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单词 Strategic
1 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.
2 UN forces made a strategic withdrawal.
3 The island is of strategic importance to France.
4 The army moved for strategic reasons.
5 Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
6 Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
7 Cameras were set up at strategic points along the route.
8 There are plans to modernize the US strategic forces.
9 The pilots bombed strategic targets with pinpoint accuracy.
10 Marseilles was of great strategic importance .
11 The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget.
12 Malta was of vital strategic importance during the war.
13 The strategic materials have been lifted to the front.
14 These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning.
15 The bridge is of strategic importance to us.
16 They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.
17 Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.
18 The general laid down a few strategic targets on the map.
19 Their bombs are always placed in strategic positions to cause as much chaos as possible.
20 His writings on motorized warfare dominated strategic thinking in the 1930s.
21 Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres.
22 It has no great defence industries, no strategic significance.
23 The second type of target is strategic bomber bases.
24 Strategic analysis and vision was almost totally absent.
25 That forms the final part of our Strategic Intent.
26 Regional managers occupy a crucial role in developing a strategic framework.
27 In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.
28 After 10 years of negotiation, the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty.
29 A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change.
30 Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
1 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.
2 UN forces made a strategic withdrawal.
3 The island is of strategic importance to France.
4 The army moved for strategic reasons.
5 Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
6 Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
7 Cameras were set up at strategic points along the route.
8 The bridge is of strategic importance to us.
31 But there is a second powerful strategic argument which has propelled nuclear power forward in Britain, as in other countries.
32 The environment calls the tune and the strategic behaviour of individuals is a response to the circumstances affecting their lives.
33 Social selection has thus yielded two main strategic components in the behaviour responsible for societal organization.
33 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
34 The Future Any Strategic Plan must involve improvement and expansion of channels of communication.
35 This not only altered the strategic military balance in favour of the rebels, it also gave them an important psychological boost.
36 In August the Soviet Union announced that it would cease producing rail-mounted strategic nuclear missiles from the beginning of 1991.
37 Over and above these industry-based calculations hangs the larger strategic concept for the advantage to the nation as a whole.
38 Reaction to speech Commentators claimed that Hussein's speech did nothing less than alter the strategic balance in the Middle East.
39 Strategic direction and decision making are about choosing the right road, and they need a high degree of external information.
40 Then, as they explored various strategic alternatives, they began to coalesce around one direction for the company.
41 This facility allegedly commanded the strategic approaches to the Red Sea.
42 At Guinness, these principles constitute our Strategic Intent. you have already seen the first part of that intent.
43 Secondly, along with the development of the training and enterprise councils, Britain's sectors should be given a key strategic role.
44 Strategic and personnel management, and many aspects of financial management are obvious exceptions.
45 That is needed where possible to make the strategic analysis more rigorous before final approvals are given.
46 Strategic air power had all but won the Second World War.
47 For certain technologies, notably strategic defence against nuclear weapons(), researching makes more sense than deploying a half-baked system.
48 These were strategic points: a bombed bridge could put the line out of action for as long as a year.
49 I told him also that Britain's only strategic weapon would be the minimum deterrent constituted by Trident.
50 Powerful incumbent airlines found three ways to erect strategic entry barriers and consolidate their market power.
51 In that event the Strategic Rail Authority would run day-to-day operations while buyers were sought.
52 He says we feel the numbers justify the claim that prison is being used in a strategic way against asylum seekers.
53 We are tackling our problem areas and are divesting those assets which no longer have a strategic fit.
54 Kodak is exploring either selling its copier unit or setting a joint venture or strategic alliance.
55 But corruption is only a partial explanation of some of the key strategic decisions taken by the governments.
56 Thus government, i.e. local government, has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities.
57 So I had been able to admire the strategic splendor of leaving me in our apartment.
58 They are usually part of executive teams that are involved in strategic planning or new product development.
59 Constructing rows of turbines in strategic areas could reduce soil erosion and help to phase out the use of wood for fuel.
60 A strategic overview on the issue would be published in an autumn white paper.
61 It is appropriate therefore to see the state and its actors as facing strategic choices within constraints.
62 They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post.
63 Only in this way can opportunities for vertical integration and strategic cooperation between organisations be investigated.
64 But he is a sufficiently good opportunist to put a strategic gloss on something he is going to do anyway.
65 Also(http://), there are clear benefits from bringing proposed actions together in a formal strategic analysis and long-term financial plan.
66 There are other higher-level categories, such as Strategic, which requires information from all areas for planning purposes.
67 Yet 1857 had also demonstrated the full strategic importance of railways and their role in maintaining future order.
68 We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff.
69 Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
70 Or you might benefit from courses or seminars in topics such as strategic planning, writing, or effective communication.
71 Where the implementation of such strategic highs is in question the centre will limit the action space around interpretability and local discretion.
72 A native Nebraskan and a West Point graduate, Wedemeyer had an intellectual bent and a capacity for strategic thinking.
73 But by 1990 the world was no longer bipolar, except in strategic nuclear weapons and delivery systems.
74 The strategic and other planning considerations relate to the volume and timing of development and also more recent matters such as planning gain.
75 The Clinton administration would not release oil from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help bring prices down.
76 Invesco Strategic Gold ranked second with a 46. 2 percent gain.
77 The two men and Mr Tellep, 64, will form an office of the chairman to deal with strategic issues.
78 But the larger picture is systematically distorted by the military and political calculations concerning the strategic uses of information and disinformation.
79 The acute danger of any use of nuclear weapons is that this could escalate to a full-scale strategic exchange between the superpowers.
80 And strategic thinking about our future is imperative, because we are in an ultra-competitive economic environment.
81 Singh proposed that industrial licences be abolished except in certain strategic sectors such as the arms industry, atomic energy and strategic minerals.
82 Lumbering was an attack operation, as thoroughly strategic and disciplined as a military siege.
83 Strategic groups of foxgloves, delphiniums and tall campanulas will relieve the consistent height.
84 The strategic support group ground rules were all they needed to get started.
85 Central to our research are questions such as: how do design firms cope with strategic change?
86 Thus, pre-emptive patenting can be a highly effective strategic entry barrier.
87 Their position in the whole network of assets will need to be considered and how the total capacity contributes to strategic success.
88 The irony in all this is the circular logic of what appears to be the new strategic competition.
89 It can aim for their assimilation and the development of conceptual understanding of the more strategic skills.
90 They may exchange short term financial gain for longterm strategic disadvantage.
91 Environmental audit General property audit - collates information on a building or property portfolio in order to establish a long-term strategic plan.
92 This is soon to be published in draft and will provide a strategic planning framework for the region to the year 2005.
93 Congress has on several occasions given extensive consideration to the problem of protecting the military and strategic secrets of the United States.
94 It has chosen to steer a middle course between them rather than undertake a strategic review.
95 His company's strategic investment in Britain was based on the country joining the euro by 2006.
96 In February 1995,(http://) PacTel hired Salomon to provide strategic advice.
97 A country's strategic geographical position might invite super-power attention and meddling in its internal affairs.
98 Unlike the United States, Britain had no large sparsely-populated desert areas in which to deploy strategic missiles.
99 There is a directness, a genuine sense of conviction in these words which extend far beyond strategic posing.
100 Ironically, a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking ....
101 Strategic planning guidance exists in all the metropolitan districts, including Tyne and Wear.
102 Mr Schwartz has received considerable praise in recent years for his acumen in building Loral through a series of strategic acquisitions.
103 Touch-operated computer terminals are placed at strategic points allowing us, quite literally, to have the ancient world at our fingertips.
104 An exclusive focus on either the task design or political school is likely to produce dysfunction consequences for strategic and structural change.
105 The most salient committees, in our experience, are ones responsible for capital budgeting, strategic planning, and compensation.
106 A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
107 The company will maintain a strategic manufacturing agreement with the startup and joint business development arrangements.
108 But it could have strategic value for a defense team facing the biggest case filed against an Aberdeen soldier to date.
109 His/her specific interests may lie in the political, social, cultural, strategic or economic dimensions of the subject.
110 Intelligence, even codebreaking, is at best only a fragmented adjunct to strategic planning.
111 But the idea of founding fixed royal chapels in strategic places which could provide incomes for royal chaplains was already formed.
112 The Halifax's strategic approach is most clearly shown in two big steps it did not take.
113 Another way to reduce the consumption of strategic metals is to design components to better tolerances, perhaps with computerised techniques.
114 The Producer would still be in overall charge, but his or her role was now far more strategic than tactical.
115 The enemy strategic assets will largely fall into three distinct categories.
116 Strategic ambiguity has its uses, but a policy of temporizing may eventually fall short.
117 Planning may also deter purchasers from undertaking opportunistic acquisitions for short term motives without regard to long term strategic aims.
118 Dole already has used legislative issues such as gun control and strategic missile defense to score political points.
119 It is an even bigger dilemma at the ideology-setting level, which relates more to strategic movement.
120 Graham Brown, vice president and treasurer; and Jack Driscoll, senior executive of corporate strategic planning.
121 An outside auditor appointed by the Secretary of Transportation will analyse Amtrak's financial practices, especially its strategic business plan.
122 The agreement is said to mark the beginning of a close strategic alliance between the two companies.
123 Surface bursts of large nuclear weapons are an essential part of strategic nuclear war.
124 Both groups reinforced a mutual worldview that equated leadership with brilliant, tough-minded,(http://) and decisive strategic insight and decision making.
125 These key strategic factors ought to be observable from a thorough analysis of market attractiveness and competitive strengths.
126 Doubtless there will be many highly strategic opportunities where this humiliation will be fully exploited.
127 George had a tendency to be detained or shot at for sketching coastal installations in strategic areas.
128 The joint chiefs were unwilling to support a treaty at this juncture for strategic reasons.
129 His repressions were too blatant, his strategic hamlet and land-reform programs had too obviously failed.
130 This paper outlines a strategic approach for developing primary and community health services in London.
131 He expressed anxiety about the public accountability of the funding council, and in particular who was to look after the strategic planning.
132 It intends to offer customers strategic business planning as well as interoperability strategies for the future.
133 The publication of the first part of the Strategic Study of the Profession was followed by widespread consultation with regions and branches.
134 This is a historic town, its nucleus occupying an imposing and consequently strategic position on an eminence commanding the river Emme.
135 These councils would assess local needs, contribute to local service plans within the overall strategic plan and monitor local service provision.
136 Strategic planning does not promise that decisions will be correct; only that they will be made with foresight.
137 This calls for complete reversal of former security doctrine based on strategic military considerations.
138 You can form a series of strategic and productive alliances with people who have different specialties.
139 He went on to say that the solutions are diversification, restraint, restructuring and strategic alliances.
140 In this model the top level represents strategic information used to govern the long-term behaviour of the organisation.
141 And he will be expected to use that information to improve performance and to help his company attain its strategic goals.
142 Alongside the other strategic arguments in its favour, the economics of the uranium fuel cycle had been taken for granted.
143 These tactics illustrate how strategic behaviour can be used to consolidate existing market power.
144 Playing singles, he never got far, preferring instead the strategic intricacies of doubles.
145 A careful strategic analysis as described in chapter 4 will help to lessen the disadvantages of using leading indicators.
146 The advent of 1992 will demand a new breed of Euro-Christians who are embracing the entire continent in their strategic thinking.
147 The announcement will cause concern in the Middle East, where water is one of the most sensitive strategic issues.
148 Rational economic and financial analysis will be vital in presenting proposals, examining relationships between strategic subsystems, and so on.
149 Spending resources before financial deadlines has come to dominate the administration of Partnerships and Programme Authorities, instead of wider strategic issues.
150 Externally, leading capitalist economies require high military expenditure for the political and strategic defence of the system against any Soviet threat.
151 It has dangerously upset the strategic balance by proposing a new national missile defence system.
152 Turndal predicted future growth would come from product development, strategic partnerships, alliances and acquisitions.
153 It starts when organizational leaders, planners,() and consultants are contemplating the alternatives available to them at a strategic moment.
154 Managers were held accountable for a broader array of financial, strategic, and human resource outcomes.
155 The strategic order among the major nuclear powers is fragile, however, because it rests heavily on the assumption of nonuse.
156 We are discussing strategic new developments-someone has to be the first to develop the product or technology.
157 Apart from the efforts of transnational companies already mentioned, there are other strategic and financial considerations.
158 Bundling phone and cable service to its Bay Area customers is a major strategic goal.
159 This reflected a Soviet awareness that a fundamental strategic reappraisal of this part of the globe was under way in the United States.
160 It is now appropriate to review this problem again in the light of the strategic analysis discussed in chapter 4.
161 Once again, they were not especially oriented to meeting strategic corporate needs.
162 The phone companies have invested in technologies and strategic alliances designed to enter the business.
163 Strategic planning systems can of course deteriorate into meaningless exercises.
164 Colleges must have strategic transference to persist connotation development.
165 Units in Strategic redeployment can never gain org now.
166 Your life will be smoother after this strategic pass.
167 Strategic intelligence is a first step.
168 State Bank is currently the selection of strategic investors.
169 Discribed the SUNRISO company's primeval enterprise strategic program. "
170 Our next strategic move was still in suspense.
171 Strategic networking prepares us for serendipitous moments.
172 Capture strategic locations, rescue hostages and slaughter indiscriminately!
173 Their work may support strategic planning or product development.
174 The Nuclear submarine is a kind of strategic weapon.
175 Case Study: Building and Implementing a Balanced Scorecard Strategic Management System ( bsci ).
176 A Global Steering Committee oversees and sets the strategic direction of the World AIDS Campaign.
177 The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points.
178 Pakistan: It used its military force and strategic reserve to help us.
179 We regard self - aid and mutual aid as aid measures and also as strategic tasks.
180 All the strategic innovation in the world cannot compensate for an unmotivated staff or low productivity.
181 Sugar transporters are located in strategic positions along translocation path.
182 But Mr Lafley's understated style masks a keen strategic mind and ambition.
183 Vanadium is an important strategic material and has many uses.
184 The U.S. is at just such a strategic inflection point.
185 At last, it makes SWOT analysis to one logistics company and takes its strategic option.
186 The management of strategic operation plan needs an efficient management control system.
187 Tear apart will make two companies obtain bigger flexibility on operation and strategic level.
188 David Chan Ke strategic experts may think in terms of price and non - price competition.
189 Management activities can be classified in three levels: strategic planning, management control and operational control.
190 Strategic redeployment will now give the attack delay to a unit.
191 Today(), CVLC are established in four strategic seaport locations with services covering the whole of China.
192 Strategic principle of integration of areas of reclamation area of Shihezi.
193 The best course in dealing with both countries is to limit their wherewithal for strategic mischief.
194 They play nonstop tactical and strategic games in a zero - gravity space station.
195 Such arrangement, have strategic height already, also have microcosmic depth.
196 What then is the overall strategic concept which we should inscribe today?
197 Strategic Code Splicing might have a minimal effect, but it's unnoticeable in almost all cases.
198 Risk - based strategic system audit ( SSA ) is a new phase of development of audit model.
199 A integrative view focuses on how projects contribute to the strategic goals of the organization.
200 A motivational system and management values that reward and promote the exercise of strategic thinking.
201 Today, CVLC are established in five strategic seaport locations with services covering the whole of China.
202 Direct inducement of strategic transformation includes external inducement and internal inducement.
203 The object of strategic retreat is to conserve military strength and prepare for the counter - offensive.
204 Because of its strategic location , Taiyuan was the site of many wars.
205 Master and angry under, big langouste a place of strategic importance arrives in his bed.
206 As the first raiser of strategic air force, the Chinese army won't be careless a maneuver.
207 Why is a Tsinghua MBA strategic at this point in your life?
208 S nonproliferation cooperation is going to building a joint transatlantic nonproliferation strategic alliance.
209 Oil is the nonrenewable resource and the important strategic mineral resource.
210 We had to take into account the strategic implications of these events.
211 Requests for strategic intelligence are steadily on the rise globally.
212 Aggressive use of pretrial motions has strategic as well as substantive advantages.
213 This means sloughing off businesses that no longer fit with strategic priorities.
213 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
214 The article introduces standardization of SIEMENS whole world and statute in detail strategic content.
215 Recent studies report an increasing use of nonfinancial strategic index in measuring corporation's - run performance . "
216 Be strategic and position yourself as someone who can mitigate those risks.
217 Afghan and U.S. officials say Taleban militants have established a series of strategic bases inside Pakistan.
218 Quest Strategic Consulting : E - Learning content and technology providers, strategist and consultants.
219 Why Piers Harding - Rolls thinks this marriage has strategic sense?
220 High - quality personnel and localization and institutionalized the management of the achievements of Tiens international strategic objectives.
221 It is stressed for value chain analysis, SWOT analysis,() cost driver analysis in the Strategic Coststatement.
222 Responsible for strategic planning, business integration and development, market analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring.
223 Do whatever you can do profitably to attract large affiliates and form key strategic alliances.
224 The strategic location of the Horn of Africa increases its importance for international security and commerce.
225 These forecast values feed the strategic plan, and when properly implemented - the balanced scorecard.
226 The new NPA includes 18 major goals, 55 supportive indicators and 66 strategic measures.
227 Our country extends domestic demand and stimulates economy by housing industry, which is of strategic significance.
228 From a strategic point of view , too , both BA and Iberia badly need more bulk.
229 A Strategic Study on the Library CD - ROM's Long - Term Readability.
230 In Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan three city centre and strategic location, easily accessible.
231 On the whole, financial holding company has advantages over strategic ally in range efficiency.
232 The second stage may be termed one of strategic stalemate.
233 Formulation of Strategic Business Plan , Operating Budget Forecast Updates, Year End Latest Estimate.
234 Target triad personalities and activities, including youth gangs, and mount strategic undercover operations for this purpose.
235 Wang Sijing ( 1998 ) Geoenvironmental Consideration in the Strategic planning for development . ICIMOD Kathmandu, Nepal.
236 Copper has a very important strategic position in the development of national economy, and nonrenewable resources.
237 But clear strategic guidance, Miss Marcel argues , goes hand - in - hand with operational autonomy at the best NOCs.
238 Perhaps out of play for time to consider strategic, approach a stretcher.
239 The second part analyzes the strategic practices of HF company and the exiting problems.
240 You have talent and strategic use of sophisticated systems and tactics outsmart your opponent it?
241 Without possessing the necessary skills, strategic intent is merely wishful thinking.




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