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单词 threshing machine
释义  Related topics: Agricultureˈthreshing maˌchine noun [countable]  TAa machine used for separating grains of corn, wheat etc from the rest of the plant 〔给玉米、小麦等脱粒的〕脱粒机,打谷机Examples from the Corpusthreshing machine• As well as flour production, power was taken off to drive cider making equipment, a threshing machine and a saw mill.• Chapel looked as if he'd fallen into a threshing machine.• New inventions like the steam plow threshing machine, and reaper led to significant farm workforce reductions.• On nearby Phantassie Farm, birthplace of the engineer John Rennie, a wind-powered threshing machine was introduced in 1799.ˈthreshing maˌchine nounChineseSyllable  separating machine used Corpus for of a grains




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