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单词 tumult
释义  tu·mult /ˈtjuːmʌlt $ ˈtuː-/ noun [countable, uncountable] formal  1  LOUD/NOISYa confused, noisy, and excited situation, often caused by a large crowd 〔通常由一大群人引起的〕混乱,骚乱;吵闹,喧哗 SYN turmoil I could simply not be heard in the tumult. 一片嘈杂声中别人根本听不到我说话。in tumult The whole country is in tumult. 全国一片混乱。2. CONFUSEDa state of mental confusion caused by strong emotions such as anger, sadness etc 〔思想上的〕波动,激动 SYN turmoilExamples from the Corpustumult• All the coolant hit the engine block in a tumult of steam.• Sheila confessed that she spends most of her time in a tumult of anger and disbelief.• His voice is shaken by the tumult of his feelings ... Outside some one touches you ... with a light greeting.• Brown has kept the tumult at bay.• Theirs is a complex and lifelong friendship, even when the tumult of the times separates them for many years.• The tumult died away, and presently Moon-Watcher could hear the sound of a body being dragged over rocks.• The tumult of war had undoubtedly touched Leonard, though his immediate family were spared its direct horrors.• If it had been incredible before it was more so now, this whirling tumult in her blood.Origin tumult (1300-1400) Old French tumulte, from Latin tumultustu·mult nounChineseSyllable  a by caused often situation, confused, large a excited and Corpus noisy,




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