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单词 Biological
(1) Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.
(2) For women, the "biological clock" governs the time for having children.
(3) Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.
(4) Immunology is a branch of biological science.
(5) Depression is both biological and psychological.
(6) Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.
(7) Eating is a biological necessity!
(8) Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock.
(9) It is a question of interest to biological science.
(10) At 35, Kate's biological clock was ticking .
(11) Some biological molecules have the form of a helix.
(12) This is a natural biological response.
(13) Having suffered grievously from biological weapons attacks in the past, China supports work that helps comprehensively to strengthen the effectiveness of the convention. It has actively participated in the work of drawing up a Protocol of the Ad Hoc Group of States Parties to the BWC established in 1994, and has made contributions to the progress of the negotiations on the Protocol.
(14) In biological terminology life is divided into two groups: plants and animals.
(15) Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs which benefit patients.
(16) The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.
(17) She decided to search for her biological mother after her adoptive parents died.
(18) Breathing and sleeping are examples of biological rhythms in humans.
(19) Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.
(20) Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect's growth[/biological.html],reproduction and dormant periods.
(21) Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years.
(22) Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes.
(23) Chomsky is committed to an axiom of biological determinism.
(24) The ticking of the biological clock.
(25) If they did the biological control would fail.
(26) The movements of the leaves are triggered by the plant's biological clock.
(27) To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.
(28) To a large extent the life you have depends on who your parents were; it's just the luck of the biological draw.
(29) Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.
(30) At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.
(1) Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.
(2) For women, the "biological clock" governs the time for having children.
(3) It is a question of interest to biological science.
(4) In biological terminology life is divided into two groups: plants and animals.
(31) The biological engineering is absolutely perfect.
(32) Spray with a suitable insecticide or use biological control.
(33) The biological balance is upset by over-intensive farming.
(34) My biological father is diagnosed as paranoid / schizophrenic.
(35) We have fulfilled our biological function.
(36) Generally, however, feminist psychologists try to avoid biological explanations.
(37) Both peptides have essentially identical biological activities.
(38) But there are also biological reasons for its persistence.
(39) Polyunsaturated fatty acids have essential biological functions.
(40) Should one speak of biological science or sciences?
(41) Puberty Puberty marks the biological beginning of adult life.
(42) Truly, Dolly has taken us into the age of biological control.
(43) Agricultural institutions also began to play a major role in applying biological theory to the problems of agriculture.
(44) It can therefore be argued that biological differences become biological inequalities only to the extent that they are defined as such.
(45) It also has a reputation for uncleanliness that is borne out by the biological facts.
(46) We watch commercials for pregnancy testers that warn women to remember their biological clocks.
(47) Surely their replacing biological determinism with social constructionism presents too limited a dialectic.
(48) Nevertheless, many agrochemical companies are undertaking extensive research programmes on biological control.
(49) Caulerpa is not very hardy, and sensitive to changes in the chemical and biological activity of a new set-up.
(50) Unlike mechanical clocks, which are completely blind to their surroundings, a biological clock gets reset every day by the sun.
(51) We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
(52) No mystique need surround antibiotics because of their biological origin.
(53) Inpart Marx say this task as paralleling what had been done by Darwin for biological evolution.
(54) This certainly has a biological basis as well as a social one.
(55) However, most sociologists would argue that systems of racial stratification have a social rather than a biological basis.
(56) He knew then that the mystery of Titron was only partly explained by the secret biological warfare establishment.
(57) The impact, Loucks believes, may permanently reduce the biological diversity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
(58) To those like me whose education concentrated on the physical rather than the biological sciences, the Nilsson film was a revelation.
(59) It is time to stop seeking national safety behind parchment barriers such as the unverifiable and unenforceable 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.
(60) The hearing would decide whether the state should terminate the rights of the biological parents and put the child up for adoption.
(61) Of course, nature being unjust as ever, I have no biological clock of my own.
(62) Coming to the subject by way of the biological sciences, she stressed the value of biological principles applied to human geography.
(63) This brings us to another group of alleged animal rights which relate to its functioning as a biological organism.
(64) His approach has undoubtedly helped a lot of people to understand the complexities of biological evolution.
(65) The next chamber or chambers generally hold the main media, aimed at biological filtration.
(66) Biological agents provide promising alternatives, but we need to understand more about their modes of action.
(67) He has been especially dodgy about agreements meant to prevent him from developing chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
(68) Wilson's position makes sense of a great deal in the history of general biological theory before and since 1900.
(69) Centrophenoxine had the strongest biological activity, producing a mild stimulation of the central nervous system.
(70) The Spice of Life Human biological diversity is hardly a new concept.
(71) This background influenced all his thinking about man in society, for he never forgot that human beings were biological organisms.
(72) Indeed, Piaget asserted that the basic principles of cognitive development are the same as those of biological development.
(73) We can not save the world's biological diversity unless we nurture the human diversity that protects and develops it.
(74) This hypothesis not only flouts accepted biological principles but is unnecessary.
(74) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(75) So Potrykus used genetic manipulation to insert genes from the daffodil that encode the biological machinery for production of beta carotene.
(76) This statement will anger many well-meaning vegetarians and vegans, but they must face the biological facts.
(77) There is no biological need for the father to be anywhere around when the baby is born and nurtured.
(78) It takes a variety of forms and has long bewildered scientists and philosophers because it appears to lack biological purpose.
(79) Corresponding to this economics of adaptability components there is an economics of stability and instability in biological systems.
(80) Such structural analysis provides clues about the sites on the molecule responsible for its biological activity in the body.
(81) In short, fertilization enhanced neither the build-up of biological materials nor the capture of nutrients by it.
(82) A second biological weapons inspection team, which arrived on Sept. 20, was expected to complete its mission in early October.
(83) Baboons are highly intelligent animals and learn to satisfy their biological needs in many often diverse ways.
(84) Regional conflicts - along with the proliferation of missiles and nuclear, chemical and biological weapons - present growing dangers.
(85) Human cultures can change rapidly because cultural innovation is infinitely faster than biological evolution.
(86) Set up a biological filter and circulate your pondwater through it about once every two hours with a suitable pump.
(87) Mubarak's initiative for a Middle East free from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons was also welcomed.
(88) Nor are states of health and states of dependency automatically related to the biological facts of ageing.
(89) Unlike biological theories, socialization accounts apply equally to women and men.
(90) We are much less likely to find biological differences between races, simply because the genetic distances among them are so small.
(91) In the biochemical approach, enzymes obtained from biological organisms are used.
(92) The forces which drive technological development have a close parallel in biological evolution.
(93) Evolving software mimics biological evolution with collections of programs competing with each other to see which performs the task best.
(94) Most biological systems have feedback mechanisms that help smooth out the little fluctuations that life throws at them.
(95) Those who posit a purely biological basis for this phenomenon are ignoring the class or political element.
(96) The Amazonian rainforests make up one third of all rainforests and are vitally important in terms of biological diversity.
(97) It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin. Dave Barry 
(98) Intellectual and biological activity are both part of the overall process by which an organism adapts to the environment and organizes experience.
(99) In terms of biological evolution, complex adaptive systems seek patterns and learn from their interactions with the environment.
(100) Nature allows some persons to pass through all the successive levels of biological growth and thereby attain their biological needs.
(101) She sums up the situation by saying that the reconstituted family is never the same as the biological family.
(102) We tend to focus on nuclear but chemical and biological weapons, while not as devastating, would be plenty bad.
(103) In this case, air stripping precedes a conventional biological process, while carbon adsorption is used as a final polishing step.
(104) Furthermore, the biological factors which predispose certain individuals towards a depletion of these neurotransmitters have not yet been established.http://
(105) The biological agents that can play a part in breaking down rocks include bacteria, algae and too tIers.
(106) But quite a lot of biological activity takes place in the pre-filter mat too.
(107) Adopted children and their biological parents may suffer stress long after the adoption. 4.
(108) It's now estimated that by 2010, children in stepfamilies will actually outnumber those living with two biological parents.
(109) Many of the essays look at the reasons why chirality is of interest and the relationship to biological systems.
(110) Some feminist psychologists have even developed a kind of biological egalitarianism as a corrective to psychology's male-oriented biological theories.
(111) More successful than any of these methods, however, looks to be a new biological weapon, a nematode.
(112) There may well have been, but an examination of those described shows the limitations of biological determinism.
(113) He was well aware that highly accurate biological tests would disclose his responsibility.
(114) Imagine, Tibbs suggests, that we push grimy workaday industrial processes toward the character of biological processes.
(115) The front companies were liquidated or privatized, and most of the lethal or incapacitating chemical and biological agents were destroyed.
(116) Chips now have the ability to analyse chemicals, biological matter or information.
(117) It is the credibility of this biological explanation which allows them to assimilate other female-male differences to it.
(118) An entire new world had opened to Celestine: how to use chemical insight and apply it to biological problems.
(119) It was not a kinship group in any biological sense.
(120) Scientists interested in biological diversity, and the evolutionary reasons for it, already see it in that light.
(121) The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
(122) Truly they will take humanity into the age of biological control.
(123) In biological systems, it is therefore necessary to distinguish between osmotically active and osmotically inactive particles.
(124) Thus, the effect of socio-economic factors may coalesce with the effect of biological factors.
(125) So let me simply say at the outset that what I describe below are biological, not moral, events.
(126) What all these tropical forests have in common, however, is their astonishing biological diversity.
(127) The two candidates for the role of biological father were both Black Panthers.
(128) Not only can it be introduced by contaminated water changes but it is also self-generated as part of the biological filtration cycle.
(129) This present study was not designed to assess the biological significance of endotoxaemia, however, nor the treatment of colitis.
(130) Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
(131) The biological factor is the length of time that the human child is dependent and helpless and in need of attention from parents.
(132) This is where the internal surfaces in biological materials and reinforced plastics become important.
(133) Primary reinforcers such as water and food satisfy biological needs.
(134) These patterns are usually less clear and testable than those described in overtly biological theories.
(134) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(135) Piaget examined and rejected both the Darwinian and Lamarckian positions, which conclude that for biological reasons, wars are inevitable.
(136) That Darwin's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising.
(137) The organic matter is extremely old and quite dissimilar to biological material.
(138) But egalitarian feminists tend to play down the value of biological explanations.
(139) One wonders, then, what must be the effect of such an influx of fresh vitality upon biological processes?
(140) Often they talk about a new computing architecture inspired by biological models.
(141) Or now, when they swear their biological father forced them to make the whole story up?
(142) The chances of this working are close to zero, leaving organic farmers without their biological weapon of last resort.
(143) Ubiquitous and successful as they are, the owls could become significant agents of biological control.
(144) Feminists are also realizing that a rejection of biology can, paradoxically, increase the influence of biological determinism.
(145) Why draw a distinction between the adopted and the biological child?
(146) Foam media is also supplied in some units as the main source of biological filtration.
(147) Theories of socialization also tend to provide implicitly biological explanations of social relations other than gender.
(148) Feminist psychologists often adopt an implicitly biological standard of heterosexual normality.
(149) This relationship between body temperature and the speed of biological processes applies throughout the animal kingdom.
(150) The formal challenge to Lewontin and Huxley must be based on mathematical argument but the general biological points are as follows.
(151) Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough.
(152) It can be argued that biological differences become biological inequalities when people define them as such.
(153) In relatively benign environments, predation is the dominant biological interaction that structures communities. 2.
(154) Steven Lowe, Liverpool Who would be the biological parents of a human clone, and what legal ramifications would this have?
(155) They were clearly biological fathers only - not practising parents.
(156) It's the men now, as often as not, who hear the biological clock ticking loudest.
(157) Such matters do not, can not, stop the agitations, the incomprehensible simmering of an awakening of the biological urge.
(158) Freud had always supposed that the various forms of innate behaviour he explored had biological bases to them.
(159) Researchers hope to find chemical or biological factors that protect some children against malaria.
(160) The relative importance of habit and biological factors in such circumstances is hard to decide.
(161) At first the growth of a child is dictated by biological needs.
(162) The Marie Curie Research Institute develops molecular biological research into the causes and treatment of cancer.
(163) For each total synthesis a brief introduction is given, outlining the biological activity and other syntheses of the target compound.
(164) Manufacturers will perceive natural biological processes as competitive and inspirational,[sentence dictionary] and this will drive manufactured processes toward biological-type solutions.
(165) In biological writing it has often been said that a character is advantageous or detrimental to a species.
(166) Clearly, many factors besides abortion result in children whose biological families are unable to rear them. 2.
(167) The biological activity of these compounds remains to be determined.
(168) There is also considerable potential for the development of novel biological control agents by genetic engineering.
(169) Darwin is loose on the shop floor, and industry has become a branch of the biological sciences.
(170) This increases their own biological chances and gives them a free meal into the bargain.
(171) This is true of many biological processes and no one level is intrinsically preferable to another.
(172) Official sketches show a small warren of rooms, lit by artificial lights and stuffed with compact biological systems.
(173) And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant's biological need to suckle.
(174) He never had another fundamentally novel idea in general biological theory.
(175) The widest possible implications must be considered when either sanctioning or preventing the application of a new biological process.
(176) There are however two specific product types that have some value and are known, collectively, as biological agents.
(177) Nevertheless,() I have as much of a need to hand my legacy on to some one as any biological parent.
(178) Despite the contrast in their biological functions, these cells show similarities in their phospholipid orientation.
(179) There are many ways in which biological factors may be implicated in depression.
(180) It can take up to 30 days, dependant on temperature for a biological filter to become established.
(181) But strong biological determinism flies in the face of experience.
(182) Second, only 15 0 % of patients were ineligible for biological reasons, and only 3 6 % refused enrolment.
(183) The biological corollary of this is that blocking antibodies against ICAM-1 have been shown effectively to prevent allograft rejection.
(184) Individual cells have to develop differently in order to make any biological organism.
(185) Whilst not yet approaching the sophistication of biological assemblies, synthetic systems of increasing subtlety and considerable aesthetic appeal have been created.
(186) Some biological systems are so organized that they remain in the game of life.
(187) You are an owl-and-lark couple, people whose biological clocks simply don't match.
(188) In a field where biological material is limited, experimental cytogenetic techniques often require only a few cells.
(189) They are regions of huge biological diversity, a treasure chest of invaluable worth, representing 60 million years of evolution.
(190) It passes through a sponge where mechanical and biological filtration takes place, and is then passed back on to the water.
(191) The biological fact of her femininity took precedence over serious critical evaluations of her work.
(192) In the first of several experiments, Ray pumped water through the device into the bottom of a pump-fed biological filter.
(193) Could biological research really refute the insights Freud formulated about mankind?
(194) Because of its extensive tissue localisation[http://], its effects on a variety of biological systems has been assessed.
(195) Such a scheme has a factorial treatment structure and is very commonly used in biological research.
(196) Which suggests that the life patterns imposed on infants in fact derive from biological need.
(197) Just how much is due to inherited characteristics, and how much to other biological factors or early childhood experiences is still uncertain.
(198) In classical biological control, a natural enemy is introduced to control an organism that has become a pest in its absence.
(199) Stocking too quickly leads to disease and deaths, as the biological filter can not cope with the load.
(200) Instead of growing up, I had, as it were, grown down, and thus reversed a natural biological process.
(201) The stomach is a biological structure that animals use to adapt to their environment.
(202) This is just one example of the many that could be quoted to emphasize the importance of shape in biological systems.
(203) Modern societies are therefore institutionally differentiated, on the analogy of biological organisms, from the relatively simple to the relatively complex.
(204) Most of the debate was really about an alleged universality of the nuclear family of married biological parents and their legitimate children.
(205) Some biological theories are sufficiently affected by increasing demands for social relevance to tackle social differences.
(206) The way Max's biological clock is ticking, it's a wonder Emma didn't call out the bomb squad.
(207) What is meant by science in this case is of course the physical sciences and to a lesser degree the biological sciences.
(208) There are good biological reasons for why it is so difficult to produce drugs that will knock out viral infections.
(209) It looks as though here, too, the hypothesis does not account for all the biological facts.
(210) Zoology was the basic course of biological science.
(211) Patenting genes is a necessary part of biological research.
(212) Angiogenesis is a special biological behavior in tumor.
(213) Welcome to telegraph Zhejiang aoxing biological Science Technologies Co.
(214) Apo E acts as a sort of biological chaperone, ferrying cholesterol and fats around the brain.
(215) Purpose : Evaluation clinical verification of chronic cervicitis NON - invasive therapy by NON - Thermal biological effect of infrared light.
(216) The biological warfare caused the soldiers to drop like dead flies.
(217) Biological aerated filter is a new technology that has been applied widely in recent years.
(218) Perfect application of the research achievement of bionics and biological chemistry.
(219) The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism.
(220) Has Baxter International Released a New Biological Weapon in the Ukraine?
(221) Its property includes low water - solubility , easy cumulation and hard biological degradation.
(222) Finally, biological arguments are put forth for how complexity occurs on a cosmological scale.
(223) Since 911, fears of shoulder - fired missile 2 and biological weapon attacks have increased.
(224) Physical and biological science wilted and died on the stony soil of Roman prosperity.
(225) In general, the stricter the physical containment,[] the less strict is the biological containment.
(226) So to a certain extent, bcl - 2 and bax expression might reflect the DG and biological behavior.
(227) When these stabilizing interactions are disrupted, the molecules unfold or denature AND typically lose biological activity.
(228) Conclusion anaplastic ependymoma rapid growth, poor clinical course, biological behavior should be defined as malignant.
(229) The term intrinsic bioremediation designates the biological processes that occur during bioremediation under natural conditions.
(230) Applications of such systems in biomedical engineering, biological engineering research and nanotechnology.
(231) Biological amd ecological characteristics of Rhyzopertha dominica and its control were reviewed.
(232) Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of spherical allogeneic biological material implant after eyeball enucleation.
(233) Mister Crick works at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California.
(234) The journal covers a wide range of topics relating to biological research.
(235) The two diseases have biological correlativity, such as corticosteroid - secreting rhythm disturbance, insulin resistance and so on.
(236) The distribution of field and the biological effects of muzzle blast wave gun firing were explored.
(237) In biological experiments, especially during darkroom operation, slide glass is sometimes crashed by oil immersion objective.
(238) The paper introduces the method of azotobacter fertilizer by biological process and test method of bacteria.
(239) But you couldn't possibly have known about the Japanese biological warfare experiments in Harbin!
(240) Objective To delineate the biological features between the transformed human articular chondrocytes and normal chord ro - cutes.
(241) Our country refused to arm our soldiers with biological warfare.
(242) Her adoptive mother treats her better than her biological mother.
(243) Objective : To prove that activated bone marrow ( ABM ) has different biological effect different from LAK cell.
(244) Its congeners and derivatives exhibit pronounced biological activity as strong antiviral agents and as antineoplastic drugs.
(245) The disaccharide trehalose under stress conditions and the disaccharide could protect the biological moleculars from denaturing.
(246) We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
(247) Conclusions The occurrence of akathisia was affected by biological time, psychiatric symptom, drug and personal diathesis.
(248) The organic wastewater detoxification processing first choice method is the biological treatment.
(249) The highly concentrated cosmetic wastewater can be treated by anaerobic - contacting oxidation - ozone - biological aerated filter ( BAF ).
(250) Speed is of the essence in successfully containing a biological warfare attack.
(251) Biological warfare can cause far more damage than ordinary wars.
(252) NO and PGI 2 may antagonize the biological action of ET 1 during endotoxemia.
(253) Thank you. Cloning is most simply defined as the asexual reproduction of biological material.
(254) Background - The circadian clock regulates biological processes including cardiovascular function and metabolism.
(255) The new biological science does have the potential to do great harm,[sentencedict .com] as well as good.
(256) Biological activities of amphoteric surfactants to higher or lower organisms were introduced.
(257) The cytoskeleton is composed of microfilament, microtubule and intermediate filament, which have important biological functions.
(258) In nature , there are amphibious, repti 1 e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control.
(259) To freeze - dry ( blood plasma or other biological substances ).
(260) AIM : To study the mechanism of the allometric growth law of biological organism.
(261) It is possible that the ardor of foreign migration is more selective of hardy biological stock.
(262) From the point of energy stratagem, the biological diesel oil is the most important substitutive fuel.
(263) Objective To study the relationship between DNA aneuploidy and biological behavior of thyroid tumor cells.
(264) The integrated hydrolytic acidification - biological aerobic filter was used to treat oil - refining wastewater.
(265) That may sound like a clear - cut piece of biological determinism.
(266) The process composed of hydrolysis acidification and biological contact oxidation adopted to treat wool washing wastewater.
(267) Objective To study the cell biological characteristics of dedifferentiated condyle chondrocytes.
(268) The heteropoly glucoside biological drilling fluid is a new drilling fluid.
(269) A biological weapon could infect millions of people with a deadly disease.
(270) Majors: Biological Science, English, Filipino, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Political Science.
(271) Biological research shows that killing members of the same species, generally speaking, would reduce reproductive success.
(272) Do we know what the biological or chemical agent is yet?
(273) Casein phosphopeptides ( CPPs ) are the exclusive biological active peptides that can increase the absorption of calcium.
(274) One of its applications is possible for obtaining birefringence information of biological tissues.
(275) Biological warfare ( BW ) and chemical warfare ( CW ) research involved testing in many locations.
(276) It is now known that psychological age correlates more closely to biological age than chronological age.
(277) Purpose: In order to detect the relationship between GST - p and the biological specificity of brest cancer.
(278) The technique may prove useful to clinical diagnostics as well as to basic biological research.
(279) It involves the collection, treatment, restoration, distribution, analysis, annotation of biological research data.
(280) Biometry The application of statistics to the analysis of biological phenomena.
(281) Seeds of some Acer species possess the biological character of dormancy.
(282) The resources, insecticide biological active substance, mechanism,(sentence dictionary) formulation of botanic insecticide are reviewed in this paper.
(283) It is a study of separating and purifying the cordyceps sinensis agaric by the biological engineering.




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