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单词 unwashed
释义 Word family  noun wash washer washing adjective washable unwashed verb wash  un·washed /ˌʌnˈwɒʃt◂ $ -ˈwɒːʃt◂, -ˈwɑːʃt◂/ adjective  1  dirty and needing to be washed 脏的;未洗的,待洗的 unwashed cups 待洗的杯子2. the great unwashed humorous people who are poor and have not been educated 社会底层,底层贫民Examples from the Corpusunwashed• She was cold and unwashed and hunger pangs were beginning to gnaw again.• Inside the house it is very dark, and there is a smell of unwashed bodies and old fat.• I came downstairs and the place stank of unwashed bodies mixed with the smells of kippers being grilled and sausages fried.• The stuffiness in the hold was made worse by the acrid smell of unwashed bodies.• unwashed dishesun·washed adjectiveChineseSyllable  washed to Corpus and dirty be needing




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