- sb has to pinch themselves
- sb has yet to do sth
- sb head is spinning
- sb heart goes out to sb
- sb heart is in the right place
- sb heart isn't in it
- sb heart leaps
- sb heart misses a beat
- sb heart sinks
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Commodities market
- Nidation
- Self-fertile
- Self-feeling
- Self-heal
- Benzoquinone
- Calcar
- Engine lathe
- Gell-mann
- 既夕礼第十三
- 既已如此,事情还能糟糕到哪去
- 既已行动,就不必畏首畏尾
- 既已选择,就别轻易屈服
- 既已选择,就别轻易屈服
- 既往不咎的意思,既往不咎的近义词,反义词,造句
- 既往不咎的意思,既往不咎造句
- 既成德矣,而诵其童年以小失;既成功矣,而笑其往日之偶败,皆刻薄之见也,君子不为。
- 既旌敦好之风,兼表睦邻之好。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 既无信义率下,下亦以伪应之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 既明且哲,以保其身
- 既有个阴气,必有聚结,故为月。既有个阳气,必有精华,故为日。晦是月之体,本是纯阴无光之物,其光也映日得之,客也,非主也。
- 既有肥牡,以速诸舅。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 既有肥羜,以速诸父。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 既济卦·《周易》原文注解与鉴赏
- Hydromechanics句子
- Capital structure句子
- Pro forma balance sheet句子
- Scrofulous句子
- Shortie句子
- Thioglycolic acid句子
- Reducing agent句子
- Turn-on句子
- Oxidizing agent句子
- Oxidation-reduction句子
- Flyleaf句子
- Construction work句子
- Surefooted句子
- Balance due句子
- Angle of attack句子