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单词 vicinity
释义  vi·cin·i·ty /vəˈsɪnəti/ ●○○ noun formal  1  in the vicinity (of something) formal in the area around a particular place 在…附近 The stolen car was found in the vicinity of the station. 被盗汽车在车站附近被发现。 There used to be a mill in the vicinity. 附近曾有一座磨坊。2  in the vicinity of £3 million/$1,500/2 billion years etc formal close to a particular amount or measurement 大约300万英镑/1,500美元/20亿年等 All meteorites are of the same age, somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 billion years old. 所有陨石年代都差不多,大概都是45亿年左右。Examples from the Corpusvicinity• The planned revolt appeared to be a well-organized project involving about one thousand blacks in the vicinity of Richmond.• This was one of the largest silk mills in the vicinity, although it started life as a corn mill.• Many persons in the vicinity were awakened by the blast, and some were thrown from their beds.• The traders in the vicinity eavesdropped.Origin vicinity (1500-1600) Latin vicinitas, from vicinus “near”, from vicus “row of houses, village”vi·cin·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  around in particular the place Corpus area a




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