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单词 malice
释义  mal·ice /ˈmælɪs/ noun [uncountable]  1  CRUELthe desire to harm someone because you hate them 恶意;害人之心with malice His eyes gleamed with malice. 他目露凶光。sheer/pure malice She did it out of sheer malice. 她这么做纯粹是出于恶意。 James bore her no malice (=did not feel any malice towards her). 詹姆斯对她并无恶意。2. with malice aforethought lawSCC with the deliberate intention of doing something that is against the law 〔犯罪〕蓄意地,有恶意预谋地Examples from the Corpusmalice• Since this is such an action, the rule requiring proof of actual malice is applicable...• And, of course, that is rarely true; most of the time there is no malice.• There was no malice in his voice, no sign of rage.• There was no malice, no reproach.• We bear you no malice and hope that when you leave our valley your journey is a good one.• Then, being human, he indulges in a spurt of malice.• She saw those cold eyes turn towards her, caught a gleam of pure malice.• Hagen's voice brims with malice as he plots his revenge.bore ... malice• He was a gentleman doing his job and I bore him no malice.• Apparently the elderly Renoir bore Modigliani no malice.• The predatory spirits, on the other hand, are described as if they bore actual malice toward humans.Origin malice (1300-1400) Old French Latin malitia, from malus “bad”mal·ice nounChineseSyllable  desire someone the harm Corpus because you to




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