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单词 Clay
1 The statues were cast in clay moulds.
2 The children like making houses of sticks and clay.
3 Form a bowl from clay.
4 He rounded the clay into a sphere.
5 Moisten the clay if it seems too dry.
6 She made a fantastic clay model of her dog.
7 Clay will vacate the position on June 19.
8 The earth here is mostly clay.
9 Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.
10 A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone.
11 The child is playing with clay in the yard.
12 He shaped a pot out of the clay.
13 Bricks are made from clay.
14 The sculptor figured the girl in clay.
15 A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues.
16 Great heat indurates clay.
17 Clay is a plastic substance.
18 Clay overlies chalk in the southern mountains.
19 Tandoori food is cooked in a clay oven.
20 The workers burned clay to bricks.
21 The sculptor rounded the clay into a sphere.
22 Leave the clay in the mould overnight.
23 Turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane.
24 The clay Buddha has chipped off.
25 He likes working with the clay with his hands.
26 Clay and wax are plastic substances.
27 She fashioned a pot from the clay.
28 As the wheel turned,()[] the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.
29 Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt.
30 Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.
1 The statues were cast in clay moulds.
2 The children like making houses of sticks and clay.
3 Moisten the clay if it seems too dry.
4 She made a fantastic clay model of her dog.
5 Clay will vacate the position on June 19.
6 The earth here is mostly clay.
7 Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.
8 A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone.
9 The child is playing with clay in the yard.
10 He shaped a pot out of the clay.
11 A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues.
12 As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.
13 Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt.
14 Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.
15 The sculptor rounded the clay into a sphere.
16 He likes working with the clay with his hands.
17 Clay and wax are plastic substances.
18 The boy moulded clay into balls.
19 We model the heads of famous people in clay.
20 The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
21 The craftsman is working up the mass of clay into a toy figure.
22 All the units employ hollow burned - clay blocks as the basic raw material.
23 She has worked up a lump of clay into a bust.
31 Heating the clay makes it hard.
32 They mouded a figure in clay.
33 The contestants blazed away at the clay pigeons.
34 Clay is a very plastic material.
35 They moulded a figure in clay.
36 She made clay models and squashed them flat again.
37 The boy shaped clay into balls.
38 She formed the clay into a ball.
39 As the wheel turned,[] the potter shaped the clay.
40 The figure had been moulded in clay.
41 He fashioned the clay into a jar.
42 Grace broke off a large piece of the clay.
43 She threw the clay into a vase.
44 The boy moulded clay into balls.
45 There she began to model in clay.
46 He enjoyed working with clay as a sculptural form.
47 First[], mould the clay into the desired shape.
48 She formed the clay into a small bowl.
49 He rolled the clay into a ball.
50 Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.
51 We model the heads of famous people in clay.
52 The clay lowlands are flanked by steep chalk escarpments.
53 She fashioned the clay into a pot.
54 Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay are one and the same.
55 The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
56 Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.
57 Use a knife to give a textured effect to the clay.
58 A paper bird cannot stand the strong wind, and a clay figurine cannot bear the heavy rain.
59 The craftsman is working up the mass of clay into a toy figure.
60 Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone; sometimes she modelled clay.
61 Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay.
62 Clay soil retains water.
63 My clay pot ended up as just a shapeless lump.
64 Why are people always surprised when they discover that their heroes have feet of clay?
65 This seam of coal reposes on a layer of clay.
66 When the actor was imprisoned for drug offences[sentence dictionary], his fans were upset to find that their hero had feet of clay.
67 All the units employ hollow burned - clay blocks as the basic raw material.
68 A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.
69 Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it.
70 She has worked up a lump of clay into a bust.
71 Some of the greatest geniuses in history had feet of clay.
72 The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.
73 He rolled the clay into a ball in his hands.
74 She moulded the clay into the shape of a head.
75 When the clay feels like putty, it is ready to use.
76 Pour over mixture in clay pot.
77 Their floors are covered by sheets of boulder clay.
78 But china clay production has increased.
79 Laterite, a red clay, was used to make roads.
80 These clay minerals can form by diagenesis.
81 Avoid spots with heavy clay soil.
82 Anyway no more clay pigeons for Candless.
83 It's used once a fortnight for clay pigeon shoots.
84 Work on clay model mock-ups is already under way.
85 Is it sandy or heavy with clay?
86 Yet this nondescript clay pot endures.
87 But if you have a heavy clay soil, wait for warmer weather.
88 Detroit designers were producing clay models, which suggested they were finished designs that could not be altered.
89 So the challenge was extended to include a clay pigeon shooting match at Gorebridge between two teams of four.
90 Under any circumstances the track would be challenging, but intermittent rains have left the turf and red clay sodden and slick.
91 The Thorium versus Potassium cross-plot confirms illite as being the main clay and kaolinite as the secondary clay mineral.
92 The usual mixture suitable for most aquatic plants, i.e. clay or sand and peat will be most suitable.
93 There is evidence that the Babylonians were using sine tables, recorded in cuneiform symbols on clay tablets, long before Hipparchus.
94 Rainsplash washes elements downslope and reduces infiltration capacity by dispersing clay particles into the large interstices of the soil.
95 The region is characterized by permafrost, and smectite and kaolinite are the common authigenic clay minerals in the soils.
96 Jenny took the society through all the processes before and after firing at high temperatures fine porcelain clay.
97 The clay dries and cracks in the sun, and the top layers are blown off as dust.
98 The white clay is formed where some granite masses have been changed chemically.
99 Where it was melting a huge pile of boulder clay was built up, as a terminal moraine.
100 Scraperboard a board prepared with black indian ink over a china clay surface.
101 Dad sat poking the dead ashes in the grate and sucking on his empty clay pipe.
102 Because of the heavy clay content of the material, it was considered that it could not be compacted enough for the development.
103 This water is so weakly-bound to the clay minerals that it turns to steam at low temperatures.
104 As she carried the clay pots, six at a time, from the greenhouse(), a light wind scuttled her skirt.
105 I was beyond fury at this little creature, who had spoiled my chances at amassing a fortune of pink clay.
106 More clay pots can hold geraniums or other summer flowers that add color to a patio or back yard.
107 Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles.
108 This is an inadvertent consequence of the peculiar defect structure of the clay.
109 The grit settles in the quarries and the milk-white water is pumped up into tanks where the china clay settles slowly.
110 Much of the china clay went to the Potteries of Staffordshire to be made into crockery - cups, saucers and plates.
111 In the flat bottom of his canoe a fire smoulders under a clay pot full of red palm oil.
112 Marriage to her was the armature of my ego; remove the armature and I might topple like clay.
113 Sampras has won only four matches on the clay courts of Roland Garros since 1996.
114 Here we find the features of the deceased preserved in clay masks.
115 They cart her down to the city burying ground, roll red clay into her eyes.
116 We fixed red clay pots to the sides to encourage the birds to breed.
117 When the ice melted some shallow lakes remained where boulder clay blocked old river courses.
118 These very weak stones are rich in water, which is bound up in both hydrated salts and clay minerals.
119 In a small glass cabinet are examples of Tennyson's clay pipes and writing quills.
120 The biggest extractive industry in Cornwall today is the mining of china clay.
121 These giant worms live in clay soils close to watercourses in the Bass River valley, southeast of Melbourne.
122 Quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals make up the bulk of that contribution.
123 Margarett takes a fistful of clay and presses it to an armature made of wire and wood.
124 Otherwise a layer of clay particles under the usual fine gravel will suffice.
125 Clay soils, composed of very fine particles,[] have a much higher affinity for water than silty soils.
126 The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about.
127 When clay particles are in a random arrangement the clay is more likely to crack or warp.
128 It's a unique beauty treatment that uses thermal clay and electrical currents to combat cellulite.
129 To draw a heavy plough through wet clay soil, a pair of oxen, yoked together was used.
130 Drawings are produced by scraping away the ink to expose the china clay surface.
131 Nothing daunted, the bearers of comfort brought a flagon of ale and a long clay pipe.
132 Of primary importance were the clay pots, so much better suited as containers than the skins and baskets employed by hunters.
133 In that case the sellers had warranted that a clay pulverising machine would process clay at six tons per hour.
134 Their faces were painted with white clay and vermillion and black paint.
135 Guests also can play tennis on red clay courts at a private tennis club.
136 Fired clay, such as pottery and baked mud-brick or adobe, is virtually indestructible if well fired.
137 Then he filled his clay pipe with Prince Albert tobacco mixed with mullein weed for his bronchitis and lit it.
138 But most of the surface is covered by a thin sheet of boulder clay.
139 Lime is spread to help to break up heavy wet clay soils.
140 Chemical weathering is of the greatest importance in producing fine material, as clay minerals are formed by this process.
141 I had often wondered why they chose to settle in the thick woodlands on heavy clay.
142 RNA-like molecules, because of their negatively charged backbones, would tend to coat the outsides of clay particles.
143 She found the finest clay, built a web of wires to spread it on, and sat breathless at her bench.
144 If a sand and clay mixture is provided it will produce a dense, bushy plant developing a mass of trailing rootstock.
145 Clay minerals occur in a bewildering variety of forms; only the major groups are listed in Table 6.3.
146 In the last one million years the ice sheets spread a layer of boulder clay across the lowlands.
147 Having painted my face with white clay, they gave me a crystal and a hollow reed.
148 Blagdon supply Bio-Filter Medium high-grade semi porous light clay granules with a large surface area.
149 Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
150 Cabral looks at the clay and her face comes alive as she begins to shape it.
151 Loess is a clay that is easily cut and holds its shape; it can be incredibly accommodating as a building material.
152 They are often found mixed with other clay minerals and with calcareous materials.
153 The calcareous clays, such as East Anglian boulder clay, are alkaline and therefore will not suit azaleas or rhododendrons.
154 Fine bone china is made from three main raw materials - china stone, china clay and animal bone.
154 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
155 Tennis: Hard clay courts are available throughout the town, and excellent facilities on the edge of the resort.
156 An advertisement for a china-clay pit in 1817 stressed that it was only 3 miles from the purpose-built clay port of Charlestown.
157 Some concrete and clay plain tiles originally intended for roofing can also be used for cladding walls.
158 I don's like to think of either of you digging in your heavy clay.
159 The cleared land, a broken and undulating mix of heavy clay and difficult sands, was by no means rich.
160 The aquifer has no shield of impermeable clay and the proposed artificial barriers would not guarantee success.
161 As a result the solid rocks are covered by various mixtures of loose clays, sands and boulders - called boulder clay.
162 I would dig the grave myself, six feet down into the dense clay soil.
163 Near San Francisco, the Shorelands Company bought 740 acres of barren clay flats.
164 The natural color of the clay communicates its earthy source and the smoky black tones on the surface suggest an ancient origin.
165 Mary Pinciotti knows that red clay is good for your garden, despite popular opinion.
166 He had built a big new house in the valley, beside the best clay for making good hard bricks.
167 The site, composed of burial mounds lined with clay, was not expected to be ready for at least two weeks.
168 In Fujian, workers are carving roads into red clay hills, scaling bamboo scaffolding, hauling piles of stone.
169 It relies on the preferential absorption on to clay minerals of an ultra-violet sensitive dye.
170 I saw a great crafts shop, full of clay and paints.
171 It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces.
172 All morning, as we negotiated puddles in the wet clay soil, we were to hear the lovely sound.
173 A layer of clay particles placed under the gravel layer is beneficial.
174 In a new departure, Change, somewhat forlorn rows of clay pots confront enlarged versions of coins of the Ottoman Empire.
175 Put the rice in a clay pot or a medium-sized pot.
176 Therefore some quantity of clay high in calcium content should be placed in the tank bottom.
177 Another obvious way of increasing plasticity is to mix a relatively fine plastic clay with a stiff clay.
178 An image of a wild rider, white clay on long hair, circling the pyre where her lover lay.
179 It makes a fertile soil for crops since here it is a mixture of clay and small particles of chalk.
180 Peat and clay particles and a layer of gravel is suitable.
181 Meanwhile, clay can also be dispersed by sodium metasilicate.
182 Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky offered a compromise.
183 This is what Clay Shirky calls failing informatively.
184 Both accumulation of metals in vivo in plants and distribution of the plant species growing in porcelain clay abandoned in a selected mine of copper and zinc were investigated.
185 We adopted traditional materials into modern ways: Rice paper, clay, cloth, seaweed, saw dust,[http:///clay.html] glue...
186 The highly selective hydrogenation process for the removal of olefins can completely replace the conventional clay treating process for treating the reformate of CCR unit.
187 It is made by adding a large quantity of mineral loading such as china clay, to the pulp in the beater and made very smooth by calendering.
188 The land of area of state Bei Hua is a few limy clay, and get the influence of maritime climate, the grape here is so early, but thicker acerbity.
189 The amount of nitrogen leached from sand soil exceed in that from clay soil.
190 The transformation of remote control of hydraulic clay guns and taphole openers were summarized in this paper.
191 Is it derived from the Latin word argilla, meaning clay?
192 It makes great influence to normal production of BF because of design faults of hydraulic system and improper operation after modification for hydraulically driven clay gun at Iron-making Plant.
193 How to open and form clay on the potter's wheel to throw a pot; learn this and more in this free video arts and crafts lesson taught by a pottery making expert.
194 NARRATOR: Next day, Gen. Lucius Clay, the man in charge of occupied Germany, demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing.
195 Whig leaders turned away from their early choice of Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky as their candidate. There was too much popular opposition to him.
196 Separation of clay from vegetable oil using ceramic microfiltration membrane in the oil refining process was studied.
197 Coated Paper: Paper having china clay or other similar substance applied to one or both sides to provide smoothness.
198 By conducting stress controlled cyclic triaxial test, in this paper, the behavior of saturated soft clay under the action of undrained cyclic load being studied.
199 Three hours later, on Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.
200 The graphite is mixed with clay from Mississippi in which ammonium hydroxide is used in the refining process.
201 The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant, and it was utilized to produce active clay.
202 Metalliferous ore waste residue and clay were used to prepare one kind of new decolorization adsorption ball and fuchsine dye water sample was taken as processing object.
203 There are lots of Ancient Near Eastern stories of ; Gods fashioning humans from clay; We have depictions of gods as potters at a potter's wheel just turning out lots of little humans.
204 It may be concluded that principal reactions between the hydrazine fuels and clay are physical absorption and chemical degradation.
205 Languedoc-Roussillon, South of France. It grows on sunny chalky clay soils and benefits from the Mediterranean climate.
206 You want to make sure that you're getting rid of any cracks and making the clay a solid unit.
207 The Permo-Triassic boundary is put below the bed of illite clay rock (the 34th bed of the Ermen Section, Fig. 1), because ammonoid Lytophiceras sp. is found at the superjacent bed.
208 Partitions of lightweight precast concrete blocks and hollow clay blocks have fire-resisting qualities and contribute to thermal insulation. They are, therefore, widely used.
209 Ball clay in Jilin province is one of the earliest recognized and discovered Neogene Period ball clay in China.
210 The Armature is the aluminum skeleton underneath a clay sculpture.
211 Recharge to the aquifer happens through cracks in the clay lining of the playa floor and at the edges of playa basin.
212 Hao Town of walnut, persimmon, black urban and rural areas of china clay, are all known.
213 The critical starting condition of silty clay has a non-linear relationship with shear strength and water content.
214 S. A. Resarches in recent years reveal that a lot of ball clay mineral resources occur in China and ball clay is exported from China.
215 The effect of clay additive on the performance of fired red mud brick, which satisfies the demands of MU30 in the national standard of fired brick,[] is researched in this report.
216 In this paper, the industrial testing results of proportioning and sintering cement clinker with argillaceous shale instead of clay.
217 The second law can be applied to the prediction of creep failure, such as rockslides, colluvial-deposit landslides and loess landslides as well as clay landslides with locked patches.
218 The author's main points are: Firstly, Niejiazhuang clay sculpture's origin and development are inseparable with the local natural and human environment.
219 Pak Nai powder, clay, fire-proof material, slag powder processing tanks.
220 Mud composed of water with clay, zeolite, iron, calcium sulphate, etc is returned and infused to aquifer by the pressure to effectively control the nitrobenzene pervasion in groundwater.
221 Mg - Al anionic clay was prepared by coprecipitation and the hydrothermal method, and the removal of arsenate anions from the clay's aqueous solution was investigated.




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