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单词 unusual
释义  un·u·su·al /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl, -ʒəl/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  UNUSUALdifferent from what is usual or normal 异常的;不平常的 an unusual feature 不寻常的特点 unusual circumstances 异常状况 It’s unusual for Dave to be late. 戴夫迟到是很少见的。 It’s not unusual (=it is quite common) to feel very angry in a situation like this. 遇到这样的情况觉得非常生气是很正常的。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/most/highly unusualGandhi was a most unusual politician.extremely unusualWe’ve not had any snow yet, which is extremely unusual.rather/somewhat/quite/fairly unusualThe design of the house was somewhat unusual.phrasesnothing unusualThere is nothing unusual about the arrangement.something unusualWe want to know if anyone saw something unusual last night.anything unusualDid you notice anything unusual about him? THESAURUSevents/situations 事件/情况unusual different from what usually happens 不寻常的We had snow in May, which is very unusual. 5月份我们这里下了雪,这是非常少见的。rare not happening very often, or existing only in small numbers 罕见的,稀有的Violent crimes are rare. 暴力犯罪并不常见。Hatton gathered many rare plants from all over the world. 哈顿从世界各地收集了许多奇花异草。exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənəl/ very unusual and happening very rarely 罕见的,不寻常的Ninety-day visas can be extended only in exceptional circumstances. 90天的签证只有在特殊情况下才可延期。The presence of a jury in a civil trial is now quite exceptional. 现在陪审团在民事审判中很少出现。out of the ordinary unusual and surprising or special 不寻常的;出人意料的;特别的It was a small village where nothing out of the ordinary ever seemed to happen. 这样一个小村庄,似乎从不会发生什么不寻常的事。freak extremely unusual and unexpected – used about an accident, storm etc 〔事故、暴风雨等〕怪异的,出乎意料的A freak wave wrecked most of the seafront. 一阵反常的海浪损毁了大部分滨海区。nTheir car was crushed by a tree in a freak accident.unprecedented /ʌnˈpresədentəd/ if something is unprecedented, it has never happened before – often used about successes and achievements 〔常指成功和成就〕空前的,前所未有的An unprecedented number of students have received top grades. 获得最高分的学生数量前所未有。This kind of deal is unprecedented. 这一类交易并没有先例。unheard of if something is unheard of, it has never happened or been done before – used especially when something seems very surprising to people at that time 前所未闻的,空前的In our small town, this kind of crime was almost unheard of. 在我们这个小镇上,这种犯罪几乎闻所未闻。nunheard-of luxuries such as electric windows and air-conditioning people/behaviour/methods etc 人/行为/方法等eccentric behaving in a way that seems rather strange but not frightening 〔行为〕古怪的The house was owned by an eccentric millionaire. 这幢房子的主人是个古怪的百万富翁。eccentric behaviour 古怪的行为unconventional very different from the way people usually behave, think, dress etc, often in a way that seems interesting 非常规的,不落俗套的His parents had a rather unconventional lifestyle, and let their children do whatever they pleased. 他的父母生活方式别具一格,而且让孩子随心所欲。nHis approach to business may seem unconventional, but he certainly gets results. unorthodox unorthodox ideas or methods are different from the usual ones, and therefore seem surprising to many people 〔观念或方法〕非传统的,非正统的He is known for his unorthodox political views. 他以非传统的政治观点闻名。unorthodox teaching methods 非正统的教学法Examples from the Corpusunusual• They had seen and heard nothing unusual.• Louise makes hats that are eye-catching and unusual.• We had snow in April, which is very unusual.• He had an unusual ability to rise above the prejudices of his generation.• To a lawyer it was an unusual and dangerous kind of will.• I first met Maria in unusual circumstances -- we were both stuck in a Brazilian airport.• The long, stout spines are an unusual feature which discriminates this species from other gastropods.• a very unusual flavor• It's unusual for Dave to be late.• We were beginning to worry. It was unusual for David to be so late.• She had an unusual last name - Peachtree or Plumtree or something like that.• Yuri invited me to sample some of Osaka's more unusual restaurants.• And it is taking the unusual step of buying ownership stakes in some projects.• Alan's work shows unusual talent and originality.• It is unusual to find lakes of this size in Britain.• And yet it is not unusual to hear of problems.It’s not unusual• Depression It's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth.un·u·su·al adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  usual Corpus normal from different is or what




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