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单词 unwarranted
释义  un·war·rant·ed /ʌnˈwɒrəntɪd $ -ˈwɔː-, -ˈwɑː-/ adjective  UNFAIRdone without good reason, and therefore annoying 无正当理由的 unwarranted interference 无理干涉Examples from the Corpusunwarranted• The trauma of the tragedy is leading people to jump to a lot of conclusions that may prove unwarranted.• Company loyalty is in question, however, and assuming workers' commitment to their corporations is unwarranted.• Partnership continued to elude me, and it embarrassed and frustrated me, although objectively I knew my impatience was largely unwarranted.• He warned members of the public not to jump to any unwarranted conclusions about the tragedy.• unwarranted criticism• And most, in their macroeconomic management, lurched between unjustified fears of recession and unwarranted euphoria about growth.• He afflicted one with a sense of unwarranted intrusion on one's private concerns.• Many sportsmen and women consider random drug-testing to be an unwarranted invasion of their privacy.• Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.• However, unwarranted use of antibiotics can help create drug-resistant bacteria and subject patients to nasty side effects, like severe diarrhea.un·war·rant·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  done and therefore Corpus annoying without reason, good




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