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单词 outnumber
释义 Word family  noun number numeral numeracy numerator innumeracy adjective innumerable numerical numerous numerate ≠ innumerate verb number outnumber adverb numerically  out·num·ber /aʊtˈnʌmbə $ -ər/ verb [transitive]  MORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNTto be more in number than another group 比…多,在数量上胜过 Flats outnumber houses in this area. 这个地区公寓房比独栋房子多。 His troops were hopelessly outnumbered. 他的军队在数量上远远不及对方。outnumber somebody/something by something In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one. 在护理行业,女性人数仍然以四比一的比例超过男性。vastly/greatly/heavily outnumber Men in prison vastly outnumber women. 坐牢的男性人数远远高于女性。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoutnumber• A unit of Goblins fears any unit of Elves which it does not outnumber by at least two to one.• Chimpanzees are such an unsuccessful species that they are considerably outnumbered by neuroscientists.• a city where bicycles greatly outnumber cars• But those in need of organs or tissue far outnumber donors, according to Karahalios.• In instances where programs dealt with religion, positive portrayals outnumbered negatives one by 4-to-3, the group said.• In 1980, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in the state, 3. 1 million to 1. 4 million.• Today, tax-raisers outnumber tax-cutters by nearly seven to one.• In these mountains the animal population outnumbers the human by three to one.• Women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one.• So does Sedimentary Petrology, whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.• Their numbers will outnumber us, as do insects.vastly/greatly/heavily outnumber• The Cavaliers occupied Burghley House, but they were heavily outnumbered, and Cromwell forced them to surrender after a bitter siege.• They were greatly outnumbered and there was definitely something unnatural about the striding men.• Because school people vastly outnumber business-people in most school-to-work partnerships, the tendency is for educators to take over.• The change of policy hit women especially hard since they had greatly outnumbered men as recipients of out-door relief.• The indifferent continue to greatly outnumber the inspired when it comes to decentralized management in that important segment of the management population.• Yet in the long run, diet failures vastly outnumber the successes.• For starters, those ignoring it greatly outnumber those embracing it.out·num·ber verbChineseSyllable  group more in to number another than Corpus be




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