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单词 evident
释义 Word family  adjective evident adverb evidently  ev·i·dent /ˈevɪdənt/ ●●○ AWL adjective  OBVIOUSeasy to see, notice, or understand 明显的;明白的 SYN obvious, clearevident that It was evident that she was unhappy. 她显然不开心。 It soon became evident that she was seriously ill. 大家很快就明白她病得很重。 It was clearly evident that the company was in financial difficulties. 很明显,公司陷入了财务困境。evident to It was evident to me that he was not telling the truth. 我十分清楚他没说实话。evident in The growing popularity of the subject is evident in the numbers of students wanting to study it. 这门课程越来越受欢迎,从想修读此课程的学生人数上即可明显看出这一点。 Bob ate his lunch with evident enjoyment. 显然鲍勃吃午饭吃得津津有味。 → self-evidentExamples from the Corpusevident• Neither Hoffert nor Lembke replied, but their pride was evident.• Whether we choose to focus on military security or protection of the environment, the policy relevance of our research is evident.• But even more evident has been the growth of a new class of wealth.• Carlos' frustration was evident in his comments.• It could now become evident that she had a good figure.• It is evident that the machine aesthetic played more than just a stylistic part in the revolution.• His belief in divine aid was evident to all.evident that• For some time it has been evident that all I am to you is a vessel to receive your seed.• As the decade drew to a close, it was evident that consumers were fed up.• It was evident that Mrs Gracie's departure had been noted.• From our earlier discussion it is evident that opinion is divided amongst those who have tried to evaluate national programmes.• It is evident that she values his appearance more than his other virtues and still considers his profession a drawback.• It quickly became evident that the attack was not going according to plan.• It rapidly became evident that this clinic could not make even a dent in the problem.• Nowhere was this more evident that within official portraiture.Origin evident (1300-1400) French Latin evidens, from e- “out” + the present participle of videre “to see”ev·i·dent adjectiveChineseSyllable  understand or Corpus see, notice, easy to




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