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单词 tea towel
释义  Related topics: Cleaningˈtea ˌtowel noun [countable]  British EnglishDHC a small cloth that you use for drying cups, plates etc after you have washed them 〔用来擦干洗过的杯盘等的〕拭布,茶巾 SYN American English dish towelExamples from the Corpustea towel• She was drying a plate on a tea towel.• He flung the damp tea towel on to the table.• Her thin denim jacket was sodden and clung to her like a wet tea towel.• With his other hand, he took the white tea towel from the rack and spread it on the drain board.ˈtea ˌtowel nounChineseSyllable  that small you use for a cloth Corpus




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