单词 | Crusade |
例句 | 1. The charity tonight launched its great crusade against homelessness. 2. They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality. 3. He seems to be running a one-man crusade against cigarette smoking. 4. He continued to crusade for free education for all. 5. For 23 years he led a crusade for peace. 6. The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch - hunt. 7. A crusade left Europe in an attempt to reconquer the Holy City. 8. She seems to be carrying out a personal crusade to stop this building work. 9. He is on a crusade to take the church to the people. 10. Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces. 11. I see the march as a crusade for peace. 12. The crusade would proceed without the sword. 13. In this last crusade he was largely unsuccessful. 14. That's Crusade against Cruelty, tomorrow, at six twenty five. 15. He has begun a crusade for gun control. 16. Gavin has derided McLaughlin's crusade for gun control. 17. In 1227 Ludwig died while on crusade. 18. They thought that he would launch a crusade against corruption and make heads roll before ordering elections. 19. He was on a crusade, and no one doubted his sincerity. 20. In adopting this crusade, the press barons were also directly challenging Baldwin's leadership of the Government and of the party. 21. Admittedly, the content of the current quality crusade is different from that of its predecessors. 22. This has been a personal crusade to fill that gap. 23. She intends to continue her crusade against sex and violence on TV. 24. Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession. 25. Despite receiving little support, the women are persevering with their crusade to fight crime. 26. Male speaker All they ever wanted was not to launch a crusade, but to find out what was happening. 27. But who is qualified to lead us on this Crusade? 28. But it's the right that has led this bitter crusade to doubly punish criminals. 29. Theirs was a correction of smug Victorian concepts, a crusade sprung from reactive energies. 30. Money solved that problem, as it was to solve many others to come in the crusade against polio. 1. The charity tonight launched its great crusade against homelessness. 2. They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality. 3. He seems to be running a one-man crusade against cigarette smoking. 4. For 23 years he led a crusade for peace. 31. Why does it sometimes seem that Robert Mugabe must be the natural leader of this panic-stricken crusade? 32. He went with the future Edward I on crusade in 1270, acting as his admiral. 33. Armour and weapons from the First Crusade were closer in style to those of the Norman Conquest. 34. Government statements have also made a point of denigrating the achievements of the 1980 Literacy Crusade. 35. Those were exciting days and as the money began to pour in we all felt we had joined a successful crusade. 36. Mr La Malfa's resignation was the biggest surprise of all, given his long crusade for moral reform. 37. Private Parts is the second film so far this year that takes bad taste and turns it into a crusade. 38. But on Thursday, the evangelist is back for a three-day crusade. 39. On return from the crusade, he was appointed as seneschal of Gascony. 40. We have won the crusade for a balanced budget with tax relief. 41. In 1971, for a 10-day crusade in Oakland, about 360, 000 people attended. 42. Alice was to be handed over to a guardian nominated by Richard, who would marry her after his return from crusade. 42. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 43. The president also would require tobacco companies to pay a $ 150 million advertising crusade to stop young people from smoking. 44. It is a crusade to recapture Jerusalem, nothing short of a call for a new theocracy. 45. The crusade against Communism, therefore, took the form of containment rather than attack. 46. He may have been the author of a memorandum written between 1289 and 1307 concerning plans for a new crusade. 47. Every investigation was to her like a personal crusade, a quest, that she had to complete. 48. That gave him reason to turn his personal devotion to a healthy body into a crusade. 49. The president also would require tobacco companies to pay for a $ 150 million advertising crusade to stop young people from smoking. 50. The onset of war and the urban destruction that followed breathed new spirit into a flagging crusade. 51. The fact that it was invited to join a coalition marks the crowning achievement of its crusade to achieve political respectability. 52. The doctor has taunted officialdom since he began his crusade to help terminally ill people kill themselves almost three years ago. 53. Seve vanished on another crusade, to beat another army, save another universe. 54. In the eyes of ordinary folk, the crusade was a holy war for the sake of war. 55. The day before, the newspaper El Mundo contained eight announcements from the Crusade about the march, including four full-page spreads. 56. The best known educational policy of the Sandinista government was its literacy crusade, launched almost immediately after the seizure of power. 57. The week of the March crusade, a doctor had told Domroes' wife to start making plans for a funeral. 58. Now he has called on other schools in the town to unite in a crusade against violence and drug abuse. 59. Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology. 60. He urged parents and churches to join a crusade against crime. 61. In the civil war of 324 he had represented his military campaign as a crusade against a corrupt paganism. 62. He had gone with Richard on crusade and had shared with him the hazards of the perilous journey home. 63. The emergence of the Women's Peace Crusade was symptomatic of a growing war-weariness among the population at large. 64. Minor went to Bonnie in hopes of finding capital, but Bonnie liked the idea so much he joined the crusade. 65. Graham, who preached in San Jose earlier, moves his crusade to Oakland in two weeks. 66. He was inaugurating Labour's national crusade on jobs, which will be concentrated on marginal Tory constituencies. 67. I hope that there will be a crusade in the coming years to encourage more reading in every home in our country. 68. At first I thought this peculiar, then I adjusted to the notion, then I joined her crusade. 69. Henry had set his house in order but had no thoughts about setting off on crusade. 70. As a result, crusade volunteers worked overtime to generate support. 71. At the age of fourteen, Bona set off to visit her father, who was a soldier on crusade in Jerusalem. 72. The subject was the courageous crusade of a Somerset doctor, Geoffrey Taylor, who was dying of cancer.Sentencedict 73. As a politician she's made the fight for women's rights into a personal crusade. 74. The Empire Crusade ran its first independent candidate at the Bromley by-election. 75. He is on a constant crusade to take the church to the people. 76. Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse. 77. But the outcome only serves to emphasize the sadistic element in the popular doctrine of the crusade. 78. Typically when the Graham crusade goes into a community, it garners participation from a third of the local churches. 79. They see the United States as fighting a proxy counterinsurgency war disguised as a crusade against drugs. 80. The defeat of inflation - a permanent, unrelenting crusade - has to be foremost among any wise Government's objectives. 81. The Crusade received very substantial financial backing for the organization of the march from the right-wing military and political parties. 82. And he intends to crusade for the return of the blocks. 83. The Empire Crusade was designed to cause the maximum trouble for the Conservative leadership. 84. The Sandinistas quickly conceded the principle of bilingual education, and incorporated local languages into the 1980 literacy crusade. 85. In Nizan's imagination it assumed the status of a moral crusade. 86. And to a penitent soldier a crusade was even better than an unarmed pilgrimage. 87. In the crusade for civil rights, the federal government sets a uniform standard that overrides local prejudices. 88. He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion. 89. First Crusade expels vampires from The Holy Land, Jerusalem. 90. Has your peaceful nature led you on a crusade? 91. to lead a crusade against crime. 92. 1110 - First Crusade: The Crusaders conquer Sidon. 93. People began to crusade against Fascism. 94. The First Crusade captures Jerusalem. 95. We must crusade for world peace. 96. People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare. 97. It's a crusade against corruption. 98. A dwarf cleric declares a holy crusade against ores. 99. After a papal legate investigating the Cathars was murdered in 1208, with the Count implicated, Innocent ordered a crusade against the region. 100. In the name or the Crusade I was the Ashbringer. 101. And when he defeated the invading Christian army in the Fifth Crusade, he shocked the starving crusaders by feeding them and assuring their transport home. 102. Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidelined into a policy job a year before the bank went belly-up. 103. Such was the alleged power of Mary's relics, and the repute of Vezelay in Christian Europe,[/crusade.html] that Bernard of Claircaux preached the Second Crusade from this basilica in 1146. 104. Rao Jin , a soft-spoken, baby-faced Tsinghua University graduate with gold-rimmed glasses, is an unlikely candidate to lead a crusade. 105. They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here. 106. A: "Robin unwillingly is forced to go on the Third Crusade with Richard the Lionheart, which is an epic in itself. 107. After quelling the rebellious German nobility, he failed to subdue papal authority in Italy and conceded supremacy to Pope Alexander III (77). He drowned while leading the Third Crusade. 108. When the king left on the Second Crusade he appointed Suger regent and left him in charge of the government. 109. Holy Roman emperor (1212-1250) and king of Sicily (1198-1250) as Frederick I. He led the Sixth Crusade (1228-1229), capturing Jerusalem, and was in continual conflict with the papacy. 110. 1095 - Pope Urban II declares the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. 111. Defeat in North Carolina seemed to break the back of the entire fundamentalist crusade. 112. The city is launching a crusade to clean up the slums. 113. The Templars, fearsome and uncompromising warriors famous for initiating the banking system, were formed in the early 1100's, shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims. 114. During her marriage to Louis, she participated in the Second Crusade in 1147 and even traveled with her husband to the Byzantine Empire. 115. Rather, L. A. school superintendent Ruben Zacarias was an eager convert to the crusade against social promotion. 116. But over the centuries, the fate of this now legendary vessel, the so-called Holy Grail, has come to haunt stories ranging from Arthurian legend to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. 117. Another factor which may have affected his interest in religion was that during the First Crusade, Jerusalem was taken in a surprise attack by the Christians. 118. This rose-colored city carved from cliffs garnered fame in the West thanks to the 1980s blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. 119. The Knights Templar, a fearsome and uncompromising order, were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims. 120. He pawned Normandy to his brother William II, and joined the First Crusade, in which he fought bravely and helped to capture Jerusalem (1099). 121. Michael Knight , a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent. 122. During the crusade, the king of England, Richard the Lionhearted was captured when he was on the way back to England. 123. the late French historian Georges Duby saw Gothic art as in part a reaction to the Cathar heresy, a civilised counterpart of the bloody Albigensian crusade. 124. The Second Crusade (1147–1149) was the second major crusade launched from Europe. 125. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, after the death of Baldwin's first wife Godehilde during the First Crusade, Baldwin married an Armenian noblewoman traditionally known as Arda. 126. The most futile of the expeditions was the Children's Crusade, which took place in 1212. 127. It is the year 1099 and the first Crusade is building to its bloody climax. 128. This was the proclamation of the first crusade, an enterprise calculated to unite Christians in the present-day lands of France, Germany and Italy, and far beyond. 129. The Third Crusade lead by, among others, Richard the Lion - hearted, is stopped by Saladin. 130. Urban's call, which included the words Deus Vult, or "God wills it, " lauched the so-called First Crusade, which lasted from 1095 to 1099. 131. Thousands of people took to the streets to crusade against corruption in the government. 132. After quelling the rebellious German nobility, he failed to subdue papal authority in Italy and conceded supremacy to Pope Alexander III (1177). He drowned while leading the Third Crusade. 133. The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 134. 1095 - On the last day of the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II appoints Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy and Count Raymond IV of Toulouse to lead the First Crusade to the Holy Land. 135. SLG in this game, you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War: the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade. 136. He was deeply involved with the anti - drugs crusade. 137. It's time to lower our geopolitical sights and end America's unrealistic crusade. 138. Religious Life organizations include: Campus Crusade for Christ, Catholic Student Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Hillel and Student Christian Fellowship. 139. This give occasion to happen Religion Crusade in Germany and Martin Luther invented chorale. 140. You play Altair, a disgraced Master Assassin, sent to kill eight men (both Saracens and Crusaders) in order to end the Third Crusade. 141. The city is a crusade to clean up the slums. 142. This was the time of the First Crusade against the Muslims in the Holy Land, directly inspired by Pope Urban II's famous speech at the Council of Clermont in 1095. 143. In all his dealings with me, just as in that crucial crusade in 1958, Billy Graham lived his faith. 144. Jerusalem, 1191 A. D. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. 145. The Fourth Crusade did not achieve the conquest of the "Holy Land", but diverted to Constantinople, the capital of Byzantine Empire. It seemed occasional, while implied certain social background. 146. Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer, the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine, is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas. 147. Bennett launched a crusade for "moral values" against decadent "liberal relativism.". 148. These five constants are the foundation of everything Sun Tzu instructs. They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here. 149. The second in the series is titled "Holy Warrior," set during the Third Crusade in the 12th Century and due out in Britain on July 22. 150. Li Rong in the crusade against the war by the Li Ji, Qi Xi - sheng. 151. The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. 152. The Fifth Crusade sailed for Egypt in 1218, and besieged Damietta, hoping to exchange it for jerusalem. 153. The Fourth Crusade was a disaster of unprecedented dimensions for the Byzantine state. 154. He made it his crusade to teach children to love books. 155. They came to perceive the war as a kind of democratic crusade against southern society. 156. The soldiers of the Fourth Crusade sack Constantinople and kill many fellow Christians. 157. This global crusade against poverty is unlike anything the world has seen before. 158. The ethereals have no care at all for the Burning Crusade. 159. For the past several years, I've been harboring a fantasy, a last political crusade for the baby-boom generation. 160. Jerusalem, 1191 AD. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and Saracens is tearing the Holy Land apart. 161. A brand new script that include some important events such as "the Suppression of the Templars", and missions such as "The second Crusade". 162. He carried on a one - man crusade against disease. 163. The only other secret I had in grade school and junior high was sending part of my allowance to Billy Graham after his Little Rock crusade. 164. In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors. 164. try its best to collect and create good sentences. 165. The anti-Hussite Crusade movement is not only a part of the whole Crusade, but also the main part of the Hussite Wars. 166. Records , mention very little of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour. 167. Since Devon's death his grandmother has been on what she calls a "one-woman crusade." 168. Pope Urban II declares the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. 169. In 1975, the Bill Glass Crusade came to the DeSoto Correctional Institution where I was serving a 15 year sentence. 170. Jerusalem, 1190 A. D. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and the Saracens is tearing the Middle East apart. |
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