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单词 voice
释义  Related topics: Musicvoice1 /vɔɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  speaking 说话 [countable, uncountable] the sounds that you make when you speak, or the ability to make these sounds 说话声,嗓音;发声能力 He recognized her voice instantly. 他立刻听出了她的声音。 I could hear angry voices. 我听到了愤怒的声音。2  singing 歌唱 a) [countable, uncountable]APM the quality of sound you produce when you sing 〔唱歌的〕声音,音质 Sophie’s got a lovely singing voice 索菲有一副悦耳的歌喉。 b) [countable]APM a person singing 演唱者 a piece written for six voices and piano 为钢琴伴奏六重唱谱写的曲子3  opinion 意见 a) [singular, uncountable]POWER the right or ability to express an opinion, to vote, or to influence decisions 表达意见的权利,发言权 Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated. 在决定他们的孩子应接受怎样的教育时,家长应该也有发言权。 b) [countable]SAY/STATE an opinion or wish that is expressed 〔表达出的〕意见,呼声 The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans. 政府应该听听美国中产阶级的呼声。 a fair, democratic society, in which individuals are able to make their voice heard (=express their opinion so that people notice it) 每个人都能公开发表意见的一个公平、民主的社会 Since the new program was introduced, there have been some dissenting voices (=people expressing disagreement). 自从这个新方案出台以来,一直都有反对的声音。 Senator Prior spoke out, adding her voice to the call for new laws to protect the environment. 普赖尔参议员公开发表意见,对要求立法保护环境的呼声给予支持。4. speak with one voice AGREEif a group of people speak with one voice, they all express the same opinion 异口同声,众口一词5  REPRESENTrepresentative 代表 [singular] a person, organization, newspaper etc that expresses the opinions or wishes of a group of people 喉舌,代言人voice of The senator is the voice of the religious right. 这位参议员是宗教权利的代言人。6  the voice of reason/experience etc OPINIONopinions or ideas that are reasonable, based on experience etc, or someone who has these ideas 理性之声/经验之谈等 Ben, as ever, has been the voice of reason throughout the whole crisis. 本一如既往,在这场危机中始终代表着一种理性的声音。7  FEELINGS 感情give voice to something to express your feelings or thoughts 表达对某物的感觉[想法] Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams. 参加者被鼓励要把自己的愿望、担忧以及梦想表达出来。8  inner voice INSTINCTthoughts or feelings that you do not express but seem to warn, criticize, or advise you 内心的想法[感觉] My inner voice told me to be cautious. 我内心有个声音告诉我要小心。9. GRAMMAR 语法active/passive voice technical the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence does an action or has an action done to it 主动/被动语态 COLLOCATIONSadjectivesloud 响的Her voice was loud and clear. 她的声音响亮清晰。quiet/low/soft (=not loud) 轻的/低的/柔和的When he spoke, his voice was soft and gentle. 他说话的声音轻柔温和。a deep/low voice (=near the bottom of the range of sounds) 低沉的声音She heard the deep voice of her father downstairs. 她听见楼下传来父亲低沉的声音。a high voice (=near the top of the range of sounds) 尖声They used to repeat her words in silly high voices. 他们以前经常傻乎乎地尖声重复她说的话。a clear voice 清晰的声音Natalia’s clear voice rang out. 纳塔利娅清脆的声音响了起来。a small voice (=quiet and not strong or confident) 微弱的声音She answered in a small voice, ‘I think I was afraid.’ 她小声回答:“我想我那时是害怕了。a trembling/shaking voice (=a voice that shakes because someone is very nervous or frightened) 颤抖的声音nHe stood up and began to speak in a trembling voice.a squeaky voice (=very high and not strong) 尖细的声音nThe mouse talks in a little squeaky voice.a husky voice (=low and slightly rough but in an attractive way) 深沉悦耳的声音nShe spoke in a husky voice, as though her throat was sore.a gravelly voice (=very deep and slightly rough) 低沉沙哑的声 音nHe sang to her in his famous gravelly voice.a sing-song voice (=a voice that goes high and low in a pleasant musical way) 抑扬顿挫的声音nShe began to recite the poem in a sing-song voice.verbsraise your voice (=speak more loudly) 提高声音She did not raise her voice, or express any anger. 她没有提高声音,也没有显出怒气。lower your voice (=speak more quietly) 压低声音He lowered his voice to a whisper. 他压低声音,悄悄地耳语。keep your voice down (=not speak loudly) 小声一点Keep your voice down, they’ll hear you! 小点声,他们能听见你说话!lose your voice (=lose the ability to speak, for example when you have a cold) 失声I'll have to whisper because I've lost my voice. 我只能低声说话,因为我嗓子哑了。somebody’s voice rises (=becomes louder or higher) 某人提高声音Her voice rose in panic. 她惊慌地提高了声音。somebody’s voice drops (=becomes lower) 某人压低声音nLockhart’s voice dropped so that it could only just be heard.somebody’s voice breaks/cracks (=becomes higher or unsteady because they are upset) 某人的声音〔因不安而〕变了nHer voice broke and she was unable to continue.a boy’s voice breaks (=becomes deep as he becomes a man) 男孩变声nHis voice had only recently broken.somebody’s voice trembles/shakes (=sounds unsteady) 某人声音颤抖起来nHis voice shook with anger.somebody’s voice trails off/away (=becomes quieter until you cannot hear it) 某人声音渐渐消失n‘It's just that … ’, his voice trailed away uncertainly.phrasesin a loud/soft/deep etc voice 用响亮/轻柔/低沉等的声音‘Where is she?’, Kate demanded in a shrill voice. “她在哪儿?”凯特尖声问道。somebody’s tone of voice 某人的语气His tone of voice was aggressive. 他的语气咄咄逼人。at the top of your voice (=in a very loud voice) 扯着嗓子She shouted ‘Help!’ at the top of her voice. 她扯着嗓子高喊“救命!”Examples from the Corpusvoice• Obviously I couldn't mime to a voice of seventeen years ago, no way on earth!• I could hear Dan's angry voice shouting ''stupid idiot''.• The solo quartet was not always well balanced, but individually the two female voices were particularly striking.• However, those same three astronauts, when coming down, gave voice to a couple of suggestions.• She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs.• I thought I heard voices outside.• There was a note of irritation in her voice.• ''Sorry I'm late'', she said, in a low voice.• Blanche's voice suddenly became quiet and insinuating, without a trace of hostility.• The piece was written for six voices and piano.• She has a very high, squeaky voice.• He has a beautiful tenor voice.• "Wired" magazine quickly became the voice of the computer-generation.• This is the voice of winter talking: Go for the Outback.adding ... voice to• Doctors, nurses, unions, patient groups and even local schoolchildren are adding their voices to the protest.the voice of• The threat of imperialist attack remains, and the bureaucracy uses this threat quite consciously to periodically silence the voices of opposition.• She was heartbroken to hear the voice of Camilla.• It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker.• He hears the voice of his people constantly, calling him.• This is the voice of Britain's dying patience.• Nine years without the fingers or the voice of Baby Suggs was too much.• They had been listening to so many other voices, why would they not listen to the voices of their sons?• However, while the voice of reason is presently peripheral, its steady hum may well be heard.voice2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  TELLto tell people your opinions or feelings about a particular subject 表达,吐露 The senator voiced concern at how minorities and immigrants are treated in California. 参议员对加利福尼亚少数族裔和外来移民所受的待遇表示担忧。 She angrily voiced her objections. 她愤怒地表示反对。2. technical to produce a sound with a movement of the vocal cords as well as the breath 把…发成浊音→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusvoice• In this list, the first sound of the pair is unvoiced, the second is voiced.• The other two excuses are regularly voiced by Kevin McNamara.• He added the scheme contravened existing structure plans and traffic risk fears had been voiced by local residents.• Young women are already voicing discontent with their lives.• He voiced his desire to take on a local ownership partner to help fund it all.• Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication, but most were thought to be neutral about fundholding.• Before hearing the poll results, Mr Major and Mr Kinnock voiced their confidence that they would win with an overall majority.voiced concern• But officers have voiced concern about road safety, particularly when picking children up from Victoria Road and Waverley Terrace.• Many subject specialists have voiced concern about teaching bilingual students.• Caen voiced concern at how minorities and immigrants are treated in the golden state.• Despite agreement on those provisions, the White House has voiced concern over several other sections of the measure.• The major multiples have already voiced concerns over the system as refugees can not be given change when purchasing with vouchers.• Campaigners against the arms trade also voiced concern that the Government is still refusing to allow Parliament proper scrutiny of exports.nThe VoiceVoice, The trademark  na British newspaper especially for the black community → compare EbonyOrigin voice1 (1200-1300) Old French vois, from Latin voxvoice1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1voice2 verbVoice, TheLDOCE OnlineChinese  when the Corpus you make that sounds




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