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单词 Idly
1. It eats in her to stand idly by.
2. She flicked idly through a magazine.
3. Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk.
4. He wondered idly what would happen.
5. Then for a time they sat idly.
6. She waited,(sentence dictionary) idly turning the pages of a magazine.
7. We were not idly sitting around.
8. We talked idly about magazines and baseball.
9. My mother prefers working to sitting idly.
10. She sat in the warm sun, idly sipping champagne.
11. We can't stand idly by and let people starve.
12. He idly plucked the strings of the lute.
13. You shouldn't sit idly by while we are busy.
14. He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.
15. They sat around, chatting idly.
16. He sat turning the pages idly.
17. I idly picked up a magazine and flicked through it.
18. He sat on the bed, idly plucking the strings of his guitar.
19. Surely the world cannot stand idly by and let this country go through the agony of war yet again?
20. He sat there idly turning the pages of a book.
21. She idly pulled at a loose thread on her skirt.
22. She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.
23. She sat idly flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine.
24. She sat in the sun, idly sipping a cool drink.
25. I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
26. I cannot stand idly by and let him take the blame.
27. Idly, he let his gaze drift across the horizon.
28. She began idly turning the pages of the book.
29. Idly she picked up her packets of seeds.
30. He saw a book on the table and picked it up, idly curious.
1. It eats in her to stand idly by.
2. She flicked idly through a magazine.
3. Then for a time they sat idly.
4. My mother prefers working to sitting idly.
5. He idly plucked the strings of the lute.
6. He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.
7. I idly picked up a magazine and flicked through it.
8. He sat on the bed, idly plucking the strings of his guitar.
9. He saw a book on the table and picked it up, idly curious.
31. Idly I ---, and as I lay dreaming I saw her face again.
32. Corbett lay dozing on the bed, idly wondering what Maeve was doing, and thought again of Sister Agatha.
33. She lay for a minute half in sleep, hall in stupor, and her tongue licked idly at my ear.
34. The sun coaxed her body to stretch idly as a cat; she tanned easily, adored white heat and turquoise sea.
35. The sound of a horse in harness, of its hoof idly striking a stone!
36. I crossed the gravel and started idly off through the trees to the east.
37. Idly she traced the pattern of the marble-topped table with a slender finger.
38. Idly she began to stab at the wet ground with it, but it struck something hard straight away.
39. Reclining in a comfortable chair, David idly flipped through a magazine.
40. To its shame, the international community has stood idly by and allowed this human tragedy to continue for far too long.
41. Upon my word, it looks as if my time today has not been so idly wasted as you suppose.
42. She idly watched a tame yellow warbler hopping back and forth across the window sill as Victor put the call through.
43. Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk(), over the orderly piles of papers and files arranged there.
44. Sun shining, birds singing, me propped up on the pillows idly chatting.
45. Instead of standing idly by or opposing change, the union should become actively involved in making change happen.
46. He idly wondered if Joscelyn had returned to his old ways and was engaged in some petty smuggling.
47. Edouard was tapping the table idly with one finger, which Isobel knew was a sign of irritation.
48. The shop assistant, staring idly through his shop-window, saw the school bus approaching its stop, through almost blinding rain.
49. I idly noted that a brass plate declared that this bit of garden furniture was sacred to some one's memory.
50. Was I supposed to sit idly by until I, or some one I knew, encountered more job discrimination?
51. He went to the library at noon and sat, idly reading, wanting a nap, forgetting to have lunch.
52. When he rolled away from her, she idly pulled a frond of fern and stroked it down his cheek.
53. Idly, Tzann picked up another brown envelope, addressed to him in crudely fashioned capitals.
54. Idly I wondered why he insisted on them being cooked sunny side up.
55. Idly he turned to the London addendum that had been recently updated while the shipping contract had been under negotiation.
56. On the other hand, we can not stand idly by while people starve in the streets.
57. He wondered idly what sort of tripe Hank had written.
58. At first they sat around and talked idly, and then Gail started writing a story about a girl getting pregnant.
59. She snuggled deeper into the warmth, idly reviewing the plans for the evening.
60. He was walking along at a good clip, his eyes idly panning the facades of the brownstone houses.
61. "Has there been an accident?" Gary asked, idly curious.
62. As they walked, Brown and Polack talked idly.
63. Selma was picking idly at her steamed fish.
64. He was idly leafing through a book.
65. We must not let our youth slip idly by.
66. She sat idly by and watch the child fall.
67. To handle something idly or ignorantly; tamper.
68. Regardless of what triggers a relapse, the Obama administration won't stand idly by, Banc of America's Rosenberg said.
69. In talking purposelessly and idly we lose the valuable thing which we cannot afford to lose, and we gain nothing profitable.
70. Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.
71. But as China adjusts it policies to stimulate economic growth, it is unlikely to idly watch its competitiveness in non-U. S. export markets slide much further.
72. To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate.
73. LL: To putz around is to behave idly, without anything very urgent or important to do.
74. Bathsheba, being in a negligent mood, leant so idly against the canvas.
75. He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream.
76. The OED says "couch potato" originated as American slang, meaning "a pennon who spends leisure –time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes" .
77. Finally and most questionably, the proposal to double our exports assumes that foreign export-oriented countries like Germany and China would stand idly by while we "stole" their export markets.
78. At the far end of the passage an Arab was flicking idly, with a feather duster.
79. They watch idly as the other passenger installs a black instrument case, slaps a San Francisco Chronicle on her table and sets down a fast-food bag.
80. If you are now idly imagining dozens of usesfora brick orthenovelties of a sleepless world, then you are probably a divergent thinker.
81. And when Qaddafi and his forces started going city to city, town by town, to brutalize men, women and children, the world refused to stand idly by.
82. The use of ozone-depleting chemicals grew dramatically and the government sat idly by.
83. He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly.
84. Ashurst said idly: " Where were you standing when you saw the gipsy bogle, Jim? "
85. When I sit idly at my desk or lie in bed waiting for sleep, I steal back to Williamstown.
86. Bloom releases his hand and writes idly on the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.
87. The lake water dreams lightly underneath the icy layers, thinking idly back on the memories of the past summer - ferry ducks, the bank grass and the tuberose.
88. At a small inn he idly watches two people boating on the river.
89. Whenever mentioning school days, they would recollect the endless hours when they sat in the classroom idly and boringly.
90. To the lock with the lock core clutch structure, a non-mating key inserted into the lock core can rotate the front lock core idly only without rotating the back lock core.
91. If there is not one to serve, then do not kneel idly.
92. The government of this country gave warning that she could not sit idly by in the event of war.
93. I do not think that your illustrious ancestor toyed idly with variations.
94. He went out into the streets and tramped north, along Seventh Avenue, idly fixing upon the Harlem River as an objective point.




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