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单词 Joyce
1 Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate's bracelet disappeared.
2 Alan recounted how he and Joyce had met.
3 It's rather a shame that Joyce missed the concert.
4 Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.
5 Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket.
6 It's a great pity Joyce wasn't invited.
7 Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan.
8 Joyce was irritated by the inflexibility of her colleagues.
9 It was just wonderful to see Joyce again.
10 Joyce regarded his US citizenship as a moral and political incubus.
11 James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century.
12 The defending champion Joyce Chepchumba, Loroupe's team-mate, came third.
13 Joyce was undismayed by the subjugation of the Czechs.
14 The pontoon bridge linking Balzac to Joyce.
15 Joyce raced through the store, searching desperately.
16 Joyce had a special hatred for history.
17 Joyce thought this last remark was humorous.
18 But economics were a secondary issue to Joyce.
19 Twice Joyce was prosecuted in the police courts.
20 Joyce was trying to arrange bail.
21 Joyce made a catty comment about Sonia's clothes.
22 Joyce Allan and Fred Penfold will also take part in this meeting which will hopefully produce recommendations for our next Directorate meeting.
23 Joyce explained to Paul in a very loud voice that her den was this way.
24 Perhaps the most interesting entry made by Joyce in his Workbook related to his place of birth and nationality.
25 Mosley, Joyce, and the leaders of the meeting at the pavilion were charged with assault and riotous assembly.
26 As a writer I'd put him on a par / level with Joyce.
27 Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce.
28 I told Lucy the news under my breath,[] but Joyce overheard me.
29 Bloomsday has turned into a carnival, attended by thousands of people who know little about James Joyce.
30 Recent books have revealed the unacknowledged literary debts that writers such as Brecht and Joyce owed to the women in their lives.
1 Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate's bracelet disappeared.
2 I told Lucy the news under my breath, but Joyce overheard me.
31 Joyce gave us a lot of valuable advice when we first started the company.
32 Thus language begins to parody itself, and so does literature, as Joyce shows in the Ithaca section of Ulysses.
33 Only then, said Joyce, did the police arrive in Warwick Street.
34 You must have some idea of when Joyce will be home.
35 Joyce Standing, a community centre volunteer worker, said a bus ban would have made life impossible for many residents.
36 As a student, her favourite subjects were James Joyce and the movies.
37 Where, later, Joyce would see it, with tedious inevitability, and ask questions.
38 In the circumstances of 1921, Michael Joyce would have been ill-advised to seek reconciliation with the new order in Ireland.
39 By his own account, Joyce arrived at the pavilion, in Blackshirt uniform, about half an hour before the meeting.
40 In effect, Joyce and National Socialism were to win the day.
41 Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to make out I'd already mailed it.
42 It also saw Joyce and Rourke emerging as a formidable rhythm section.
43 She and other party activists travelled to Dumfries to hear Joyce address a meeting on 7 February 1935.
44 Looking forward to Joyce he too broke into a trot.
45 Joyce, as the oldest daughter living at home, shared a fair burden of the domestic responsibility.
46 They came away empty-handed, but one Tucson psychic, Joyce Martin, said she plans to continue searching on her own.
47 William Joyce presented the clenched fist in an armour of brass knuckles.
48 As Joyce Umbima shows(), the only way of bringing men on board is to show that change is in their interest.
49 I chose the sketches I wanted to perform and wrote an over-long introduction based on why I felt drawn to Joyce.
50 He knew that Joyce, in order to look good as a project leader, needed him to do the job.
51 Suddenly, Joyce fired his pistol and the battle had begun.
52 Joyce managed to develop and moderate his style of vituperative public rhetoric.
53 The headquarters of the League became a club where members could go for a drink and where Joyce served behind the bar.
54 The two women began to laugh, and Joyce confided in Lois that her friend Margaret was just the worst.
55 According to the prosecution evidence, Joyce then punched the heckler in the face.
56 Joyce was informing his listeners of a massive air strike by Luftwaffe bombers against the Kent coast.
57 Volunteers like Joyce go round local schools helping children with their reading problems.
58 Processing Processing have got some gripes Joyce is on the warpath, cripes!Sentencedict
59 As the Joyce example shows, this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices, such as metaphor and alliteration.
60 The town which Joyce wrote about has long since ceased to exist.
61 Mabs, Tashie and Joyce joined them; they had all put on warm sweaters, but still had bare feet.
62 Joyce, having seen Mabs and Tashie run, was now teaching them how to do handstands and cartwheels.
63 William Joyce had been convicted of treason on the grand scale.
64 Possibly, as war drew closer, the police wanted some pretext to keep Joyce on their books.
65 Benitez, disgusted, gestured toward home plate umpire Jim Joyce, then turned toward McCoy, who ignored his plea.
66 The 37-year-old merchant seaman killed Joyce after a night out ended in drunken violence.
67 ""It's only Fred,'' said Joyce, looking through an opening in the curtains.
68 Joyce Tapsall who's sixty-eight has lived alone longer than most widows - her husband died when she was twenty-nine.
69 I would never find a better musician, his contribution to Re:Joyce was unquantifiable.
70 Michael Joyce had not suffered financial ruin by his second emigration.
71 After the phone had rung twice, Joyce picked it up and said hello.
72 Joyce had become separated from her parent and attached herself to the Leighs.
73 Joyce shot her a look in which surprise and indignation were nicely fused.
74 As an undergraduate William Joyce joined with enthusiasm in literary and political life.
75 In the women's race, Joyce Smith was ruing her luck.
76 In malicious falsehood the aggrieved, in this case Miss Joyce, must show the Today's comments are false.
77 She found Hyacinth, placid and biddable, an agreeable playmate and Mada Joyce a fine source of entertainment.
78 Ronald Joyce recalls Lenny helping raise £2,000 for a dying cancer victim.
79 Alan Harle, defending, said Joyce was still employed as a part-time doorman at the pub.
80 Joyce did her best to comfort him, assuring him that it was not his fault.
81 Even before the last Albert Hall rally, Joyce and Mosley had joined the street fight.
82 By then he felt no need to take William Joyce with him.
83 If you would like to receive my prayer letter please contact Joyce MacPherson who has kindly agreed to distribute it for me.
84 Those who settle find it hard to create a community, according to Joyce Weis, a local estate agent.
85 Joyce has now learned to honour her father's memory and to see his worth.
86 Worst of all, he was readily confused with another Michael Joyce who denounced a priest to the Black and Tans.
87 Even quarrelsome members of the leadership, like William Joyce, appear to have been attracted to the movement by such motives.
88 Joyce would need a passport,[] and that with the minimum of delay.
89 As a narrator, Stella gives James Joyce a run for his stream-of-consciousness money.
90 Apart from the wad of Reichsmarks that Joyce had acquired at the bureau de change, they had nothing at all.
91 At 64, Joyce Kost of Vernon, Conn., is part of a market being targeted by computer makers.
92 Roy and Joyce Lee will arrange activities for you, including trips to the local theatre, and horse-riding.
93 He died on the opening night of my one-woman show Re:Joyce.
94 Perhaps as a child Joyce simply knew that she did not like birds and felt uneasy if one came near her.
95 Joyce became a part-time tutor at a creamer's, while still participating in the social life of his peers.
96 Joyce lay dead, shot through the head; and the squire was half-carrying the wounded captain.
97 Everyone knows that a Street Directory of Dublin is essential to the reading of joyce.
98 'No, sir,'replied Joyce.'I believe not, sir.'.
99 JOYCE Thanks. I need the plastic wrap too.
100 Chapman wants Joyce, but I have my doubts.
101 Joyce sits with her fingers interlocked under her chin.
102 Dubliners is among the earliest works of James Joyce.
103 How do you like the author, James Joyce?
104 Joyce and Eric have just finished the test.
105 We'll take Redruth, Joyce, and Hunter.
106 JOYCE Creme caramel . And coffee. Hot coffee.
107 'Thank you, sir,'returned Joyce, with the same quiet civility.
108 Joyce brought in a coloring book from Papa John's Pizza.
109 Joyce dedicated his career to erasing it and in the process revolutionized 20 th century fiction.
110 James Joyce employs three antiheroes as the focal-characters in the internal focalization of Ulysses.
111 Joyce got a scholarship to study liberal Arts in the woods of Maine, where she met Patty's exceedingly Gentile dad, whom she married at All Souls Unitarian Church on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
112 Like Joyce, Brown employed the stream-of-consciousness technique and captured the Dublin culture in his use of humor, language and unique character description.
113 Larnell Cole's first-ever call-up to England is thoroughly merited, according to Reserves coach Warren Joyce.
114 Reserves boss Warren Joyce has praised United's latest first-team debutant Michael Keane.
115 Hunter, take the east side, there. Joyce , you stand by the west, my man.
116 You mean Joyce Carter, the Accounting Manager? I'm sure she'd encourage you to go ahead.
117 She later became a state assemblywoman, the Honorable Joyce Emerson, known for her advocacy of open space, poor children, and the Arts.
118 Strictly speaking, I am not impersonating this individual, since "Joyce Carol Oates" doesn't exist[http:///joyce.html], except as an author-identification.
119 Faulkner who Zhao Mei has a spiritual affinity with, James Joyce, Andre Gide, Claude Simon, Milan Kundera whom she admires rationally and movie director Jean Luc Godard.
120 Joyce? Good, I have my backpack and my camera tripod.
121 Bay boat is presiding apparitor tall Yi Si (Alan Joyce) express in a statement, bay boat airline ticket is booked get " able-bodied and fast restore " .
122 Textual criticism is also an important event in Joyce and Ulysses criticism.
123 The predictions have come to light again after a well-preserved copy of the historic edition was found by John and Joyce Jenkins among a pile of magazines in a wardrobe at their home in Plymouth.
124 Among these pillars of English literature were Jonathan Swift, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke.
125 I went and had a look round Kew Gardens with the botanist Joyce Singleton; it was a bit of a busman 's holiday for her.
126 It contains the following four parts:The first part is a general introduction to Joyce Carol Oates and her work Black Water, as well as literature review on Black Water.
127 Nonsense! " Aunt Joyce said. "You are much more creative than I am, I'd never have thought of using a shoehorn to serve stew. "
128 In 1945, William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw-Haw , " was charged in London with high treason for his English - language wartime broadcasts on German radio. (He was hanged the following January.
129 My job at the university is to impersonate "Joyce Carol Oates."
130 Joyce In Napa Valley we visited three vineyards and stayed an old monastery turned a B & B .
131 Dylan is famous for his exotic singing voice. The American writer Joyce Carol Oates said it was "as if sandpaper could sing".
132 'If you please, sir,'said Joyce,'if I see anyone, am I to fire?'.
133 It begins with the introduction which briefs about the author and her works. It also introduces the studies about Joyce Carol Oates home and abroad.
134 It published Alan Dershowitz, Stephen King, Philip Roth, Joyce Carol Oates and J.
135 Joyce is talking to Terry, an instructor at the dive center.
136 Seidel, Michael. James Joyce: A Short Introduction. Oxford, U. K. : Blackwell Publishers, 2002.
137 "Sometime," says Jack Joyce of the College Board, "between the maternity ward and middle school."
138 It published Alan Dershowitz, Stephen King, Philip Roth, Joyce Carol Oates and J. P. Donleavy, and interviews with Germaine Greer, Gore Vidal and Isaac Asimov.
139 James Joyce uses the topos of the wandering jew in his ulysses.
140 JOYCE , a successful children's book author and illustrator whose works include.
141 Thomas Wolfe and James Joyce among many other literary greats have employed the form.
142 I owe a debt of thanks to Joyce Thompson,() whose careful and able research was of great help.
143 Joyce Carol Oates, a novelist in contemporary American literary scene, is attentive to the female issue.
144 More recently Gerald Joyce at Scripps has reported experiments in which two RNA sequences form collectively autocatalytic sets, each catalyzing the ligation of fragments that form the other.
145 Congratulations go to coaches Paul McGuinness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Warren Joyce, Jim Ryan, Richard Merron and, of course, the players themselves.
146 Joyce Certainly, let me move my backpack under the seat.
147 And like many other people, they can't understand why I am not particularly upset that my work is shelved almost 10 full feet away from the likes of American legends John Updike and Joyce Carol Oates.
148 Joyce I am going to San Francisco to attend a summer art class.
149 Since its publication,[http:///joyce.html] Joyce Ulysses has been receiving controversial criticisms.
150 Inside the airport, parader people the scroll that puts down demonstrate when awaiting machine hall through home, tighten the catchword that then collective call out lets Joyce is nonofficeholding.
151 SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: You have just heard "The Diamond Lens" by Fitz-James O'Brien. It was adapted for Special English by Dona de Sanctis. Your storyteller was Maurice Joyce.
152 Yes, the same Joyce Carol Oates who packs one of the most lethal punches in American literature also happens to be an astute observer of the sweet science.
153 This approach, he says without rancour, has put him at odds with conventional Joyce scholars: "No one hates a populariser more than an intellectual."
154 Being a famous contemporary writer in America, Joyce Carol Oates, in her 40-odd years of writing, has published more than 30 novels and firmly established herself in American literary arena.
155 As to the representative figures of modern Engish novels, besides D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce can also be regarded as the master of stream-of-consciousness novels.
156 Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.
157 He lived at the Lorelei, an Art Deco apartment palace near Joyce Kilmer Park, on a hill above what was then Yankee Stadium.
158 He has also published a book on Irish writer, James Joyce.
159 So some seconds passed, till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket and fired.
160 Joyce : Oh, you'll find out. He's kind of the big bad wolf in this office.
161 Among contemporary American writers, Joyce Carol Oates is an outstanding woman writer.
162 Joyce : I am thinking about wearing a reformed cheongsam.
163 Joyce Carol Oates ( 1938 - ) is a renowned prolific female writer in the contemporary American literary circle.
164 Joyce: Speaking of breaking wind, the article said that the Japanese invented some kind of cushion that can absorb farts .
165 A faulty part or design issue may have caused the explosion in an engine on a Qantas Airways Airbus A380 that forced an emergency landing in Singapore, Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said Friday.
166 In the collection, Joyce chooses Dublin, the capital of Ireland, as the background, and presents to us vivid description of the life in Dublin at the beginning of the last century.
167 As an outstanding representative of modernism, James Joyce has drawn wide attention.
168 Frequent business traveler Joyce Gioia forgot more than $20,000 worth of jewelry in her hotel room in Italy last year.
169 So long as, with reasonable success, I can impersonate "Joyce Carol Oates, " it is not the case that I am dead and done for—yet.
170 If the name "Joyce Carol Oates" affixed to her own books can't sell these books, how can the name "Joyce Carol Oates" affixed to another's book help to sell that book?
171 Joyce (second from the left) is enjoying her school life at SCAD.
172 When I was a boy "discovering literature", I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka.
173 Soviet leader of proven shrewdness and prescience ( Joyce carol Oates ) See Usage Note at prove.
174 It is also a book to listen to: "Joyce was a singer—he had a beautiful tenor voice—so he understood writing for the ear.
175 He began getting theater work in the Catskills and caught the eye of the casting agent Joyce Selznick, who helped him win a contract with Universal Pictures in 1948.
176 James Joyce is as one of the great literary pioneers the twentieth century.
177 The Dead by Joyce describes the life state that is depressing, paralyzing, tiring, idle and living dead of the middle- and lower-class citizens in Dublin and the ultimate ending.
178 Joyce has been walking on air since she is going to marry Jim.
178 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
179 Fogel, Daniel Mark . Covert Relations: Joyce, Woolf and Henry James . Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1990.
180 "What's the matter, Joyce ? It's only a ticket..." Liana was puzzled.
181 "Researchinto new types of biofuels is looking more promising, " said Joyce Tait, chair of the NCB's working party on biofuels.
182 James Joyce justified his use of "obscenity" on the grounds that it was a natural part of life.
183 Ah! said Joyce. I like this. This is the real stuff.
184 Joyce Greenberg, a retired financial adviser in Texas said her family had begun investing money with Madoff in the 1970s after being introduced by her stepbrother.
185 In addition to her strenuous elocution, Joyce had strenuously proper posture and a masklike Pleasant Smile suitable for nearly all occasions public and private.
186 AP Chief Executive Officer Alan Joyce Qantas Airways 8, said its three Airbus A380 aircraft engine oil, and therefore decided that all A380 aircraft grounded for 72 hours.
187 William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke.
188 Among the contemporary woman writers in the United States, Joyce Carol Oates is one full of diligence and fecundity.
189 Joyce Carol Oates is a famous contemporary American writer, celebrated for the great productivity and diligence.




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