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单词 evil
释义  Related topics: Occulte·vil1 /ˈiːvəl/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjective  1  bad 坏的 someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people 邪恶的;危害他人的 an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions 应对数百万人之死负责的邪恶独裁者 his evil deeds 他的恶行2  HARM/BE BAD FORwrong 错误的 something that is evil is morally wrong because it harms people 不道德的 SYN wicked They condemned slavery as evil. 他们谴责奴隶制是不道德的。3  unpleasant 使人不舒服的 very unpleasant 令人极不舒服的 an evil smell 恶臭 a puddle of evil black liquid 黑色的臭水坑4  ROdevil 魔鬼的 connected with the Devil and having special powers to harm people 恶魔的;有害人魔力的 evil spirits 恶鬼 an evil spell 恶咒5  the evil eye ROthe power, which some people believe exists, to harm people by looking at them 〔据说可以伤害人的〕邪毒眼光 He claimed to have the power of the evil eye. 他声称自己能用邪恶眼光伤人。6  the evil hour/day etc PERIOD OF TIMEa time when you expect something unpleasant or difficult to happen 不祥的时刻,倒霉的时候 Don’t delay, you’re only putting off the evil hour. 别耽误时间了,你不过是在把倒霉的时候往后拖一拖而已。 —evilly adverb Jeff grinned evilly as he picked up the phone. 杰夫拿起电话时狞笑了一下。Examples from the Corpusevil• Sue says that TV talk shows are evil.• The eyes of the lynch mob were uncomprehendingly evil.• The dark, evil, beautiful one.• In the movie, the hero has to rescue the world from an evil scientist.• There's an evil smell coming from the fridge.• Blake was skeptical, wondering if it were really an evil spirit.• Or did evil Uncle Humbert destroy it, because under the law he would then get a piece of the action?• What I and my friends put down to evil witchcraft, my enemies are likely to attribute to incompetence or bad management.evil2 ●●○ noun  1  [countable]HARM/BE BAD FOR something that is very bad or harmful 邪恶之事;祸害 She wanted to protect her children from the evils of the outside world. 她想保护她的孩子不受外界的不良影响。 Poverty is one of the greatest social evils of our time. 贫困是当代最大的社会弊端之一。 the evils of capitalism 资本主义的种种祸害2  [uncountable]BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS cruel or morally bad behaviour in general 邪恶;恶行 OPP good There is too much evil in the world. 世上的罪恶太多。 the eternal struggle between good and evil 善恶之间永无休止的斗争 → the lesser of two evils at lesser(2), → necessary evil at necessary1(3)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: something that is very bad or harmfulADJECTIVES/NOUN + evil a great/greater evilHe saw fascism as the greatest evil of his times.a lesser evil (=a bad thing, but not as bad as something else)She knew that she couldn't leave the children, so she opted for the lesser evil and stayed.a necessary evil (=something that is bad but necessary)Most businesses see government regulation as a necessary evil.a social evil (=something bad that happens in human society)The community is being torn apart by poverty, drug abuse and other social evils.a moral evil (=a bad thing in relation to principles of what is right and wrong)Mental or physical torture is a moral evil, and it can never be justified.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: cruel or morally bad behaviour in generalverbsfight/combat evilJoan swore to fight evil in all its forms.phrasesgood and evilYou have to teach your kids about right and wrong, good and evil.the forces of evil literary (=the people or things that increase the amount of evil in the world)The king knew he must fight the forces of evil or his homeland would perish.something is the root of all evil (=something is the main cause of bad things)Love of money is the root of all evil.Examples from the Corpusevil• In his speech, he said that the white man is the cause of all evil.• Posidonius considered the chattel-slavery of his time an evil.• I could not understand why men who knew all about good and evil could hate and kill each other.• Only 14 days for the seven years to be increased to the sentence that fits his crimes and his evil - life.• Johnson: Moral evil is occasioned by free will, which implies choice between good and evil.• Wars, revolutions, crimes all the evils that beset mankind could be traced to them.• His songs were melancholy pictures of life and love and the evils of the consumer revolution.• Dad gave us a lecture on the evils of smoking.Origin evil1 Old English yfele·vil1 adjectiveevil2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  deliberately evil Corpus is very someone who does cruel




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