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单词 fender
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Housefend·er /ˈfendə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. American EnglishTTC the side part of a car that covers the wheels 〔汽车的〕挡泥板,翼子板 SYN British English wing →4  See picture on 见图 Page A2 Car 汽车 →5 see picture at 见图 car2. DHHa low metal wall around a fireplace that prevents burning wood or coal from falling out 壁炉挡板3. American EnglishTTB a curved piece of metal over the wheel of a bicycle that prevents water and mud from flying up 〔自行车的〕挡泥板 SYN British English mudguardExamples from the Corpusfender• I could barely walk and went from car fender to telephone post to wall.• Each fender is designed to fit the customer's fireplace and there is an almost infinite combination of styles and materials available.• The front fender of his jalopy is bashed and the seats are bedecked with paper ribbons, decorations from the dance.• Sherman got out and immediately scrutinized the right rear fender.• Leaning against the fender, beside their booted feet, was a single AK47.• So I placed one of them up against the fender, to see what would happen.• Traditional fender and cast iron canopy in a choice of two trim finishes: black or brass.fend·er nounChineseSyllable  part the side car of a Corpus




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