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单词 It is clear that
1, It is clear that the cat has eaten it!
2, When viewed at high magnification it is clear that the crystals are quite different.
3, "It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me," said his lawyer.
4, In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
5, It is clear that the election will be a close contest .
6, It is clear that such ideas will be left to moulder.
7, It is clear that they are scheming against each other.
8, It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide protection for our children.
9, It is clear that the drug does benefit some patients.
10, It is clear that Dworkin does make this assumption.
11, It is clear that one can not give a general rule.
12, But it is clear that the publicly held Wall Street giants are doing very well.
13, It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers.
14, From his observation and writings, it is clear that the structures of intelligence and feelings begin to evolve during infancy.
15, If it is clear that indicted war criminals like Karadzic subvert the Dayton peace process, why have they not been arrested?
16, Overall it is clear that two parallel developments have been taking place in adult education for the unemployed.
17, Nevertheless, it is clear that fraternities have been in the forefront of bias-related incidents.
18, It is clear that food sales in pubs are increasing faster than those in any other sector of the catering industry.
19, None the less, it is clear that large differences between individuals exist.
20, It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools.
21, It is clear that experiences of this kind are commonplace among elite players.
22, It is clear that the unidentified factor in this example is climate.
23, It is clear that both tobacco and alcohol are risk factors in the development of oral carcinoma.
24, Such problems received considerable attention at this time; it is clear that nothing was being taken for granted.
25, However,[http:///it is clear that.html] it is clear that the trend is for water supply schemes to be financially self-supporting in the future.
26, From Jacob's correspondence it is clear that he knew little of Modigliani's life in the last years.
27, It is clear that, in the development of the safety case regime, time is of the essence.
28, It is clear that mechanisms for quality control are not adequate.
29, It is clear that we should not be led astray by glamorous starlets.
30, If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has plagiarized .
1, When viewed at high magnification it is clear that the crystals are quite different.
2, "It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me," said his lawyer.
31, First, it is clear that the way classroom practice is defined and talked about must change.
32, It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries.
33, While it is clear that specific genetic alterations serve as prognostic indicators, not all correlate with a poor prognosis.
34, Thus it is clear that you need to work on the fast twitch muscles if you want to improve your speed.
35, For it is clear that in the traditional view a sexually mature woman should be sexually active.
36, The collection of historical data on natural hazards is important since it is clear that their spatial pattern varies through time.
37, However, it is clear that ministerial control will extend well beyond the determination of a national curriculum framework.
38, It is clear that "liberty and justice for all" is still a goal rather than a reality in the U.S.
39, It is clear that it is still campaigning to have licensed growth promotions reinstated for beef cattle.
40, Again it is clear that maximum signal power gain does not correspond to.
41, It is clear that two main concerns animated sole practitioners themselves on this subject.
42, In this case it is clear that the original excavators included only those coins which they deemed of sufficient importance for publication.
43, It is clear that steps must be taken to prevent reactor disposal of this material from stimulating reprocessing of commercial reactor fuel.
44, It is clear that housing tenure is associated with major differentials in patterns of marriage and childbearing.
45, Sometimes it is clear that siblings do not like each other.
46, Similarly, establishing liability will be feasible where it is clear that the company's interests have not been addressed by management.
47, It is clear that over the past year everyone in has worked extremely hard and for long hours.
48, From this, it is clear that the output voltage can be varied by altering the duty cycle.
49, However, it is clear that benefits help to reduce income inequality.
50, It is clear that the destination of post-mortem existence was a world other than and different from the world human beings inhabit.
51, It is clear that the proximate cause has been government action.
52, It is clear that the focus is on what ought to be taught: the intended curriculum.
52, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
53, It is clear that for Locke the perception model of faith created an unsatisfactory barrier between those with faith and those without.
54, It is clear that the Government are determined that the Bill will be on the statute book before the general election.
55, However, it is clear that he was not displaying a taxi roof sign.
56, This time it is clear that the new foundation was to the Viscount's detriment and was expected to anger him.
57, Even using the narrow definition it is clear that desk top publishing is a complex and technical area!
58, If one investigates the format commonly used in dictionary definitions it is clear that there are some conventions that are followed.
59, Belsey wrote: From this post-Saussurean perspective it is clear that the theory of literature as expressive realism is no longer tenable ....
60, It is clear that Guthrie and Linforth follow diametrically opposed methods and reach contradictory conclusions about the nature and existence of Orphism.
61, It is clear that in all three measures, changes in rank can be induced by altering the riskless rate of return.
62, It is clear that many people are now using asylum claims as a means of evading immigration control.
63, It is clear that we are not retreating from our influence on nature.
64, In retrospect, however, it is clear that there were always good reasons why this city was a likely candidate.
65, Absolutes aside, it is clear that relative to other advanced industrial countries Britain's economy has grown for too long less sturdily.
66, Above all it is clear that the County Championship will exist primarily to serve the interests of the national team.
67, And it is clear that his association with new Labour initially did him no harm.
68, It is clear that the vast majority of older people are neither socially isolated nor overwhelmed with feelings of loneliness.
69, It is clear that several heads were put or banged together before a second was commissioned.
70, It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy.
71, Although the personal attitudes of the protagonists are unknown, it is clear that their working relationship was one of cooperation.
72, If one talks to Quebecers it is clear that a profound change in attitudes has occurred.
73, It is clear that deep discount bonds represent liabilities of the issuer since they contain an obligation to make cash payments.
74, It is clear that this signal is the same in all higher vertebrates; what has changed in evolution is the response.
75, It is clear that even a good working knowledge of credit costs helps consumers only if that knowledge affects their shopping decisions.
76, It is clear that Watson spends a great deal of time wrestling with his conscience over the choice between morals and results.
77, It is clear that all solicitors involved in litigation are feeling the strain, though most maintain that the changes are positive.
78, To make matters worse it is clear that much troubadour poetry was concerned with adultery.
79, Thus, it is clear that normal speakers do not have a determinate concept of the things these words denote.
80, It is clear that the full range of potential sources of variation which produce the archaeological record should be considered.
81, It is clear that not all the insolvency procedures are applicable to unregistered companies.
82, First, it is clear that psychotic illness involves, if nothing else, a serious disruption of brain activity.
82, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
83, It is clear that the planning meeting was for the purpose of deciding how the period in secure accommodation should be managed.
84, Yet it is clear that something akin to what Kazantzakis depicts must have occurred in actuality.
85, It is clear that the walls around the governor are caving in.
86, Yet it is clear that transport costs can have important consequences in the presence of economies of scale.
87, It is clear that those who seek autonomy may also seek opportunities to be creative.
88, However, it is clear that the technologist who replies to the conservationist's lament is not an alternative technologist.
89, This requires a conscious effort, because it is clear that discrimination is more often unintentional than intentional.
90, It is clear that these women subscribers lived in the best parts of London.
91, It is clear that Williams v Singer and Archer-Shee v Baker represent two inroads into the separate nature of trusteeship.
92, It is clear that the independent counsel law has been misused or at least overused.
93, However, it is clear that the investigators will pay particular attention to weather data.
94, It is clear that large numbers of migrants avoided the boxcars of emigrant fifth and travelled fourth.
95, Looking around the restaurant as the well-heeled Kings Road set gathers for lunch, it is clear that Cobra is a craze.
96, It is clear that the company is ready to play hardball with the unions.
97, It is clear that younger children believe in the need for severe punishment.
98, It is clear that the timetable is quite inadequate to deal with such important matters.
99, It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.
100, It is clear that firms are taking the regulatory regime seriously; nearly all have taken steps to comply with audit regulations.
101, From these it is clear that the star created mayhem in any recording studio.
102, But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review.
103, However, it is clear that we still need to distinguish between different advantages which can be distributed unequally.
104, From these it is clear that Mr Williamson has left plenty of scope for a sequel.
105, However, it is clear that chronic health problems appear to increase with age.
106, It is clear that Castroism, in its particular quirks and colors, can not survive the death of its founder.
107, It is clear that the problem is to get the card out of the way.
108, The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake.
109, It is clear that the present arrangements will not survive.
110, Yet, it is clear that the photographer has in fact got them to pose, dressed up in their smartest clothes.
111, The road yaws out in front of us, and it is clear that yet another armadillo has been chucked overboard.
112, Looking at the theory itself, it is clear that this understanding eventually put together several component elements.
112, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113, It is clear that new money has entered the gold market.
114, By analyzing the polar plots of the pentad average temperatures, it is clear that the patterns of the pentad average temperature changes are different in different regions and seasons.
115, It is clear that the public is also approve the incorporeal property of human.
116, It is clear that the effectiveness of those who distort the market price of the theory and the objective laws of circulation of commodities, which fall into the abyss of idealism.
117, It is clear that the rise of China marks the end of western global hegemony, but just what the coming Chinese ascendency will look like is another matter.
118, Article 72 (1) If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided.
119, Through the analysis of the power spectrum of the headway, it is clear that there are variations of noise and wide apices.
120, It is clear that olmesartan has a very good position in the armamentarium to control blood pressure.
121, It is clear that internet users do not shy from taking action when they think their partner might be undertaking activities that they are not comfortable with.
122, According to the research and the parallel prediction of favorable petroleum belts, it is clear that the saline side tectonic belt of Trias in Tahe is the favorable oil gas tectonic belts.
123, As we move forward, it is clear that top-down design is required for successful core system renewal projects.
124, At mid-point to 2015, it is clear that the MDGs are off track, but also that they need not be so.
125, In this case, it is clear that CAP_NET_RAW is the capability needed in order to allow unprivileged users to use ping.
126, So it is clear that the sesame seeds were not well - dried before packing.
127, Ms Helsper added: "It is clear that internet users do not shy from taking action when they think their partner might be undertaking activities that they are not comfortable with."
128, Regardless of the meaning of this verse, it is clear that the authors of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke asserted that Mary had "no relations with man" before Jesus' birth.
129, If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided.
130, From this description, it is clear that the afterlife Enkidu was describing was more of a Hell-like place than Heaven.
131, It is clear that the scientific jury considering climate change's impact on insect-borne disease is still out.
132, It is clear that more countries need to counter the fall-off in private spending with large-scale and effective stimulus programmes.
133, It is clear that the average power density increases drastically with altitude.
134, From the results, it is clear that the application of air-bypass, reset control, setback control and better start-stop times will result in a straight payback period of only 9 months.
135, Still, it is clear that the police presence has changed lives for the better throughout City of God.
136, It is clear that Fermi's real performance advantage would be Double Precision performance - had it hit the right clock speeds.
137, While it is clear that there are benefits in understanding natural language, what is not clear is how much difference it makes in the quality of the results.
138, With a review of the development history of the stock market in the developed countries, it is clear that the institutional investment is playing more and more important roles.
139, When these studies are examined more closely, it is clear that patients who were fed enterally usually received significantly less calories than those fed parenterally.
140, It is clear that all the current bank charges, is the obvious price cartel.
141, It is clear that microcracks nucleate and develop along polycrystalline boundaries, in which stress concentration resulted from elastic anisotropy and difference of phase transformation strain exist.
142, It is clear that the exactness of time-space effect in the gene control system is essential for ensuring normal metabolic activities in the ontogenesis of the blunt-snout bream.
142, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
143, It is clear that during the firing process, the glaze undergoes dehydration, dehydroxylation, vitrification and recrystallization.
144, Although the Bible does not explicitly state the fact, it is clear that the so - called lost tribes of Israel were largely absorbed into the tribe of Judah.
145, It is clear that the composition and structure of the cell wall are strictly controlled.
146, Secondly, according to the abnormity seepage area and data of the piezometric tube, it is clear that seepage occurred in lower bedrock, and it happened to be a concentration passage.
147, But it is clear that he initially painted in a realistic manner and was influenced by the dramatic chiaroscuro of Caravaggio or his followers.
148, It is clear that the number of thoughts implicit in such a world view, such a " Weltanschauung" as they say, is utterly incalculable.
149, Currently, it is clear that the state state-run geological prospecting enterprises should be the dominant subject in China' s mining market.
150, It is clear that the group training is effective in improving moral characters of undergraduates.
151, It is clear that chitosamine is a non-toxic, economic and excellent water treatment agent.
152, It is clear that not Aru Qiqie a room, his family presided over the polygamy family.
153, It is clear that web offset printing in a great variety of enterprise often production products.
154, It is clear that the civil liability of misstatement is a tort liability.
155, It is clear that labour cost variance arises due to the actual hours differing from the standard hours and the actual wage rate differing from the standard wage rate.
156, It is clear that although conclude a treaty, the person need not be limitted all trading attribute,[Sentencedict] they have method to restrict potential clean losing to happen.
157, It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful.
158, An impressive total but, when compared with the 250,000 Germans lost at Stalingrad , it is clear that the Soviets benefited more from the Kharkov battles.
159, Nobody yet knows which, if any, of these models will work, but it is clear that revenue from online advertising alone will not be enough to cover the costs of running a traditional news organisation.
160, According to calculation, it is clear that the stability of stick-sliposcillation for the high speed motor car is well.




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