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单词 tatty
释义  tat·ty /ˈtæti/ adjective (comparative tattier, superlative tattiest)  informalCONDITION/STATE OF something in bad condition 破烂的,破旧的 SYN shabby tatty jeans 破旧的牛仔裤 a few tatty old chairs 几把破旧的椅子 —tattily adverb —tattiness noun [countable]Examples from the Corpustatty• Some of our textbooks are starting to look rather tatty.• They were tatty and smelly and lethargic.• The banners we have are getting tatty as no-one worries very much how they are stored.• But a tatty, concrete post-war extension located on the south-east corner was demolished.• At the window of the cottage hang tatty, faded curtains.• But in truth he was a tatty little man with a furtive walk.• It struck her how tatty many of the buildings appeared now the lack of sun had robbed them of their charm.• a tatty old hatOrigin tatty (1900-2000) tat “dirty or torn piece of cloth” ((19-20 centuries))tat·ty adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus in bad condition




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