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单词 slogan
释义  slo·gan /ˈsləʊɡən $ ˈsloʊ-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  SAYINGa short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertisements, or by politicians, organizations etc 口号;标语 → catchphrase an advertising slogan 一句广告口号 demonstrators shouting political slogans 高喊政治口号的示威者 the Democrats’ campaign slogan 民主党的竞选口号► see thesaurus at phrasen COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + slogan a campaign/election sloganHis campaign slogan was ‘Peace, stability and prosperity’.a political sloganThe walls had political slogans daubed on advertising sloganThe company has dropped its original advertising slogan.a catchy slogan (=one that is easily remembered)The Liberal Democrats were searching for a more catchy slogan.a snappy slogan (=one that is short and effective)They’ve come up with a good, snappy slogan for the empty slogan (=a slogan that promises something which is not actually done)We want real progress, not just empty slogans.verbsshout slogansFive youths were arrested after shouting anti-government slogans.chant slogans (=repeat slogans in a regular way)Dozens of demonstrators waved banners and chanted slogans.bear a slogan (=have a slogan printed on something)a badge bearing a campaign sloganExamples from the Corpusslogan• an advertising slogan• They've come up with a new advertising slogan for the product.• The glaring red of posters and slogans papering the walls terrified Gao Yang.• Jobs's speeches were punctuated by slogans.• a campaign slogan• That was the Save the Children slogan last year, and £5m. was raised and a great many lives were saved.• Young men risked their lives to daub buildings with anti-government slogans.• That defeat allowed George W Bush to convince his party to adopt hug-an-immigrant slogans.• Bloomingdale's has as its slogan 'Like no other store in the world'.• Around the world, some 3 billion pairs of eyes will notice their logos, slogans and billboards.• A typical campaign consists of politicians repeatedly shouting their name, party affiliation, and other slogans through loudspeakers.• That does not mean that they parroted slogans without appreciating their significance.• Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists.• a dry-cleaning company that used the slogan 'We know the meaning of cleaning'• 'Liberte, egalite, fraternite' was the slogan of the French Revolution.political slogans• Then there are the political slogans that will come our way over the next few months.• These protesters pitch tents, unfurl banners filled with political slogans and quietly pass out literature to passers-by.From Longman Business Dictionarysloganslo‧gan /ˈsləʊgənˈsloʊ-/ noun [countable]MARKETING a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used by an advertiser, organization, or other groupWe need an advertising slogan for the new campaign.The Department of Commerce adopted a new slogan: ‘Customer Service Is Our Reason for Being’.Origin slogan (1500-1600) Scottish Gaelic sluagh-ghairm “army cry”slo·gan noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business easy remember to Corpus and phrase short is a that




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