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单词 versus
释义  ver·sus /ˈvɜːsəs $ ˈvɜːr-/ ●●○ preposition  1  AGAINST somebody IN A GAME (written abbreviation v. British English, vs. American English) used to show that two people or teams are competing against each other in a game or court case 〔比赛或诉讼中〕对,诉,对抗 the New York Knicks versus the LA Lakers 纽约尼克斯队对洛杉矶湖人队 the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade 最高法院关于罗诉韦德案的判决2  COMPAREused when comparing the advantages of two different things, ideas etc 与…相对;与…相比 SYN against The finance minister must weigh up the benefits of a tax cut versus those of increased public spending. 财政部长必须权衡是减税还是增加公共开支更有利。Examples from the Corpusversus• She will earn $2500 per month under the new plan, versus $2400 under the old one.• The story revolves around the classic theme of love versus duty.• Yesterday in the semi-final we saw Sampras versus Henman.• the Broncos versus New England• the Supreme Court decision in Brown versus the Board of Education• It's a friendly game - the women versus the men.From Longman Business Dictionaryversusver‧sus /ˈvɜːsəsˈvɜːr-/, abbreviation v British English, vs. American English prepositionLAW used to show that two people or companies are against each other in a legal caseThe judge agreed with the decision in White versus Illinois.Origin versus (1400-1500) Medieval Latin “toward, against”, from Latin vertere; → VERSEver·sus prepositionChineseSyllable  to people used two are Business teams competing or Corpus that show




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