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单词 summon
释义  sum·mon /ˈsʌmən/ ●○○ verb [transitive] formal  1  TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto order someone to come to a place 召唤,叫来 Robert summoned the waiter for the bill. 罗伯特召唤服务员结账。summon somebody to something The president summoned Taylor to Washington. 总统把泰勒召到华盛顿。summon somebody to do something He was summoned to attend an emergency meeting. 他被召去参加一个紧急会议。2  to officially order someone to come to a court of law 传唤〔出庭〕 Hugh was summoned to appear before the magistrate. 休被传唤到地方法院出庭。3  (also summon something up)TRY TO DO OR GET something to try very hard to have enough of something such as courage, energy, or strength, because you need it 鼓起〔勇气〕;振作〔精神〕;使出〔力气〕 He had to summon the energy to finish the race. 他不得不拼尽全力跑完比赛。4  summon a meeting/conference etc formal ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto arrange for a meeting to take place and order people to come to it 召开[召集]会议/大会等 SYN convene He summoned a meeting of business leaders. 他召集了一次商界领袖会议。5 summon up ↔ something phrasal verb formal a) if something summons up a memory, thought, or image, it makes you remember it or think of it 唤起,使想起 SYN conjure up The smell summoned up memories of family holidays by the sea. 这气味使人想起全家在海边度假的情景。b) to try very hard to have enough courage, energy, or strength, because you need it 鼓起〔勇气〕;振作〔精神〕;使出〔力气〕 Ruth took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, and told him the truth. 露丝深吸一口气,鼓起勇气,把真相告诉了他。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussummon• She only realised that the meal had ended when Piers summoned across for the bill.• In a few minutes a servant knocked and summoned Gandhi.• The Colonel had summoned him to Cancun for the meeting at the Rena Victoria Hotel.• President Clinton summoned his top White House aides to discuss the crisis.• Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.• I finally summoned the courage to ask my father to lend me the car.• Russo saw the fight and summoned the police.• Mrs Field summoned the vet immediately, who said it was in a hopeless condition and should be put down at once.• We summon them down from the highest tree branches.• I've been summoned to appear at Guildford Magistrates Court on June 1st.• He had been summoned to appear before an Officer Selection Board, having put his name forward shortly after joining the Regiment.• At the same time all £50 landowners were summoned to serve without pay.summon somebody to something• Republican leaders were summoned to the White House for a brief meeting.summoned to appear• Quill was summoned to appear before a grand jury, though it found no reason to indict him.• He had been summoned to appear before an Officer Selection Board, having put his name forward shortly after joining the Regiment.• Two days later I was summoned to appear before them.• Three days earlier Chang had been summoned to appear in court in connection with an insider stock trading scandal.Origin summon (1200-1300) Old French somondre, from Latin summonere “to remind secretly”, from sub- “secretly” + monere “to warn”sum·mon verbChineseSyllable  someone place a to to order come Corpus to




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