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单词 swelter
释义  swel·ter /ˈsweltə $ -ər/ verb [intransitive]  HOTto feel extremely hot and uncomfortable 热得难受,热得发昏 Crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat. 在夏日的高温下,成群的购物者都感到酷热难当。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusswelter• Monica was sweltering despite the fan revolving on her desk.• Or sweltering in taxis waiting to take the pilgrims to a restaurant.• Farm workers sweltered in the fields.• Despite sweltering in the luxury of a fire blazing full on, she received a series of credits on her budget account.• The hut was sweltering with smoke and steam and everybody scratched as vermin crept and bit under their clothes.Origin swelter (1400-1500) swelt “to die, become unconscious because of heat” ((11-20 centuries)), from Old English sweltan “to die”swel·ter verbChineseSyllable  feel Corpus to hot uncomfortable and extremely




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