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单词 big dipper
释义  Related topics: Outdoorˌbig ˈdipper noun [countable]  1. DLO British English old-fashioned a small railway in a funfair, with steep slopes and sharp curves to give an exciting ride 〔游乐场的〕云霄飞车,过山车 →4  See picture of 见图 AMUSEMENT PARK2. the Big Dipper American EnglishHA a group of seven bright stars seen only from northern parts of the world 北斗七星 SYN British English the PloughExamples from the Corpusbig dipper• The descent, like a big dipper, is exhilarating but perfectly safe.ˌbig ˈdipper nounChineseSyllable  with a steep in Corpus a funfair, small railway




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