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单词 thorough
释义  thor·ough /ˈθʌrə $ ˈθʌroʊ, ˈθʌrə/ ●●○ adjective  1  COMPLETEincluding every possible detail 彻底的;全面的;详尽的 → thoroughly The doctor gave him a thorough check-up. 医生给他做了一次全面的体检。 a thorough and detailed biography 详尽的传记 The police investigation was very thorough. 警方的调查十分彻底。 thorough notes of the meeting 详尽的会议记录2  CAREFUL[not usually before noun] careful to do things properly so that you avoid mistakes 仔细的;缜密的 The screening of applicants must be thorough. 筛选申请者一定要仔细。► see thesaurus at careful3. a thorough pest/nuisance/mess British EnglishVERY used to emphasize the bad qualities of someone or something 彻头彻尾的讨厌鬼/十足的麻烦/混乱不堪 —thoroughness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusthorough• His assessment of the situation was quite thorough.• Our mechanics will check everything - they're very thorough.• The report was thorough and detailed.• The Braves' 12-1 victory in Game 1 Sunday night was a rude, thorough dismantling.• A thorough examination seems long overdue.• Thus Hans Sloane began the thorough grounding on which he was to build his successful career.• a thorough investigation• The aim should be to carry out a prompt and thorough investigation.• Congress is demanding a thorough investigation.• Environmental impact research and consultation with Aborigines and pastoralists have been thorough, it says.• Building inspectors should have a thorough knowledge of construction materials.• Have you had a thorough medical check-up within the last year?• Other groups of plants require a thorough revision before we can be sure of the proper name for the species.• The police have made a thorough search of the area.• Julius quickly sorted through them, tossing them carelessly on to the floor as he continued his fast but thorough search.• The Braves were more methodical but just as thorough, the baseball version of water torture.• Researchers have to be very thorough to make sure lab results are accurate.• The position requires a thorough understanding of web page design software.Origin thorough (1400-1500) thorough “through” ((11-21 centuries)), from throughthor·ough adjectiveChineseSyllable  detail possible Corpus including every




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