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单词 tiring
释义 Word family  noun tiredness adjective tired tireless tiresome tiring verb tire adverb tirelessly  tir·ing /ˈtaɪərɪŋ $ ˈtaɪr-/ ●●● S3 adjective  TIREDmaking you feel that you want to sleep or rest 令人困倦的;令人疲劳的,令人感到累的 We’ve all had a long tiring day. 我们大家都经历了漫长而劳累的一天。 THESAURUStiring making you feel that you want to sleep or rest 累人的The journey was really tiring. 旅途非常劳累。I’ve had such a tiring day. 我今天可累得够呛。It was tiring work. 这是件累人的差事。exhausting extremely tiring 令人精疲力竭的I had to drive nine hours without a break – it was exhausting. 我一刻不停地开了九小时的车——让人精疲力竭。an exhausting week of singing, acting, and dancing 唱歌、表演、跳舞,令人精疲力竭的一周hard very tiring and difficult – used about days, journeys etc 〔日子、旅行等〕艰难的a hard day at work 辛苦工作的一天The last part of the journey was very hard. 旅途的最后一程很艰难。wearing /ˈweərɪŋ $ ˈwer-/ tiring because you have to use a lot of your mental energy, and often become bored – used about people, situations etc 〔人、情形等〕令人疲倦[厌烦]的I find her constant questions rather wearing. 她不停地问问题我觉得很烦。Kids of that age can be very wearing. 那个年龄的孩子会很烦人。nHis films always tend to have the same plots, which does get rather wearing after a while.gruelling British English, grueling American English (also punishing) very tiring physically or mentally – used when you have to keep doing something for a long time 使人疲劳的,累心的〔用于必须长久地做某事时〕a gruelling journey across the desert 穿越沙漠的劳累旅途a gruelling race 艰苦的比赛a punishing schedule 繁重的日程安排na punishing exercise regimebackbreaking backbreaking work is extremely tiring and needs a lot of physical effort 极累人的;消耗体力的Clearing the land was slow backbreaking work. 清理土地费时又费力。nLaborers were paid $2 a day for backbreaking farm work.nsomething is a killer informal used when saying that something is extremely tiringToday was a real killer.nfatiguing formal making you feel very tiredFactory work was repetitive and fatiguing.Examples from the Corpustiring• The journey was really tiring.• Working full time can be extremely tiring.• Long periods of continuous study are very tiring.• Three tiring and deafening weeks passed with no obvious change.• The whole process was one of the most tiring and yet satisfying things I have ever done in my life.• Then Huddersfield rallied, and the fiery centre-forward Islip forced his way through to beat the tiring Burnley defenders.• I've had such a tiring day. I just want to take a bath and go to bed.• It had been, I realized, an extremely long and tiring day.• The Colleen - what a tiring girl she sounds - prattled incessantly of horses.• Sam couldn't wait for the whole tiring ordeal to be over.• You could try of course, but after a colossal, tiring ridge-walk you would be a dingbat even to think of it.• Moving into a situation is usually less tiring than backing away.tir·ing adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  feel sleep want you you Corpus or that to rest making




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