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单词 time-honoured
释义  ˈtime-ˌhonoured British English, time-honored American English adjective  LONG TIME[only before noun] a time-honoured method or custom is one that has existed for a long time 〔方法、习俗等〕古老的,历史悠久的 Sharon became involved with music in the time-honoured fashion – through her family. 莎伦是通过家庭熏陶这一传统的方式走上音乐道路的。Examples from the Corpustime-honoured• In time-honoured fashion, the wisest fortune-tellers are blind.• Sometimes they echo time-honoured memories of widespread flooding in the region following the end of the last ice age.• Made by time-honoured methods, Edam is high in protein, vitamins and minerals.• Headquarters motivates managers to meet targets in time-honoured style: carrot and stick.• Called to attend at 10.15 in the morning, we started in the time-honoured way of civilization with a coffee break.• Perfect control Hairspray is a time-honoured way to hold your hair in the time-honoured fashion• Other humans who visited the site, however, were promptly attacked in the time-honoured fashion.ˈtime-ˌhonoured adjectiveChineseSyllable  time-honoured one a is existed has custom that or Corpus method




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