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单词 colon
释义  Related topics: Human, Letters & punctuationco·lon /ˈkəʊlən $ ˈkoʊ-/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. HBH technical the lower part of the bowels, in which food is changed into waste matter 结肠2. SLAthe sign (:) that is used in writing and printing to introduce an explanation, example, quotation(1) etc 冒号 → semicolonExamples from the Corpuscolon• Colons and Semicolons Most business documents contain colons that serve one or two functions.• Answer: b. Why: Only use a colon when the statement completely and naturally stops.• This experiment shows a previously unknown dietary effect upon bacterial activity in the human colon.• We elected to include this patient in the study since the entire remaining right colon had active ulcerative colitis.• Eighty eight percent examinations reached the right colon.• Unfortunately in the colon the situation is far less clear.• Despite research contributions for many countries the normal and pathological motor function of the colon remains poorly understood.• These L4 then emerge on to the mucosal surface, migrate to the colon, develop to the adult stage.Origin colon 1. (1300-1400) Latin Greek kolon “large intestine, food, meat”2. (1500-1600) Latin “part of a poem”, from Greek kolon “arm or leg, part of a poem”co·lon nounChineseSyllable  bowels, the lower Corpus of part the




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