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单词 fend
释义  fend /fend/ verb  1 fend for yourself INDEPENDENT PERSONto look after yourself without needing help from other people 独立生活;照料自己 The kids had to fend for themselves while their parents were away. 父母不在家时,孩子们只好自己照料自己。2 fend somebody/something off phrasal verb a) DEFENDto defend yourself against someone who is attacking you 挡开…的攻击 SYN fight somebody ↔ off Tabitha threw up an arm to fend her attacker off. 塔比莎挥臂挡开行凶者。b) AVOIDto defend yourself from something such as difficult questions, competition, or a situation you do not want to deal with 避开,回避 She uses her secretary to fend off unwanted phone calls. 她让秘书挡掉不想接的电话。 The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid. 公司设法避开了恶意收购。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfend• When your skin was young, it could fend for itself.• The raven was determined to fend off any potential threat and maintain its fiefdom of Edge Wood.• The new system was credited for fending off damage from major floods in 1996.• Nothing that we see in the park can quite fend off mythology.• That is why he manoeuvred frantically, and brilliantly, to fend off the challenge to his party leadership last month.Origin fend (1200-1300) defendfend verbChinese  yourself help from needing Corpus look other after to without




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