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单词 somebody
释义  some·bod·y1 /ˈsʌmbɒdi, -bədi $ -bɑːdi, -bədi/ ●●● S1 W3 pronoun  PERSON/PEOPLEused to mean a person, when you do not know or do not say who the person is 某人,有人 SYN someone, → anybody, everybody, nobody There’s somebody waiting to see you. 有人等着要见你。 Somebody’s car alarm kept me awake all night. 不知谁的汽车警报器吵得我整晚都无法入睡。somebody new/different/good etc We need somebody neutral to sort this out. 我们需要个中立的人来解决这个问题。 If you can’t make it Friday, we can invite somebody else (=a different person). 如果你星期五不行的话,我们可以邀请别人。 ‘Who can we get to babysit?’ ‘I’ll call Suzie or somebody.’ “我们能请谁来看小孩呢?”“我会叫苏齐或别的什么人。”Examples from the Corpusor somebody• Did that mean a patient, or a friend, or somebody everybody knew, like the postman?• The first lesson is always the same: never repeat what you see or hear, or somebody might get indicted.• Everyone will recognise themselves or somebody else in the song.• Marge, or somebody, had provided the reporters with photographs.• Flora or somebody had told her where to find him.• And there was a shadow, something or somebody moving against the eastern window.• Three, four floors up, wind whipping at his clothes until the cops would come or somebody would freak out.• I bet she told Jill or Terry or somebody about it.somebody2 noun  be somebody IMPORTANTto be or feel important 是个人物;感觉很重要 She was the first teacher who’d made Paul feel like he was somebody. 她是第一位让保罗觉得自己还有所作为的老师。Examples from the Corpussomebody• Which just goes to prove, you do have to be a somebody to get ahead in this town!• A white person was by definition somebody.some·bod·y1 pronounsomebody2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a do mean not when know used you to person,




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