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单词 Daunted
1. They were daunted by the amount of work still to be done.
2. He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.
3. She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.
4. I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.
5. Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.
6. Don't be daunted by all the technology.
7. It was steep but, nothing daunted, he started climbing.
8. Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done.
9. She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.
10. He was not to be daunted by the most gigantic word in the dictionary.
11. He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected.
12. But what surely daunted him most was facing his most exacting critic - himself.
13. Nothing daunted, the people of Rapperswil built the castle again within 4 years.
14. Daunted but still determined, Bono promised that U2 would perform in Sarajevo.
15. Nothing daunted, the bearers of comfort brought a flagon of ale and a long clay pipe.
16. He was daunted by the old man's threats.
17. Mack was not daunted by his failure.
18. I'm somewhat daunted by the size of the task.
19. Nothing daunted the ardour of the merchant navy.
20. He was daunted by his first date.
21. He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done.
22. I started that summer both excited and daunted by what lay ahead.
23. She was daunted by the amount of work still to be done.
24. I am rather daunted by the think of addressing such an audience.
25. She was rejected the first time she applied to the university, but, nothing daunted, reapplied the following year and was accepted.
26. It is hard to pick up such a book and not to feel a little daunted.
27. Naturally adventurous, she loved the life in Abyssinia,[/daunted.html] where nothing daunted her.
28. To put a cool hand in the world that had daunted my adult sleep.
29. On first entering your college library, you may well feel daunted by the sight of so many books and journals.
30. The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him.
1. They were daunted by the amount of work still to be done.
2. He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.
3. She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.
4. He was not to be daunted by the most gigantic word in the dictionary.
31. A long term of imprisonment and a dramatic escape had not daunted his fighting spirit.
32. He felt completely daunted by the difficulties that faced him.
33. It'seemed that he was daunted by such an enormous audience.




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