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单词 Reshaping
1. This thesis led to a radical reshaping of Labour policies.
2. He had not given up hope of reshaping it along the lines he had already supported in the abortive Fouchet Plan.
3. In the analogue world, the reshaping of a page of information or a physical object requires some exercise of brute force.
4. He set about reshaping the Canterbury community with great vigour and clarity of aim.
5. Mr Kaifu has agreed to reshaping his cabinet, but has insisted on keeping it clean.
6. The collapse of old certainties is reshaping the political parties.
7. A land rush and building boom are reshaping Los Cabos, the upscale resort community at the tip of Baja California in Mexico.
8. The brutal, unplanned reshaping of Wall Street might be better described as the Big Implosion.
9. The core of optical reshaping is a decision gate featuring signal extinction ratio enhancement and noise reduction.
10. This pressure is reshaping development assistance with a firm emphasis on value for money and a demand to demonstrate that investment brings rapid and tangible results.
11. Dozens of inexpensive information and advice services are reshaping law practice.
12. Deregulation's catalytic power. is still reshaping the banking, communications, and transportation industries ( Ellyn E. Spragins ).
13. Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.
14. The essence of internalization of knowledge is reshaping human itself and recreation of nature.
15. Reshaping the enterprise ownership system stands as a big challenge to the reformers of China's economy.
16. Among the reshaping systems converting a Gaussian beam to a flattop beam, the system composed of a plane-concave and a plane-convex lens, is a relatively simple structure.
17. LAUP enlarges the oropharynx airspace by reshaping and restructuring the uvula , velum and pharyngotonsillar pillars which can increase air flow.
18. Such thinking puts Kodak in the vanguard of a movement reshaping the computer industry.
19. If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better. Anthony Liccione 
20. The report has been offered as a blueprint for reshaping the industry.
21. Not so quiet was a parallel revolution that was reshaping the music scene, with which Leonard had an ongoing affair.
22. But again political events were overtaking the scheme and bringing in their wake a radical reshaping of the whole programme.
23. Based on the current situation that corn intertillage machinery can not work in straw mulching farmlands in northeast of China, the ridge reshaping and intertillage fertilizer applicator was designed.
24. The VSI Crusher is popular to be used in artificial sand making and stone reshaping industry.
25. In view of the continuous treating equipment of the bearing ring in forming and reshaping, has designed the hydraulic pressure servo automatic control System based on PLC and the traces screen.
26. Beijing now wants to play an active role in reshaping the world monetary order.
27. That is what the manager [ Sir Alex Ferguson ] is so good at - reshaping and re - energising the team.
28. Your political and economic systems are corrupt beyond measure and require an immitigable reshaping.
29. This paper introduced the texture and property of phosphatide , reviewed the methods of refine process and detection from rape oil residue, the discolor and reshaping of phospholipid.
30. Along with the progress of economic globalization the reshuffle and reshaping the world economics is approaching.
31. When the reshaping machine presses the plane, because of uneven stress, the anodes will result in bigger partial load which is not allowed.
32. Audio information hiding algorithm based on spread spectrum is generally detected by correlation threshold but the orthogonal of pseudorandom sequence is always destroyed by perception reshaping.
33. On the one hand, Australia's crackerjack fit with the Chinese economy is reshaping Australia's trade and investment flows, drawing the country into a China-centred Asian orbit.
34. Sarkozy has made no secret of his ambitions to start a dialogue on reshaping the world monetary system.
35. This is an osteotome for high cheekbone reshaping and applies to high cheekbone plastic surgery.
36. With "Work First" as its principle, workfare policy has played an important role in reshaping work ethics in the west and in helping to realize self-suffi.
37. This will result in demolition, barking, yelping and reshaping your couch.
38. Deregulation's catalytic power is still reshaping the banking, communications, and transportation industries.




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