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单词 shattered
释义  shat·tered /ˈʃætəd $ -ərd/ adjective [not before noun]  1  SHOCKvery shocked and upset 感到震惊难过的 I wasn’t just disappointed, I was absolutely shattered. 我不仅是失望,我是彻底心灰意冷了。2  British English informalTIRED very tired 精疲力竭的,极度疲劳的 SYN exhausted By the time we got home we were both shattered. 回到家时,我们两人都精疲力竭了。► see thesaurus at tiredExamples from the Corpusshattered• I've had a terrible day at the office and I'm absolutely shattered.• When he came out of the exam he felt shattered.• My dream of the religious life is shattered.• The china money jar on the kitchen mantelpiece that contained their emergency funds lay shattered and empty on the floor.• In that broken place, rocks and shattered boulders lay in a half-circle, ruinous pines growing among them.• The instruments were shattered, but the controls and engine were functioning except the latter was spewing coolant vapour.• A black van reversed through the shattered remains of the main gate and the back doors were thrown open.• Houses where families have lived for generations are left as blackened, shattered skeletons.• The Collector's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill.• The earth cracked like a shattered windscreen.shat·tered adjectiveChineseSyllable  very Corpus upset shocked and




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