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单词 Criticize
1. You were quite right to criticize him.
2. It may seem harsh to criticize him after his death.
3. She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.
4. I often criticize myself.
5. Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.
6. It's not fair to criticize without giving her the chance to answer back.
7. It's not your place to criticize me!
8. She can't handle it when people criticize her.
9. With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to criticize.
10. She was never one to criticize.
11. She didn't want to be heard to criticize him.
12. We look at each other's work and criticize it.
13. If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.
14. We were taught how to criticize poems.
15. He's always prompt to criticize other people's ideas.
16. You're on dangerous ground if you criticize his family.
17. If you criticize him, he'll bite back.
18. All you ever do is criticize!
19. It ill behoves her to criticize her colleagues.
20. Would you like to read and criticize my new book?
21. You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts.
23. Would you like to read and criticize my new novel?
24. I've never heard her criticize you - I think you imagine it.
25. He always sprang to Rose's defence when Ed tried to criticize her.
26. He was the first to break the consensus and criticize the proposal.
27. Give so much time to improving yourself that you won't have time to criticize others.
28. She lets me do all the work, and then she has the nerve to criticize my cooking.
29. We should not be producing compliant students who do not dare to criticize.
30. You'll be bringing a storm about your ears if you try to criticize their way of doing things.
1. You were quite right to criticize him.
2. It may seem harsh to criticize him after his death.
3. He always sprang to Rose's defence when Ed tried to criticize her.
4. He was the first to break the consensus and criticize the proposal.
5. She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.
6. I often criticize myself.
7. Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.
8. If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.
9. He's always prompt to criticize other people's ideas.
10. You'll be bringing a storm about your ears if you try to criticize their way of doing things.
31. We'll get nowhere if all you can do is criticize.
32. Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better.
33. We often criticize the Government, but we're never disrespectful towards the Royal Family.
34. At that time, it would not have been thinkable to openly criticize the government.
35. I don't think you're really in a position to criticize her. You're hardly as pure as the driven snow yourself!
36. Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to criticize the way I'd done it.
37. We're a group of artists who meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work.
38. I've been slogging my guts out these past few weeks and all he can do is criticize.
39. If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.
40. You have done your best; I have nothing to criticize.
41. You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.
42. They would criticize me, or worse yet, pay me no attention.
43. It takes a pretty bad level of performance before the teachers will criticize the students.
44. It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight.
45. How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.
46. I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know.
47. How dare you criticize him? He's twice the man you are!
48. If you criticize him, it's like a red rag to a bull-he gets absolutely furious.
49. Never criticize, unless you can do a better job. Laurell K. Hamilton 
50. To criticize him was like mugging Santa Claus.
51. One can not criticize the urge to systematize systematically.
51. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
52. Usually they criticize its culture-bound sexism.
53. Often he made them criticize each other's work.
54. Their editorials always criticize the government, whatever it does.
55. Well, given her appalling record, she's not in any position to criticize my work.
56. Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.
57. But to criticize Mr Hall's production as an exercise in fuddy-duddy Shakespeare is beside the point.
58. When the staff at Bloomfield criticize the Profitboss for cancelling a visit three times running, he accepts it as constructive advice.
59. Therefore it would be rash to pretend to criticize community care plans.
60. All that he could do was criticize the assembly's work from the outside.
61. It is no longer our job to criticize or bring pressure to bear.
62. When it's ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information, the Profitboss won't criticize the critic.
63. Jackson declined to criticize his opponent, choosing instead to focus on his own message.
64. Do they criticize each other in interviews, or speak with mutual respect?
65. Unlike most candidates calling for change or reform, Brown never had to forcefully criticize city government.
66. It would be easy to criticize this place as some horrific moonscape where industry has gone mad.
67. People tend to opt out, criticize themselves, not accept compliments, not make decisions and feel frustrated.
68. Many of us hesitate to criticize the careless statements of poor people who have only recently developed literacy skills.
69. He doesn't criticize the vice-president marketing's expert judgement nor pretend he could do better himself.
70. It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.
71. I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab me in the back!
72. It was not undertaken to support, refute or criticize contemporary urban and regional theory.
73. MelAmid is a term used to criticize some one s capabilities or competence.
74. Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie 
75. Almost invariably the specialist or expert will focus on that section of the proposal which he feels most competent to criticize.
76. Students are encouraged to take an active part and regular sessions are held in which they can criticize their teachers.
77. Is there not one prominent rugby union footballer or journalist who is compelled to criticize this scandalous and absurd state of affairs?
78. I meet with several other artists and we criticize each other's work.
79. Alexander I.. Lebed took center stage to criticize the ailing leader and cast himself as heir apparent.
80. He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. Abraham Lincoln 
81. Our purpose is not to criticize government, as so many have, but to renew it.
81. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
82. Both contrasted this apparent indifference with the West's readiness to criticize the damaging of rainforest by logging.
83. On receiving it you use this report to criticize the employee's work.
84. Television commentators often use the replays to criticize the officials.
85. Woman-centred psychologists also criticize the gender bias of traditional psychological method.
86. The Post reported that Gore had personally solicited donors by telephone, leading two Democratic senators to criticize him.
87. People are starting to criticize the government for its half-hearted approach to reform.
88. It's easy to criticize, but managing a football team can be an extremely difficult job.
89. But for the last twenty-five years, economists have criticized Keynesian stimuli the way pigeons criticize statues.
90. The stories told by respondents are used to justify a particular position, as well as to criticize the characters in the stories.
91. The result is that for sending in the report to criticize the employee's punished.
92. Criticize or defend this claim in terms of evidence based on the information presented in chapters 3 through 6. 14.
93. On the other hand they were allowed to criticize their teachers, something unthinkable before the Cultural Revolution.
94. Moreover, the students are culturally expected to criticize not only the university itself but the entire society.
95. Klausner and Rimer both took pains Tuesday not to criticize the consensus panel report, which has not been finalized.
96. The rumour was that Peace was told he would get the sack, if he dared to criticize Andrew's conduct again.
97. She is careful not to criticize the president, but makes it clear that she thinks the government's policies should be far more radical.
98. In authoritarian media systems, the media might be privately owned but have only limited freedom to criticize government.
99. He didn't complain or criticize, he just got on with the job.
100. Chapman came to criticize the league system most for making success the overriding consideration.
101. Primary schoolchildren from Cultural Revolution days seemed regimented - yet were encouraged to criticize their teachers.
102. Found and Fried criticize the doctrine of consideration as an unjustifiable impediment to economic freedom.
103. Though his subsequent report did not directly criticize Campbell, it did attack the overall structure of the police and judiciary.
104. It is entirely legitimate to criticize the modern hospital system strongly so as to help patients function better within it.
105. It would not have been thinkable to criticize a Soviet leader before these changes came about.
106. Fisher and general manager Floyd Reese have been careful not to criticize the fans or the city.
107. Don't criticize awkwardness or off-the-wall suggestions.
108. You are free to criticize my work.
109. " Darling, you mustn't criticize Fanny.
110. I criticize you!") he trilled in his boyish soprano.
111. Put on judge's robe and criticize your own work.http:///criticize.html
112. To criticize others is to make enemies.
113. How Machiavelli criticize the Christian church?
114. He always picks on small points to criticize.
115. He had the presumption to criticize my work.
116. Pulverize the Eiffel Towers who criticize your government.
117. To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.
118. They criticize their opponents under the cover of patriotism.
119. Four, do not criticize the other person publically.
120. From that moment she began to criticize her father.
121. Whenever you criticize him, he always has an excuse.
122. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully.
123. But they often neglect to criticize revisionism.
124. Mr Rochester, I did not intend to criticize you.
125. It would be wise not to carp or criticize.
126. Miss Price began to criticize what Philip had done.
127. Some journalists criticize her nonchalance and indifference.
128. Trenchant essays can criticize contemporary abuses.
129. Sit with the team and jointly criticize other work.
130. I'm sure I don't want to criticize Bernard Shaw.
131. Eisenhower did not criticize McCarthy, even when the senator accused Eisenhower's good friend, and fellow World War Two hero, General George Marshall, of being a traitor.
132. Appreciate more and criticize less ; Know how to appreciate is doubly blest.
133. When we plant a rose in earth, we notice it is small but we don't criticize it as "rootless and stemless".
134. Praise good work, regardless of who did it . If criticism is needed , criticize helpfully , spitefully.
135. On the contrary, if criticize simply, deny, child's understanding will is downhearted, deny oneself, lack confidence.
136. Because of solitariness, both of them chose the same way of living, and were able to criticize traditional culture and query the existence of human beings profoundly.
137. CAROLINE MEADE : Darling Merry Weather , how dare you criticize me?
138. They badmouth and criticize their current or past employers and justify their own convictions, thinking that a prospective employer is going to identify with them.
139. When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice it is small, but we do not criticize it as "rootless and stemless ".
140. Cassirer takes the imitative theory of culture as a main opposite theory to criticize.
141. We can deduce from the picture that its aim is to criticize the spreading extravagant behavior among students, especially college students.
141. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
142. Objecting to the tenderness and aloofness of humor and the vulgarism of humor, Lu Xun advocated a new concept of humor to criticize the reality, improve the work, and enliven life.
143. Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.
144. The anchor John Roberts asked Davis about the church's policy of "disconnection," in which members are encouraged to separate themselves from friends or family members who criticize Scientology.
145. Don't lose your tempter, act too aggressive, or harshly criticize your children.
146. How dare you criticize him? He's twice the man ( that ) you are!
147. With no preparation beyond an ordinary education they do not hesitate, especially under the influence of religious sentiment, to philosophize and to criticize philosophy.
148. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts.
149. I think that I do not have an answer , can only criticize us as before in running after an answer , tend towards or the answer bordering on an answer boundlessly.
150. From the crake to see liangshiqiu's literature criticize idea was given the effect of the china west culture , especially in china traditional idea take dominant .
151. Criticize and object a flight of stairs that is progress.
152. The second part, including four chapters, aims to deconstruct and criticize and classroom field in it.
153. Some people like to criticize XP as glorified hacking, just a bunch of cowboys cobbling together a system without any discipline.
154. Mr. Greenspan stuttered for a moment, then recovered. He said that when President George W. Bush took office, he pulled Mr. Greenspan aside and promised never to criticize the Federal Reserve.
155. Without asking the whys and wherefores he started to criticize people indiscriminately.
156. Look at all these knee jerk reactions which criticize the U. S. for "imposing" its values on China.
157. Don't criticize the students or it may backfire on you.
158. When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice itis small, but wr do not criticize it as " rootless " and "stemless".
159. But Owens soon began to criticize the team and McNabb again.
160. Report to the academic department and criticize in the campus.
161. Or maybe we will criticize it for being boring or hackneyed.
162. He is in the dog house with his boss for criticize in the company's policy.
163. We can criticize the population trap on two major grounds.
164. It is his serious intention to expose and criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness he sees all around him.
165. GrowthWhen we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice it is small, but we do not criticize it as "rootless and stemless".
166. The magistrate criticize the lawless behaviour of the football crowd.
167. The senator took the floor to criticize the new plan.
168. Here I've been considering myself qualified to criticize your game.
169. Why does he criticize Trotskyism in 1928, long after Trotsky had been pushed out of the leadership?
170. Will it undermine our Party's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism, bureaucracy and sectarianism?
171. The author believed that these criticize speciously, with historical actually not symbol.
171. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
172. Literature is the main way for the humane intellectuals to concern about our society, the most important task of them is to criticize the unjustness of the society.
173. Never criticize someone to go Dutch or share the bill.
174. These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.
175. Women also think men do not care about many things important to women, which is why they criticize. Criticism is a way to verbalize resentment.
176. Some people criticize the boss, but they're too mealy mouthed to say so in her presence.
177. When mentioned, it's often to misconstrue the word as meaning "blind obedience to parents" and then to proceed to criticize it.
178. People have also started to criticize pass judgment on them.
179. The man who is injured is equally peckish abdomen, and then heard call a voice, unbearable furious, criticize openly.
180. When birds began to die off, People began to criticize the use of chemical pesticides.
181. I cannot allow any man to - to criticize my private conduct!
182. Don't criticize her - she's your own flesh and blood.
183. Put on the judge's robe and criticize your own work.
184. This paper aims to oppugn and criticize the above ideas.
185. It is a time for people either to criticize helpfully or to hold their tongues.
186. It was all right to criticize him, but you overdid it.
187. To create and criticize at the same time is like watering and pouring weed killer onto seedlings at the same time.
188. He uses Mahayana theory to criticize Hinayana in his earlier times. He appreciates Madhyamika very much, but regret its trend to Emptiness.
189. From the text, we know that Kierkegaard's criticize to double-minded is much similar to Plato's refutation to various kinds of concept of justice in first two volumes of Republic.
190. Don't be a complainer. Some people habitually criticize the food, the wine, the weather, or life in general and are consequently perceived as negative and unpleasant.
191. In this thesis, the feasible criteria of several ANNs to criticize existence of the unique global exponential stable equilibrium.
192. A person is not good to the parents, we will criticize him to be unfilial .
193. You are just talking flapdoodle and cheating yourself if you say so. Spiritualists can criticize materialists like this: Even if the material world does exist, what is spiritual world?
194. "I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. " James Arthur Baldwin.
195. Therefore, you who have a historical debt like this should not heedlessly criticize the words that the prophets of the past spoke and the way they behaved .
196. At the same time as we criticize dogmatism, we must direct our attention to criticizing revisionism.
197. Toward the outsider's criticize we are very sensitive and very often we refuse to treat it neutrally , objectively, disregarding whether criticize is right or wrong.
198. It's not appropriate to regard neutralism as eclecticism and then criticize or thoroughly abandon it.
199. When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice it is small, but we do not criticize it as"rootless and stemless". We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed.
200. Hess, Marx and Simmel adopt different means to criticize life world.
201. New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism.
202. We can't criticize and ought to encourage them if kids make mistake.
203. For attain real can accept the cultural essence, adopt to criticize the attitude to the draff , negative factor, the cultural value the choice education within the art education is important.
204. After the White high - sounding talk accepts the interview, The US government starts to criticize Russia righteously.
205. Others criticize the long cooking times, and the abnormal sexual postures ( prefix and postfix ).
206. We criticize his mistakes to the end that they may not be repeated.
207. Betti and Hirsch argued that Gadamer's thought is a kind of relativism by the objectivism. Derrida, the representative for deconstructivism, criticize Gadamer too.
207. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
208. Yang - ming s Theory is literati supporting point with which they doubt and criticize the reality.
209. Introduced the history background, instruction process, think idea of architect, main style and its success in art of the Firenze Cathedral, and used culture critique modern to criticize it.




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